Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Waiter

Tim and I were chatting at the table and the kids were still watching "The Parent Trap" in the family room. Porter walks up with pen and paper in his hands and says, "would you like toast or string cheese?" It came completely out of the blue it was funny already! Tim ordered string cheese and I ordered a tall glass of water (which I told our waiter was sitting on the window sill in the family room.) He started to go to the family room and then turned towards Tim with a smile and his finger pointed at him and said "I'll get your string cheese sir." As he walked back with my water (the couch between him and us) he started to drink some. We had been commenting on what a great waiter he would be because he remembers everything, then when we saw this we laughed and said "you usually don't drink their water." He didn't miss a beat and motioned with his hand toward the couch "no there's a wall here." I was laughing so hard! Tim did get his string cheese and a glass of water that he didn't even request. He was so funny how he played the part perfectly.  After awhile we were told they were closing in 2 minutes.

the end 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Family Pictures

You know it has been way too long  for family pictures when your kids ask why you are doing them because they just simply didn’t even know there was such a thing.  That is how long it has been around our house. All we’ve done are vacation family pictures, pretty pathetic I know! Plus aren’t you all shocked I blogged, is there even anyone out there that will know I put this up?????? Hello anyone, anyone, Bueller, Bueller?????1393




Thursday, November 18, 2010

Impromptu Disneyland trip

Tim’s brother needed help moving from Vegas to California. The original plan was to just head to Vegas and help him load up and come home….Tim found out he didn’t have anyone in Cali to help him unload. Soooo since his new house is 30 minutes from Disneyland we decided to all go and do Disney  for a few days.


     Belagio gardens

1289938578457The best part about this trip to Disneyland was taking NOTHING with us! We got a locker for jackets and food and didn’t have to lug anything around. Porter could go on almost every ride and it was great. He even braved Tower of Terror twice! After the first time he said “let’s not go on that again it freaked me out a little bit.” He was so unusually quiet the whole trip, we think he was processing so much information he just didn’t have time for talking, I bet I’ll get 2 ears full this next week as he recalls everything we did. It was amazing what he remembered from going 2 1/2 years ago and he was only 2 1/2 at the time. IMG_20101116_122203 IMG_20101116_122209

We didn’t stop to see as many Characters this time for 2 reasons, we weren’t there as long and they just weren’t out as much. We also just used the camera on our phones so we didn’t have to worry about the big Nikon (which was good and bad) Tim’s phone took pictures the first day and that night we couldn’t find them, so he took out his memory card and is going to try to recover them.IMG_20101116_123059   We ran into the Bijou cousins twice on Tuesday very randomly, we were going to meet up but didn’t need to after running into them. But we didn’t get a picture with them which was DUMB!IMG_20101116_150448

IMG_20101116_161923 poor Abbey was in tears the night we left, she didn’t want to leave! It was amazing the detail that they put into the Christmas decorations and how involved the decorations are in so many rides. I loved it!IMG_20101116_162443 We almost forgot to do a family picture….not the best picture but it’s what we’ve got!IMG_20101116_163125 IMG_20101116_163444 IMG_20101116_163451

It was a crazy trip with not much planning (which drives me nuts) but it was fun and I survived without crossing all my t’s and dotting all my i’s like I like to do before a trip. Although the snack department was lacking without all my usual planning :)

And now it’s time to make some homemade bread! California didn’t have any home-style bread at all! I walked up and down the aisle more than once and store bought fluff bread is just NASTY! Tucker didn’t even want his sandwich the last day he couldn’t stand it anymore. So next time I will definitely buy some grandma Sycamores before leaving Utah or take mine with us!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Before…

Well this picture isn’t quite a valid before, imagine very tall weeds and nothing else, then you have an accurate before. Oh wait and the color should be brown not green :-)848846 847See all the wood chips on the sidewalk and in the boxes and bags? It took me a LONG time to remove all of them so we could get new GOOD dirt. The dirt we currently have should be called cement!!!845 849 850 851

Friday, May 28, 2010

Smile :)

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Isn’t she pretty?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Winter Fun

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I think these pictures speak for themselves. Yes that is Me and P in the top picture (sorry it’s blury, I took these a long time ago.) T took the picture and I think he did a good job!

Below is A, P and T (on a snowboard)

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Porter’s New Bed (January)

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Do you know how hard it is to resist this smile?

He is getting way to big! How ironic is that for me to say when I give him growth hormone shots everyday…..I want him to be the right size for his age, but I want him to stay little just for me!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So I found this great blog called Knock Off Wood. She posts plans to make your own furniture. So I thought I’d start with something simple and this is what I made (all by myself I might add!)

2010-03-17 14.36.44

Saturday, February 27, 2010



Thursday, October 29, 2009


B.O.B. is all I’ve done for the last 2 days and it’s a good thing it turned out as well as it did. 102909_0104  102909_0101 102909_0102 102909_0103 102909_0099

The last picture is my littlest monster dressed as B.O.B.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Crazy hair day


Today was crazy hair day at school. Poor Tucker could only color his hair, he wondered what else we could do to it….uh nothing! We used pipe cleaners in Abbey’s and I hoped they would stand up but her hair is too thick and heavy for that so we twisted them into curls. And of course Porter needed green hair for pre-school too! 


Friday, August 21, 2009

Tag, you’re it!!

Thursday morning the kids wanted to know what was on the schedule for the day. Tim and I remembered that we had some coupons for miniature golf so we took off before it got to hot. When we got there they had their laser tag open so we decided to try something different, plus it wasn’t as hot inside! When we got up to the tag place there was also 2 kids there and both Tim and I thought it would have been more fun with just our family. Afterwards we both agreed that we were glad those kids were there to play with us, we had 3 teams Tucker and I, Tim, Porter and Abbey, and the 2 kids. After you’re done playing they give you your stats and I won!!! Everyone was surprised about that, especially the kids we played with.

Tucker saving us from Godzilla. (I think he was actually Browser right here.)

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Abbey striking her usual pose08 13 09_2381

And here is the whole crew.

Bond, Storm

Pikachu, Peach and Iron Man.

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After laser tag we went  to Costco to get some milk and their yummy tortillas for dinner. Jo and Tony (my sis) would be coming to spend the night and go to the lake with us on Friday. While we were at Costco we got a pizza too, the kids were loving all this food out, and ‘the maid’ didn’t mind either =)

When we got home we needed to get some housekeeping done, unfortunately this amenity was not included in the brochure of our vacation.

The kids were so excited to have more cousins over!!! They all just disappeared into the house while we made dinner, they hardly even showed up to eat!