Saturday, January 30

Junon Marie Martin

I went in for a regular appointment 4 days overdue. I told the doc that I couldn't feel the baby kick as much. I figured that she was just out of room or something. But since I was overdue the Doc said I should take a non-stress test. A twenty min non-stress test. They stick the machine on me and 40 min later the nurse tells me she's gonna talk to my doctor. Junon's heartbeat was dipping down with each of my Braction Hic contractions. Next thing I know they're admitting me and starting potosin to get me into labor. I call Rex but his division is out of the office for the day. SO freaking out a little, I tried everything to get ahold of Rex which finally got a message to him:"You need to leave now. Your wifes in the hospital."
Well this makes Rex fly down the freeway at about 90 to find out if I'm still alive.
In the meantime I don't have my carseat, togo bag, or anything I had ready for having the baby. Rex told Sabrina he didn't budget in the baby budget, the amount of gas used in the many trips from home to the hospital getting everything I forgot to bring. Hehehe!
They admitted me at noon and I had her at 9:41pm. I had been at the hospital since 9:30 that morning. Course after they admit me, Junon brings her heartbeat back up to a steady rate and dosen't fall again during my true contractions. Doc says she just gave us a good excuse to have her that day.
My blood pressure dropped with the epidural so they stopped the epidural for about an hour. I was dilated 5. Going from blissful painless contractions to full labor wasn't pretty. But they fixed it thankfully. At least now Rex knows why I choose to have a three inch needle up my back over having her naturally. Yes, I'm a wus.
But she came! And she's beautiful and healthy. And a Micheal Jackson fan.......


Read the message on her shirt. Guess we stole her from the Navy!

Rex letting the girls "hold" Junon for the first time. His hands never left her back. Just a little protective.

Mick needed extra comfort. Or an excuse to climb my bed. She's actually handling the new addition better then I thought.

The girls were fascinated with her for about 5 seconds. Guess Junon just can't beat rolling stools back and forth across the room.

Let's see, stats:
8 lbs 10 oz

20 in long
14 in head and chest cir

People say she looks like Rex, which I'll agree with on with her ears. But those adorable eyes are totally mine.

Tuesday, January 12

Junon's Baby Shower

Love the blanket my mom made for Junon?

They all thought I was huge around the middle!

I had to play the candy bar Match game. Daddy was Hubba Bubba. hehehe!

Everyone had balloons under their shirts. If you caught someone saying, "baby" then you got to steal their balloon! Poor Kelly won with 7 of them! Misty actually thought she was pregnant.

Beth's in red. She's my neighbor who volunteered to put the shower on for me. I must say she did and execellent job!

Love the pink hat? I made it a couple of years ago and fran won it at a party. She added the flower and trim which made it so cute!

Ahh I had a blast.

Talor wins Reflections Contest

Sorry , don't know how to turn the pic. But these are her winning photos she took and edited.
Taylor went to district with her photography in the Reflections Contest this year. She didn't make it to State which I'm secretly thankful for. Now I don't have to plan a trip to Seattle. The last two receptions were boring enough.

Monday, January 4

More Christmas

Taylor made Grandma a jewlery box out of popsicles sticks at school. Charly then, not to be passed up by Taylor, made Grandma a jewelery box out of paper(she's really into her new oragami set).

Mom and Dad came over Christmas afternoon for a Bacon Cheeseburger dinner. Very Martinish, and now deemed worthy of being tradition says Rex.

Dad made me the coolest tree out of rocks. I wanted one so bad after we saw them at the Rock and Gem show.
Yeah me!

Papa Gutierrez made Mini-marshmellow shooters for Christmas. They came in guns blazing. Attacking like crazy! They were amazing fun. Course I'm gonna be finding mini marshmellow around the house till we move...


A easy Christmas at home. Rex's favorite kind. Very laid back. Course the girls did convince us to wake up and open presents by 8am. Guess it could get worse? Hopefully they keep the 8am scheduale, but I suspect it will be earlier every year.

Rex drove the girls nuts with his sloooooooooooow opening of presents. You can see it in Taylor's face.

We got awsome gifts. It was fabulous!