Friday, December 18

Other Christmas photos

-k- so these are the pics that didn't make the cut for our Christmas cards.
I love the girls trying to make Daddy smile.


Santa came on a firetruck to Poulsbo and the girls got to see him with his little elf. He's oh so cute!

Friday, December 4

CHeck our talent!

For our ward christmas party I put together a talent show. I helped out a YW with her gutiar solo and I created a dance for the girls to perform.

I played guitar with Kaylee, I was back up for her Silent Night.

The girls danced to Hallelujah Chorus. We've been working on the dance for three weeks. The performance was the first time that they didn't spend the whole time telling each other what to do! They actually danced with smiles on their faces!

I let each of the girls pick a friend to be their partner. They were so cute! and So Serious!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Domiono's is our favorite game at Grandma's house.

Guess who got the extra whip cream!
Charly loves pumpkin pie-ate 3 pieces!

Aren't our dolls precious?

Grandma Gutierrez's B-day!

Grandma's b-day at her house so we could talk to Sabrina and fam on Skyscape. Check out my belly!

Yes I used the trick candles! hehehe! Your going no where Grandma!!

Makayla's favorite pastime at Grandmas house is to pretend sleep on the napping Daddy. Didn't quite work this time.