Saturday, January 24

Going to the Zoo, zoo, zoo lights!

Lately we've been to see the Zoolights at the Point Defiance Zoo and then to another trip to Woodland Park.

Aren't they priceless?

New Years

We spent New Years at friends watching the fireworks over the Space Needle. The girls spent most of the night playing Wii and dressing Barbies for a fashion show. Makayla and Taylor didn't quite make it to midnight but Charly "survived" until we left at 2am.

Barbie Fashion Show

The girls New YEars BArbie Fashion Show! Organized by Keegan, the girls dressed their dolls head to toe. Of course we didn't get to see the show until after Makayla konked out. But we took her pic with the doll she dressed anyways hehehe....

More Christmas pics

My dinner was beautiful, don't ya think?

I made mom and dad hats(which mom promptly lost hers at the worries now I've made her another-yes mom you can't give them away!)

Ary loved the wrapping paper more then anything I think.

Christmas Eve

Sorry their late! I'm so not an internet person!

These are the Christmas Eve presents that we opened. Rex is sharing his appreciation for the puzzle the girls gave him (and hiding from the camera). The girls picked out the cookies for Santa and he ate them all(shocker)! Our tree is fake, (yeah! no needles to clean up!) and I put lanterns on it which you can't see in the pic I'm sure. We used charly's noodle star she made last

year for the topper. It's our fall back until Rex finds the Death Star tree topper. I swear by the time the girls graduate our tree will be nothing but Star Wars.