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Sunday, February 2, 2025

Ezra and Lola Turn 8!

November was a fun month! With Ezra and Lola’s birthday on the 4th and their baptisms on the 28th, it felt like we were celebrating all month! Plus, my parents and Robbie’s parents came to visit so they could be at the baptisms and be with us for Thanksgiving, which made the month that much more awesome!

With my side of the family, we spent most of our time playing games and we also got to all go to The Nutcracker together. With Robbie’s parents and his brother Joe and his family we got to spend Thanksgiving day with them and do the fun saran wrap prize ball game (sounds strange, but I don’t know what else to call it! It’s a lot of fun though and very entertaining to watch!). And of course, we all spent time together on the day of Ezra and Lola‘s baptism. 

We really appreciated Grandma Hale for talking about baptism and Grandma Jan for giving a talk on the Holy Ghost at the baptism. We were so glad that grandpa’s, uncles, and Robbie could all participate together in the confirmations.

Ezra and Lola are just the perfect little caboose duo for our family. Lola is hilarious and says the funniest things-she keeps us laughing all the time! She is also sweet, obedient, cheerful, and adorable! Ezra is so sweet and sensitive, cute, smart, and loving. We love them both so so so much!

(We meant to get pictures while we were at Joe and Tiff’s house….we need to remember to get pics next time we are all together with Robbie’s parents!)

Ezra and Lola were both so excited to get their own set of scriptures. They have done a good job at reading and understanding them!

Friday, January 17, 2025


In August, Robbie and I got tickets to see Wicked up in Denver. It was going to end really late so we decided to make a fun night of it! Rebecca And Seth said that they would watch our kids overnight so we could go stay at a hotel. We were so looking forward to it!

On the Friday morning that we were going to go up to Denver, I had just gotten home from teaching one of my fitness classes. I needed to take some pictures of our yard for someone who is going to be doing some work for us. I parked the van in our driveway, took one step in our yard and stepped in a hole. It took me down! My foot got really twisted and there was a loud crunching sound. I definitely said a bad word-it hurt SO badly!

I went inside and elevated my foot with an ice pack. Robbie got home shortly after that and we were ready to head up to Denver. I could barely put weight on my foot and Robbie asked if we maybe needed to cancel, but there was no way I wanted to do that!

We drove up to the Hotel Teatro and got ready for dinner and Wicked. We specifically got this hotel so we could walk to the theater since it was only a block or two away. It was really handy to be so close to the theater, but I’m not gonna lie, my foot was killing me! We definitely had to walk at a snail’s pace. And I was wearing my sparkly emerald green dress, which I had been planning to wear to Wicked for months, and that is just not a dress that you can wear flats with! I had to wear my high heels!!! Probably not great for a busted ankle, but at least I looked good😂 Anyway, it was a relief to make it to our seats and even though my ankle throbbed the entire time, we loved the show!

After the show, we decided we needed a little treat. There was a Cheesecake Factory that was about a 10 minute walk away from our hotel, but I told Robbie I just couldn’t do it. So I walked alone to the hotel while Robbie walked to Cheesecake Factory to get us some dessert to bring back to our hotel room!

I woke up in the morning around 5:45 due to the massive amount of pain and throbbing going on in my ankle. I immediately started googling urgent cares in the area. I hated that we were going to spend our day taking care of my ankle instead of relaxing and having fun, but I just couldn’t stand the pain any longer! And I knew that in two weeks I was going to be needing to lead my LaBlast certification and would be on my feet all day and I needed to make sure nothing was broken!

I tried to let Robbie sleep as long as possible, but it was about 8:30-9:00 when I woke him up to let him know I really needed to go to the urgent care😆

Luckily, nothing was broken. Just a good sprain. They gave me a boot and told me to stay off of it for a week. 

Luckily, it healed well enough that I could teach my certification. And for the most part it’s good now, although I still have a little bit of pain when I point or get on tippy toes. But this is also my bad foot that I hurt when I was pregnant with Brody and Fiona And it has always been a little weak ever since then. So it will probably always bug me a tiny bit. But it’s so much better than it was!

So there’s the funny story of our fun weekend in Denver!


Pumpkin Patch

The boys didn’t want to go to the pumpkin patch this year so I took the girls. They had so much fun playing together. They are such nice, sweet girls that get along so well and always have a great fine being together. We had such an enjoyable time!


Mom, Ezra, Lola Date

One day Robbie was out with the big kids (maybe they were on a temple trip?) So I took Ezra and Lola out for some fun. We went mini golfing and then ate dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Gunther Toody’s!