Friday, July 24, 2009

Spring Trip to Virginia

These posts are long overdue...since our it was our "spring" trip to Virgina and it is now almost the end of summer. But, I figured I need to log these memories somewhere as I am way behind on my own scrapbooking. This photo was taken during our bike ride at First Landing State Park in Virgina Beach. This park was very interesting. We went from riding in a swamp like area to what seemed like the pridelands of Africa to the Atlantic Ocean. It was a great adventure with the family.

This is in Colonial Williamsburg. Yes, people dress up in old-time clothing and sit in oxen pulling carts. It is a pretty cool place to be. You feel like you are back hundreds of years ago. It's my second time there and I still enjoy it!
The day we headed to Colonial Williamsburg we were going to ride our bikes around. However, as you can see, it was a little wet. The rest of our trip was sunny and warm. We rounded out our trip with spending Mother's Day with Austin's mom, a visit with Austin's Granny for her 91st birthday, a little yard work, and a lot of relaxation (including a great massage that Austin's mom surprised us with). Looking forward to our next visit!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Annual Wine Tasting Adventure 2009

An annual get together of friends is a wine tasting adventure in Santa Barbara. It is gorgeous scenery and wonderful friends. We usually hit about three or four wineries depending on the time spent at each one. We always have a delicious picnic lunch prepared and, of course, a glass of wine. It has been several years now that this tradition has been going on. We don't always hit the same wineries, but there are a few favorites that always make the list. So...if you are ever visiting Southern California and looking for a wine tasting adventure, let us know. Even if you don't drink wine, the surroundings are peaceful and serene. It's a nice getaway from the busy city.

Joshua Tree Camping Extravaganza!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Just A Day At The Beach :)

I don't know why, but sometimes I just don't feel like blogging. I can usually make time for it...but I'm just not in the mood. Well...I have uploaded some photos for several posts waiting for me to add commentary. So, get ready for a whirlwind of updates on what Austin and I have been up to. During these times where cash is tight, we have had to be creative with our activities. Fortunately, we have made some great memories and have shared many laughs. The photo above is "Just A Day At The Beach". Actually, I am doing some work in Malibu and brought Austin along for the visit to the jobsite. Working and having some fun at the same time :) doesn't get much better than that!

Vegas Baby!

San Francisco...Ding Ding!

Toast to Scott & Joy!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Japanese Gardens LA Style

We were looking for something to do one weekend when the sun was shining and the temperatures were comfortable. Driving around the San Fernando Valley, we came across some Japanese Gardens. It cost us a few bucks to get in and it was absolutely worth it!

Come to find out, this Japanese Garden is maintained from an adjacent water treatment plant. So, all the water for the lake and irrigation was reclaimed water. Being in a semi-arid area, this garden in Los Angeles was doing its part in using its resources wisely.
If you are in the area and want to check it out, here is a little article about the Japanese Garden.
It is a beautiful and tranquil place. There was also this cute tea house in the middle of it. It just made us want to build a tea house for ourselves.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Weekend Getaway!!

A couple of weekends ago, Austin and I decided to have a little getaway. Airline tickets were extremely cheap...extremely plus I was able to redeem some points for a place to stay. We could not pass up the opportunity to visit Seattle. I had been there when I was younger with my grandparents, but didn't really remember much. Austin was there for about 3 hours before heading out to the Orcas Islands, so it was seemed like a great destination.
It was the perfect destination for a weekend getaway. The place we stayed at was right in the middle of downtown so we were able to walk to everything. Plus, the buses throughout the city are free. There was rain, but what would Seattle be without it? We were able to visit several museums including the Science Center where were had a once in a lifetime opportunity. We experienced Lucy's Legacy. She is the oldest human fossil that has been found...3.4 Million Years Old! It was pretty amazing to see and to learn about Ethiopia, where the fossil was found. After her Seattle exhibit, she is getting sent back to Ethiopia with the possibility of never being exhibited again.

Of course we visited Pike's Place Market. What a fun area. This band was playing outside of the first Starbuck's Coffee. Musical groups lined the streets of Seattle, making for entertainment as you explored the city. Not to mention, a coffee shop every half block. There is literally a Starbuck's on every corner. Unbelievable!
Doesn't this look tasty...ABC gum stuck all over a big wall. Luckily, we had some amazing tasting food. We had fresh clams and crabcakes, delicious pizza, and the most unforgettable clam chowder. Not to mention, Austin fell in love with the craft beers they had all over the place.

We toured the underground of Seattle. The city used to flood every time the high tide came in so they built walls that that went up to the second floor of the building and they could pave the roads. Eventually, the underground areas were condemed, but they have left them as is and now a tour shares the history of the city.
We had the opportunity to meet up with a couple of friends. Thanks Joy and Demetrio for showing us around. We are looking forward to going back to Seattle explore more of the area. The people were so friendly there and the mood was very relaxed! I can't wait to go back :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Take a Walk With Us

Austin and I decided that we love to walk around Downtown LA. We have found so many cool things and have learned a lot about the history of Downtown LA. To many, Downtown LA is not very attractive because many parts are run down, no one really lives down there, and many think that it is dangerous. Well, we found it we decided to share that with some of our close friends.
Austin was our tour guide where he showed us several historic sites in Downtown LA. We each had our own IPods where we had downloaded Austin's podcast that talked about each stop we made. He also included music and a couple of his own songs. The podcast, itself, was worth the trip. He worked very hard on it and it turned out great!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful time. We even had some Southern California natives tell us that they had never known about some of the things that we had shown them. It just goes to show that there is so much to explore in your own backyard.
We thought that the tour went so well that we are looking to do more tours in the future so that Austin can make some sort of income. If you are ever in town and need a less touristy tour, let us know, we'd be happy to show you around.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Valentine's Extravaganza!

Austin and I are very simple people. We don't need much to have a great time or to know that we love one another. Our Valentine's Day was not your typical with the chocolate and flowers with reservations to a nice dinner. We did start the day out with heart shaped pancakes followed by a strenuous workout with our personal trainer at the gym. We then took the fun and exciting public transportation that took us to Downtown LA near the Staples Center and the new LA Live. Our next stop for the day was the Grammy Museum. It had just opened in December so we thought we would check it out since we both love music. Turns was AWESOME!! There were 3 floors of interactive heaven. We could touch screens everywhere to learn about the history of any genre of music, we could sit in a theater and watch past Grammy performances, we could listen to virtually any song we wanted to, we were able to see the wardrobe of great singers on display (they had a Michael Jackson showcase...that was some flashy clothing), and we could even record our own music. It was pretty incredible and we spent several hours there. We certainly could have spent all day there.

After our great time at the museum, our roommate had a task for us. Since the economy is tight these days, anything one can do to save a buck is worth it. So, Austin was deemed as the flower delivery boy to our roommate's fiance at her work. Afterward, the three of us enjoyed a lovely Olive Garden dinner and exploration of downtown Glendale. By the end of the day we were pooped, but we had a fabulous time! We just enjoy spending time with each other and the less ordinary it is the better!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Working Hard and Sounding Great!

Austin has been working hard on his music writing and recording. I am so proud of all the time he has dedicated to let his full creativity shine. I always enjoy listening to him sing, play the piano and guitar. I hope that you enjoy it too! Take a listen at his work at and let me know what you think.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Things

To continue on with fun stuff I/we get to do each day on our New Year's calendar I have attached some photos. We have had a great time being creative and trying new things. Plus...we are on a budget, who isn't, so it is sometimes a little more difficult, but makes for a lot more excitement!

My little Chia herb garden that Jamie gave to me for Christmas. Planting an herb garden has been on my list for a while now. This was the perfect opportunity to get things started. Thanks Cuz!

Austin and I set a day to have a date. The was a surprise for me and we could only spend $20 on food and entertainment. Just a 20 minute drive through the canyon and we were in Santa Monica where we rode the new ferris wheel. We then shared a hamburger and chicken sandwich and even a table with another couple.

After our exciting time at the amusement park on Santa Monica Pier, we walked 3rd Street Promenade and enjoyed people watching. We ended up in Urban Outfitters where we were enthralled with the book section. Austin found this awesome book that talked about "How to Be an Explorer of the World". It basically said that there is always something you can explore wherever you are and there are multiple ways to document it. Our first exploration was when we returned home and found objects around the house. We found an antique knife, some stones, and pliers. Austin drew a sketch based on observations that he made and then took some photos. I just experimented with the stones and the settings on my camera. All in all, a fun-filled, inexpensive evening.

Some other things that have been on my calendar:
1. Create exercise routines for when we are not meeting with our trainer.
2. Study for the LEED exam (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).
3. Create a business budget for our company that will make its official debut soon.
4. E-Mail an old friend.

This calendar thing has been a highlight. Sometimes I find myself wanting to do more of the things on my calendar than what is on each day. Seriously, everyone should try this. My closet has more room, my life feels organized, I feel productive, and my blog is somewhat more updated.