Monday, February 6, 2012

Living The Life

Austin and I were certainly living the life while we were on our sailboat in Marina del Rey. We loved it down there and it was so amazing to wake up to such a beautiful sight each morning. Granted, we had to live inexpensively and simply...but that was the beauty of it! Being able to do whatever we wanted...sail the ocean at sunset, kayak the harbor, sunbathe on the boat deck, enjoy cheese and wine in the evening. We wouldn't have asked for anything more. We were so sad to leave, but we will always cherish that month living on the boat. Luckily, we were able to tow our boat with us to Utah. We'll be ready to take it on some new adventures when spring rolls around!

Happy 30th Jamie!

My cousin Jamie turned 30 in October 2011. She wanted to go to San Francisco, so a small group of us hopped on a plane and met up there. We had a blast! We ate fantastic food, had brunch at a "club" in the Castro District where the mimosas were endless and the servers were dressed for Halloween, we played games, walked the city, and danced the night away. One evening Austin and I went with Jamie and Brad to Brad's parents' house for Jamie's birthday dinner. They were so sweet and the meal was phenomenal! Thanks Jamie and Brad for planning an awesome weekend. We didn't take too many photos of us, but Austin got some great shots of the city. Happy Birthday Jamie and I can't wait for us to celebrate many more together!

Vegas Bachelorette

Kari and Scott were set to get married in October 2011, so we were ready to celebrate their last days being single. The girls headed to Vegas and the guys were at a beach house in San Diego. I hardly knew Kari's friends that were going, but we all got along beautifully! We ate great food, had fun drinks, saw Collective Soul in concert at the Hard Rock Hotel, went to an awesome show Absinthe, sang at a duel piano bar, and went dancing at Tao in the Venetian. We all had great time, especially Kari! Congrats to Scott and Kari!!

Catching Up

I have been a serious slacker on my blog. I realized that I'm not remembering things as well as I used to, so I should probably start documenting some things. Here are a couple of photo collages of the fun days Austin and I had at the Gene Autry Museum in Los Angeles followed by lunch at Porto's and at the South Coast Botanical Gardens in Ranch Palos Verdes followed by lunch at Lucille's BBQ!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


My good friend Kristen got married up in Napa Valley in August 2011. We were fortunate to have had the opportunity to share her special day with her. Austin and I drove up, stayed at Laura's house and had a phenomenal time. We celebrated, we wine tasted, we ate, we danced! It was a fabulous trip and we are so excited that Kristen has found Scott to spend the rest of her life with. Cheers to Kristen and Scott!!

Living it up in LA!!

As our time as Los Angeles residents neared the end in October 2011, we took advantage of all the things this great city had to offer. We took advantage of free days at the museums and visited some of our favorite places and spaces. We were certainly living it up during on our sailboat in Marina del Rey, devouring delicious food, and hanging out with our amazing friends! We are going to miss the beautiful weather, the fabulous food, and our sweet friends. But, we can't wait to start our new adventures in Utah!

East Coast Excursion

We always enjoy our visits to see Austin's parents in Virginia. This excursion was back in September 2011. We explored the battlefields on bikes and kayaked in the Chesapeake Bay. Plus, it was just our luck that the Virginia Symphony Orchestra was playing at the park overlooking the bay. So, we packed up a picnic and wine and enjoyed an evening under the stars. Such a great time!!!