Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Babysitting the McBrides

I can't believe that tomorrow is the beginning of September! I feel like this month went by SO fast after our hectic July month! It's just crazy to think that tomorrow really means that summer is officially over. School starts for kids here on Thursday, and so I guess I'm glad my little girl isn't in school yet, so we can try and drag out summer as long as we want (as long as the weather is good!). I will try to keep blogging in order to catch up (as I feel like I am constantly doing! Gosh, so sorry everyone out there reading this!). Without further ado, here is Brooklyn and I's week spent in Cary, North Carolina with 3 of her cousins, the McBrides.

We arrived on Friday night and Brooklyn did AWESOME on the planes! We had one layover, but the 2nd flight was only about an hour. The first one was about 4 1/2 hours. She did an amazing job, especially for us being in the middle seat and her in my lap. I was so proud of her. She never cried or fussed or anything. I couldn't believe it. You can bet I was praying for days before this flight happend!

Our babysitting adventure started the next morning after we dropped of Mitzi, my sister off at the airport. I was then a single mother of 4 under the age of 5! We really had a fun time with the kids though. Brooklyn LOVED all the attention and play time that she got from Connor, Tara, and Zetta. She was never a problem the whole week because she didn't care what she was doing as long as the kids were around. The Mcbride kids were great. We had little problems here and there, but nothing that wasn't to be expected from a single mother of 4 all of a sudden! Haha. The only thing I would change is the start of the East Coast Heat wave!!! It started that week and we had temperatures of 106-111 degrees. One day we went to the park at 10:00 in the morning, and on the way there, the car said it was 106... at 10 in the morning! Ugh. Man, it was hot. SO our days consisted of staying inside the house, playing dress up, geo-trax, and dancing or in the backyard playing in the slip n slide or blow up pool. We did make it to the communtiy pool once when Mitzi's great neighbor offered to come with us with her kids and help me keep an eye on all of them. Here are pictures from our fun week:

Brooklyn's first time to play dress up. She loved it! How cute is she?!

This started her fascination with shoes. Princess shoes and Tinkerbell shoes... perfect for this little girl!

Out in the pool. That's Tara dancing in the pool on the bottom middle. That girl is such a cutie and a hoot! I love her to death!

This is the day we went to the park. It was our last day together. I texted Mitzi saying, "Why didn't you tell me to go to this park EVERY day!??!" It was a great enclosed park, with gates all around, and when we went in the morning, it was all totally in the shade. It was so nice to get out of the house and let the kids just run around without being blazing hot!
I will admit I am not very good about taking Brooklyn to the park. We don't do it very much. I would much rather take the girl to Disneyland than the park, and so that is what we do. We have been to the park maybe, less than 10 times. I know, I'm a horrible mother. But in my defense, the girl didn't start walking until 1 year old. Whenever we do go to the park, I usually just put her in the swings. I just don't really like park sand! Here she is trying to climb up the slide. She would get so frustrated that she couldn't keep going up, and then she was just so hot and tired, that she would put her head down and sob a little. It was so cute but so funny!

Mitzi has a swing set in her backyard and Brooklyn loved this special swing just for her. She sat in it and just swang her little heart out. And of course, Tara and Zetta would go back and forth between playing on the swings, and when they got to hot, would jump in the pool really fast and then come back and play with Brooklyn. It was so sweet how much these kids adored Brooklyn the entire week. I had to constantly say, "Ok, let her walk now" to them, who are only a few inches taller than Brooklyn, or, "Ok, thats enough kisses, stop pinching her cheeks." So much love!

On the last night, we went to McDonalds for dinner and stayed for 1 1/2 hours. Another moment where I texted Mitzi saying, "Why didn't you tell me to come here every night! I would have paid my own money for this entertainment!" The kids just loved it. Brooklyn had a happy meal for the first time. We got the apples and she had a great time with them. I was taking pictures like crazy. Here are all of her many faces.

Brooklyn got into cleaning mode also. I pulled out this electric hand vacuum, and she wanted to do it. I am trying to train her early. I love the bottom right... trying to get every corner and under every chair.

We tried out her new glasses this week. Doesn't she look so Stylin?

And the dancing... oh the dancing! Poor Connor. He would just bring in his trains and sit by me on the bed rolling his eyes at his sisters who kept playing the same song over and over again from the Anastasia soundtrack. Tara had the greatest move, where she puts her hands on her hips and shakes it. It was so funny. Brooklyn learned how to twirl and twirl from this trip. When we came home, we would tell her to dance, and she just twirls now. There is also a picture of Connor of his private Soccer lesson. He has soccer lessons every week, and usually there are a lot more kids. WEll, I guess other moms thought it was to hot or something, but he was the only one there! So he got a private lesson! I felt very proud of my "son" that day!

Mit and Mike, I'm so glad you were able to have a break and go to Hawaii. Thanks for letting me spend time with your sweet kids. And don't worry, I love all of them, not just my favorite! ;) And thanks for letting my little girl have such great cousin time.

Bailey's Blossoms Giveaway

It's that time again. Bailey's Blossoms is having a giveaway on Facebook and I get an extra entry if I blog about it. They have the cutest stuff for little girls. Tutus, bows, clips, flowers, etc. IF you want, you can like them on facebook and enter yourself in the giveaway. Do it before Saturday, that is when the winner is announced!
Here is what I'm trying to win:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lunch with my besties- July 9th

You know how sometimes you think, "oh man, I am glad high school is over. I hated that time of my life and would never go back!" I am NOT one of those people! I had a WONDERFUL high school life. I mean, it does make sence, since I met my husband my freshman year of high school and our 2 groups of friends merged to make one. His guy friends and my girls friends. And what made these 4 years even more awesome, were these 3 girlies that continue to make life fun and meaningful.

Karina, Sarah, and Megan and I became inseperable when we turned 12 and were at our first Girls Camp. From that June, 1998, we have continued to be best friends, through 4 years of high school, 4 years of college, 2 different universities, 4 husbands, and 2 children later. We haven't been able to all get together as much lately as we used to in high school, but we still get along like we used to.

We had the opportunity to get together in the same place, all 4 of us, which has only happened 2 times in the past 5 years, which were at the first and last wedding of the 4 of us. As Sarah put it in such wonderful words in her blog (because she is the English Major, way better with words than I am!), I will borrow her words to tell the rest about this wonderful reunion:

We were ambitious in our planning and thought we'd go to lunch, go swimming, get pedicures, and go shopping. We quickly realized that it felt so good to just sit, talk, play with the babies, and laugh until we were crying, that the only thing we really made time for over the 7 hours we spent together was lunch at California Pizza Kitchen/Golden Spoon.

I think heaven would be one giant cul-de-sac in which all the people I loved had houses together. Oh, and our backyards would all be connected. And our backyards would also be a beach. And also, Golden Spoon frozen yogurt was free. And also, pedicures.

Thanks Sarah for putting it perfectly, and gals, I loved spending time with you! Thanks Karina for opening your home for us to relax in. Girls, PLEASE, let's not wait another 5 years for us to get together again! Love you!

Brooklyn had her first taste of lime at CPK. She loved it, but was so funny with her sour face! The bottom left picture is what I captured of the sour reaction.

Bradley is Karina's son, who was born 9 months after Brooklyn. They were fast friends and will be best friends as they grow up!

And Brooklyn's other friend, Silo, the dog. Oh man, that girl loves dogs. At least that makes her dad happy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dinner with Mom and Dad- June 17th

This post is long overdue, but I just wanted to share our fun farewell dinner we had with my parents before they left for 18 months to go on a mission for 18 months. We had a great time at Cheesecake Factory, and Brooklyn sure loved having the attention from Papa one last time! She sure does miss them both like crazy! If you want to read all about the adventures of my parents in Africa, Congo, their blog is www.elderandsistergates.blogspot.com . It is a great blog to follow and read because it is funny and inspiring at the same time! Love you mom and dad. We are so proud of you!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Winking- June 27th

Let me paint the picture for you: One Sunday dinner, we were sitting all together relaxing and eating. Daddy looks at Brooklyn and winks at her. Brooklyn tries to figure out how to do it herself, and "winks" back at Daddy. This is what ensued. Once again, oh how I love this girl!

Pictures of the winking. I love these faces I captured!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Disneyland June 14th

Disneyland June 14th- we had a great time of firsts! We had to be there early this morning because we wanted to watch the new water show at California Adventure, World of Color. You had to be there early in the morning to get fastpasses in order to watch it. So we started our day of waiting in line for an hour and a half to get fastpasses for the show. Then we headed over to Disneyland to go on the canoes. This is the one ride that Brooklyn wasn't able to go on before she turned one because it was closed. I was surprised at how well she did with the life jacket on. But she still loved it. About one minute into paddling, I realized that I should have been the one holding Brooklyn and taking pictures while Ryan should be paddling. A little to late I guess.

We left later on that afternoon and went home and took naps and had a nice dinner at Pei Wei. Yumm pei wei, I love that place. We returned back to California Adventure about an hour before show time. We had to be there at that time, which seems silly because I waited earlier for a fast pass so I could watch the show without having to wait all day to save my place. Oh well. Anyways, the show was AMAZING! We loved it! Anyone who is in town and going to California Adventure, it is a MUST!