Thursday, May 20, 2010

Brooklyn at 1 Year Old

Here is the last post of Brooklyn's Birthday. I have postponed this post for over a month, I know. I don't really know why. Maybe it's because, like my sister in law said, maybe if I don't post about her turning one year, it won't be true? Or maybe it's just that I can't put into words all my emotions and love for this little girl? It's probably a little of both, but I know I should so Brooklyn and I can look back and read it in the future. So, as I begin to fight the little tears and become vaklempt, here is my little girl who turned one, and is growing so much every day!

1 Year Stats:
Height- 31.5 inches- 97 percentile
Weight- 24.5 lbs- 70-95 percentile

Oh, my beautiful Brooklyn. You are such a big girl to me, but still my little baby. I can't believe it's been one year since you came to our family! Your daddy and I love you SO much, we can't believe how we ever lived without you. Every day you do something that makes us say, "Oh my gosh, she is so cute, I love her SO MUCH!!!" You make us so happy, even if you are getting more stubborn and getting an attitude. It's a cute one at that. Sometimes when you don't get what you want or we take something away from you that you aren't supposed to be playing with, you start doing a small cry and put your head in your hands and look so hurt. It is the cutest little thing ever, even if you are being a cry baby! We worry lately that we are spoiling you because we just love you so much!

You love to share your food with mommy and daddy. We will walk over to you when you are eating and you will stick out your hand with your food and put it right in our mouths. It sure tastes yummy :). I love that you are sharing and I hope that you will be this good at sharing as your get older. You love ALL other kids and babies. It is like you know that they are a small person like you. You think your cousins are so funny and fun to be around. And they love you so much too.

You love spending time with mom and dad. When dad works, I try to come and put you to sleep with me in bed. It has only worked once! And that one time, you were the wildest sleeper I have ever seen! For 6 months I have tried to have you come and sleep in my bed, and you wake up, and think it's play and party time! You laugh and giggle and kick all the blankets off. So that then prompts me to put you back in your crib, which you easily will go back into. I just want to hold you and listen to your little giggles all day long, but then I sometimes have to be productive I guess!
You love the songs mommy and daddy sings to you. Some of your favorites are "If You're Happy and you know it", "Popcorn Popping", "You Are My Sunshine", and some children's church songs. You clap for me after I sing to you, and it makes me feel good! You also LOVE R&B and Hip Hop. You do this head bob dance while you move your eyebrows up and down. This was your first "version" of dancing and singing. After you turned one, in this 13th month, you started dancing with your hands and arms and shaking your hips and legs.

You LOVE to read! You love books and turning the pages. We leave books in your crib and so when you wake up, you will sit there and just flip through the pages. It's so sweet. You love to have us read to you and turn the pages for us even before we are done reading that page. You like touch and feel books and the few that we have, you know where to feel on every page. You also like to color and draw, which your doctor said was amazing because that's not really normal for your age. You know who to pretend- one day, the 3 of us were in Sam's Club. I saw you putting something into your mouth, and there was nothing there. Your daddy and I then kept watching you, and you pretended to pick something up with your 2 fingers, put it in your mouth, and pretend to eat! We were AMAZED! It was so sweet and cute. You give great open mouthed kisses :). You are pretty selective about when you want to give them though. And you don't give them to just anybody. Daddy and I are the only ones who have gotten REAL kisses from you . Papa Gates really wants one, but you fake him out and lean in to him, and then turn your head just as he is about to give you a kiss.

You are so delicate and great with your hands. You have been able to pick things up with your finger and thumb since you were really young, long before what's average. Your Papa Conley thinks you are going to do something that involves your hands, like a doctor who does surgery or an artist. You like to do what the Conley's call "The Shakes". You will put your hands in fists, and then shake really tiny and fast. What's so funny, is that you know you are being funny when this happens! In this 13th month, you have started giving high 5's. I didn't teach you that, so your daddy must have! You have waved bye for a while now, and will say bye to every animal you pass on our walks.

You give the best cuddles when you want to. Now, in your 13th month, you give loves and cuddles all the time! And to anyone who wants them! It's so sweet and gentle. You give us pats just like we give you a pat on the back. The other night, I went in to your bedroom and you were awake. I picked you up and you put your head on my shoulder and your arm around my neck. I didn't want to put you down, and I didn't! I sat there and held you for a long time. I hope you never stop wanting to give me loves. You LOVE it when your daddy comes home from work. You get so excited and you say his name as he walks through the door. It's usually right after you wake up in the morning, so you are usually pretty perky.

You love to walk with your push toy. We tease you that you are like a little old grandma with her walker. You will plow into the back of my heels and you will use your walker with great ease. You just whip that thing around to turn around and go so fast. We have little red, green, and yellow marks in our hallway from you turning around and scraping the walls. Even though they have messed up the walls, we still think they are pretty cute. You like to follow me around the house when I'm vacumming with your push toy. You get in my way, but I don't really care because it's so cute! You love going up and down stairs. Neenie will go up and down with you every time you go to her house. On April 30th, you took your first official steps! You walked across the living room! Then, you decided to not walk again for 2 weeks. Now, you walk all over the place! You have mastered getting up on your own this week also (May 16th). You also know how to get up onto the couch. You stick your leg high up into the air onto the couch, and pull yourself up.

You are a great sleeper most of the time. I have just started to figure out your nap schedule, and it makes me happy as well as you! You rarely give us trouble when we put you down to bed. IF you cry, you only cry for maybe 2-5 minutes. But if we put you down, and you aren't really ready to go to sleep, you will just play with your stuffed animals and read your books until you fall asleep.

Everyone comments on how you have such beautiful big eyes. You really do have beautiful big eyes! I never noticed it until I looked at other babies. You also have your daddies long, beautiful eyelashes, which I am so happy about! In this 13th month, you have started what the Conley's also call, "The Look". You look at us with your chin down, eyes up, like you are staring us down! It's so funny. You say mama and dada with great ease. Other than that, I think you said "Baby" on your birthday. Then, on May 17th, you said "Birdie" and "Doggie" when we were out on a walk. You have said birdie quite a few times since then. I think you might have also said grammy, once, and neenie. And then one day, when Papa and Grammy Gates were coming over, you kept saying "Papa" over and over again. But once they got here, you didn't say anything! But you sure love to talk and just babble.

Oh, Miss B, I love you so much. You are and were such a wonderful, easy baby. When we were in the hospital, we never even thought about sending you to the nursery. We never needed to! You slept like a dream and never cried. Now that you are older and getting into things, you are all over the place. We are constantly trying to not let you open drawers and things because you get your little fingers or hand caught. Then you forget about it or just don't care, and go back and do it again!
You are so ticklish. If we eat your stomach and armpits, you will laugh and laugh and laugh. It's the sweetest sound in the would. Your thighs are also super ticklish. I can always get you to laugh by tickling your cute little cubby rolls.
Thank you for completing our lives and our family! Some days I think, How can we ever be more than this? I feel like you complete us? How can I ever love someone more than this? I know that day will come and I know that you will love your siblings so much. Your daddy and I look forward to seeing you grow everyday. Just yesterday, your daddy said to me, "Aren't you so excited for when our little girl can get out of bed and we have to say to her, 'Brooklyn, go back to bed! Go to sleep'?" He said this with the biggest smile on his face and with such excitedness. We really are so excited to watch you grow and learn and become a beautiful little girl. I love you so much Brooklyn and I am so grateful that I get to be your mommy. Love you baby.

Love, Mama and Daddy

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lake Arrowhead

On May 2nd-5th, my parents, my sister Charise and her family, and us went to Lake Arrowhead for a little family trip. As my parents are leaving in June for 18 months for their mission, we had a little trip for the family that is on this side of the US. We had a great time just relaxing, playing games, and looking out onto the beautiful lake. We got a home rental from VRBO and it was a great house. One day we drove into the main "Town" and took a one hour tour of Lake Arrowhead. We were the only ones on the whole boat, and so we got the special treatment. The driver was really cute to the boys to let them help drive the boat and he even took us for an extra 10 minutes to a part of the lake they don't go to regularly.

We had such a great, relaxing time that we only took a few pictures of us on the boat!

You can see Cole driving in this picture.

Here's Dad and Bill with the beautiful lake in the back.

And Brooklyn loved exploring and looking out onto the water. It was so nice to have the big boat all to ourselves so we could stretch out.

After the boat ride, we did some shopping at the little shops and outlets they have there. We had great weather the entire time we were there.

We had such a fun time and are going to miss Mom and Dad when they leave next month!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mothers Day

I had a wonderful mothers day! It was my second official mothers day, of being a mother, and it did not dissapoint. My husband, even though he got home from work at 8:15 Sunday morning after 11 hours of work, still mananged to make it one of the best yet! As I said, he got home from work at 8:15 and we have church at 9:00. He still managed to make me a beautiful pancake and eggs with Strawberries breakfast! After church we took a family nap and then headed over to Ryan's parents house for dinner. Dinner was very yummy, prepared by the men in our family, and finished off with a scruptious ice cream cake made by Andy, Lisa's hubby. And for my mother's day gift... a new king sized down pillow! I've had mine for 10 years now, and it looks pretty horrible. I can only imagine all the dust mites and yucky stuff if you put it under a microscope. I have always just loved it to much, that I could never buy myself a new one. So my cute hubby did, and he was SO sneaky about when he went to buy it! I didn't even know he had gone to the store.

We had such a great day, we only took 2 pictures. Thank you Ryan for the wonderful day that I had. You made such a great and wonderful effort to make it a great day for me even though Sunday is your hardest day of your week. And thank you to my Brooklyn for making me a mommy. I love you with all my heart and could not imagine you not in my life. I love you both so much.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Brooklyn's "Singing" and "Dancing"... Also, opening first birthday present, and birthday card

Brooklyn loves to sing and dance... however, it's not normal sing and dance. She does this little head bob while moving her eyebrows up and down. This is her dancing. When she is "singing" she just opens her mouth to make an "o". No sounds come out, but this means she is singing. It's got to be the cutest thing ever! I need to get a better video of it, but these first 2 videos show a little bit of it. Now days she does it to EVERY R&B song that plays on the radio. Her favorite artist... Rihanna. Without fail, when Rihanna comes on the radio, she does the dance.

This is a video of Brooklyn reading her birthday card from her Aunt Jen and Uncle John and cousins Megan and Katie. They sent her such a cute birthday card with Tinkerbell and when you open it it sings "You Can Fly" from Peter Pan. She opened it up, and started doing the "dance". Thank you Lucas' for the wonderful and thoughtful birthday card! She still loves playing with it!

And here is a video of her opening her first birthday present, from the Hakes family. She LOVED it and still loves playing with it! Thanks Erin and Randy and girls and William!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pool Time- April 20th, 2010

We were having some warm weather down here, and we thought it would be fun to go swimming. It was Brooklyn's first "real" experience with going to the pool. She went last summer, but she was only 1-2 months old. Anyways, the day we decided to go, it was actually a little more chilly (it was still 70 degrees, but a little windy). So we only stayed for about 25 minutes. We still had a great time though! Look at my little girl in her minnie swimsuit! I got this at my first baby shower that I had, and my baby girl is big enough to fit in it!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

And So She Walks!!

She did it! April 30th is the day that Brooklyn took her first official steps! My baby is now a toddler!