Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Little of What We've Been Up To

Here are some catch up photos of what we've been up to.
Finn watching the rain; watching tv with my nursing pillow; Finn & Mallory with "their" pillows
Mallory with her twin friends (they were due at the same time, but the twins were born a month before M); Mallory and Mommy; Finn on the horsie swing at cousin Caroline's house
Finn & Caroline blowing bubbles; eating breakfast; Finn, the twins, and Mall
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2 Months

We're a little late on this but here is Miss M's 2 month froggy pic. She's getting bigger. We both feel like her face is starting to fill out but her arms and legs are still long and lean - just like her daddy! Her 2 month dr appt. isn't until after Finn's 2nd birthday because I wanted to get both of their checkups in on the same visit. So, we'll have her actual stats in about a week.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Animal Crackers...for Breakfast?

Tummy Time together

Right after her 1st roll over! And on her 6 week b-day.

Yes, we've been giving Finn animal crackers for breakfast. And they're not the kind that are just the slightest bit sweet. Oh no, they're the full on animal cracker that is basically a cookie. And WHY are they called crackers? Let's just admit it, they're a cookie.
Anyways, they're all he's been asking for the past week. Wakes up in the morning " amul cocker", wakes up from a nap " amul cocker", elmo's over "amul cocker ", playing cars "amul cocker ". So in addition to his waffles, bananas, cereal, etc. - he's getting amul cockers. But, I figure at least we're getting him to eat the other stuff so he can have an animal cracker...i mean cookie every few bites. Such is the life of a picky eating toddler.

Miss M updates:

~I stepped on the scale with her the other day and she was about 8 lbs

~She's getting 1 4 oz formula bottle a day and I nurse her for the other feedings

~She's been sleeping in her carseat (yup, we're doing it again - worked for Finn and he turned out to be just fine a sleeper)

~Because of sleeping in the carseat (as well as her hitting 6 weeks) she's started sleeping for longer stretches at night. She's been having about a 7 hour stretch at night so I typically am feeding her around 4 or 5 a.m. and then back to sleep for about 4 more hours after that.

~She usually eats 6 times a day.

~She rolled over for the first time at 6 weeks.

~She has baby acne :( --hope that's not a foreshaddowing for her teenage years!

~I've gotten several sweet sweet smiles out of her. :) This started at about 7 weeks (maybe a few days before).

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