Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Coloring & stickers. The stickers are his favorite.

With Pappy at Nana's retirement party.

Another one of he and C playing in the water at the zoo. They LOVED it!

Pregnancy Update: I'm doing good. I'm about 32 weeks now and doing well. All doctor's appointments have been going well and showing a good strong heartbeat. Last appointment the doctor said that she's probably about 2 & 1/2 to 3 lbs. right now which is a little on the small side. But, considering how much her brother weighed at birth, it's not surprising. I'm still getting sick about every other day still, my ankles are now cankles most of the time, and I'm definitely having more trouble bending over & getting up and down off the floor.
That's all for now.
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