Thursday, November 12, 2009


**Warning -- this one is l-o-n-g! I'm journaling so I can remember all the details. :)

It's been awhile and I never even got around to writing down Finn's 1 yr. doctor's appointment stats & all of his new "stuff".

At his 1 year appointment:

~15% for weight @ 21.5 lbs

~50% for length

Long and lean the nurse said....Other than that, he got some shots and they said he was looking great!

Here's more of what he can do/up to:

Words he can sign are: more, all done, milk, water, eat, cracker, banana, cereal (as of today). We're currently working on his manners with the signs for please & thank you.

Words he can say: balloon, ball, banana, bath, door, down, mama, dada, more, water,bye-bye

It's crazy - he could do a couple of signs before he turned one & say a couple of words as well -- but it's all taken off over the past month.

Daily Schedule: He wakes at 7ish and then has milk and breakfast. Naptime is around 9. After nap we play or run around until lunch which is around noon. He typically goes down for his afternoon nap around 2 but it can vary any time between 1 and 3. Every now and then we'll skip his morning nap but he typically takes two still (yea!). Both naps are around 2 hours. He has milk and a snack after his nap. Dinner is at 6:30 and then he's off to bed between 7:30 and 8. His bedtime milk is still in a bottle (because he's still my baby!). We'll switch to a sippy sometime.... :)

What Finn likes to do:

~Crawl - he's a crawling machine. He's all over the place -- and fast too! No walking yet - crawling is much faster. Finn will take steps while holding on to something but he's still not quite ready.

~Blow kisses and wave at people.

~Playing with the velcro on his shoes (yes! Pace finally let me buy shoes after every other kid in the church nursery was wearing them but Finn.)

~Play with his push and ride race car. He likes to ride it and push it around. He also likes to open the seat and put things in & then take them out over and over again.

~Reading books. His fav's are: Brown Bear, Brown Bear..., 5 Little Monkey's, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, The Going to Bed Book, Pajama Time, Moo, Baa, La La La.

~Hugging - He'll lay his head on something (usually something soft) and we'll say "aaawwww!" So cute!

~Push toy cars & his turtle on wheels around the house.

~Crawling into the underneath part of his exersaucer.

~Riding in his wagon.

~Crawling over the rungs of his high chair -- his own made up jungle gym!

~Open and shut doors

~sing songs & dance


~Playing with balls

~taking stuff out of cabinets and drawers

His 3rd tooth is coming in up top off to the side. Not one of the middle two which I though was weird...

He continues to be a happy, happy, fun-loving baby. He is constantly making me say "You are SO cute!" "Ahhhh!" (that's my mommy sigh)