Thursday, December 22, 2011

so long

So, along with many others, I've decided to give up blogging and post more updates and pics of the kids on facebook. It's waaay easier! So, if you'd like to keep up with the kiddos - friend me on facebook (if you're not already).

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

3 years old!

We celebrated Finn's 3rd Birthday at ASI Gymnastics. He LOVES Toy Story right now so we did a Toy Story theme. The kids loved climbing, jumping, bouncing, parachuting, swinging, and acting silly. They got lots of energy out!

I can't believe my baby is 3! He seems like such a little boy now and now longer a toddler. I love you Finneas! Happy Birthday!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

September Stuff

Bad blogger, Bad blogger! I know, I know. So, here we go. I also have Finn's birthday party just waiting to be posted too so hopefully that'll make for at least one more post. :)

We lost our sweet Gracie earlier this month. She was 9 years old and had pancreatic and cardiac problems. We miss her lots.

Finn started school!! He goes to Mother's Day Out every Thursday. He's loving it so far. He got a new train napmat and get's to take his lunch. He's growing up!

Finn and his best bud Audrey on their 1st day of school!

What else....hmmm. Well, Mal is 14 months now (almost 15 months). She's not walking yet but is pushing around walking toys all the time and she is fast. We just need to get the push toy out from in front of her and we're set. She's getting good at talking and signing. She signs: more, banana, all done, water, milk, cracker. She says: mama, dada (finally, just yesterday! She called Pace 'mama' before that and was so proud to finally say dada!), bye, hi, clap, up, ball, book, bath, bow. She loves: playing with Finn, bathtime, crawling around with a toy in her mouth, clapping, reading books, taking her bow out (and putting it in her mouth), dancing to music, pushing her walking toys around, snuggling with mommy & daddy (which Finn did not do at this age, so we're saying it's a girl thing ;)

Now on to Mr. Man! I can't believe I have a 3 yr old!! More on that in an upcoming post. Finn loves playing (and watching his 'shows'). His favorite things to play right now are: crash pillows (he takes all the pillows off the couch and jumps and tumbles on them), riding his trike, 'fishing' (first with mallie's hangers until Nana got him a fishing game), playing race cars, play-doh, bathtime. His fav shows right now are: Little Einstiens, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Dora, Diego, Toy Story 1 & 2.
That's all for now.

(you're welcome jon)

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mallory's First Birthday!

We celebrated Mallie's 1st birthday with a birthday lunch at our house with family and close family friends. Mal of course didn't have much of a clue about what was going on but she had a good time with all the guests and especially eating her cake! I can't believe my baby girl is not a baby anymore! I love her too much!
The sweets!

Happy B-day banner (and my sis in law!)

Lunch fixins

Her monthly frog pics

With Great Grandma

Our family

Cousins (Finn is so over pics, can you tell?)

Yummy lunch!

Mal's about to get her smash cake

Yumm-o! She attacked the cake. I finally had to take it away from her.

Daddy also let her try a marshmellow pop

Presents - but of course the tissue paper is the best, right?!

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Sunday, June 26, 2011


With Nana about to go to the beach.

Mallie did not like dipping her toes in the water!

...or the sand.

At the beach. It was a cloudy and VERY windy day.

making a sand castle

feeding the seagulls

about to leave and it's finally sunny...of course.

We went to Galveston with my family for a long weekend at the end of May. Finn was sick with a stomach bug most of the time and Mal was sick part of the time so it didn't make for the best trip ever. We had puking in the car and at the house. Fun fun! At least the house we stayed in had a washing machine and a big bottle of laundry detergent. And it was nice being at a house as opposed to a hotel room.
Hopefully the next family trip there will be no sickness!
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