Wednesday, September 15, 2010

She's a talker

The last week or so Ali has been talking a lot. Last night I got it on video to share.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Zack had his first soccer game on Saturday (9/11). It is so much fun to watch these little guys swarm around the ball.

Zackery did get a little upset that he didn't score this one shot.

But then at half time they had orange slices and he got over it.

Zack also had his team pictures and we snuck in some team shots and posed Zack.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ali is 3 Months

Yesterday Ali turned 3 months old! She is such a smiley little girl. She is getting more vocal and has even started to giggle. She can wiggle out of her car seat if she isn't strapped in, is starting to roll over and has started grabbing for things.

She still wants the mama all day long and prefers me to hold her over anyone else. A funny story was when we were in the hospital when she was born, the nurses took her for a couple hours so I could sleep and the poor nurse was bouncing her the whole time to keep her calm. Even when the doctors came in to check her she would scream and scream at them and then when they handed her back she would calm right down. She loves to be held in one arm while I am doing whatever it is I need to be doing with the other, right now she is on my lap watching me type. I am soaking up every minute with this munchkin.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Zane is 4

My little Zane bug is 4 today. He is such a character. Some Zane behaviors are: he doesn't wear anything on his waist it is at his hips so he often has a crack showing. (Here he is in the corner after doing something naughty).

He likes pretty things and notices when I wear something nice and tells me I look pretty. (He picked these flowers and put them on his ears and then wanted me to take his picture.)

He is so stinkin' stubborn! When I get upset with him he just sits there and gives me his pirate look where he squints one eye and acts like he has no idea what he did wrong, or he says what like 10 times (and I know he can hear me).

He also loves his big brother and wants to do everything like Zack. They are good buds.

He says the funniest things and always has me laughing. Today I let him pick out a cake at Costco for his party on Saturday and when he was talking to Jeff on the phone tonight he was telling Jeff he ordered "a rainbow cake and Costco is putting my name on it and it is going to be delicious!"

I had a fun day planned for Zane. He picked chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, we went to Sprouts and bought Watermelon (his favorite fruit) and had that with lunch and we hit up Costco to order his cake and get a churro. We also made rainbow cupcakes (they looked like rainbow sherbet), frost and put sprinkles on them. He also got to play at the park while Zack had soccer.

I love this kid and am glad to have him around. Happy Birthday Zane!