Thursday, April 11, 2013

Zaelin is One!


I can't believe this little dude is already one! Yesterday was his first birthday and boy did his first year fly by. I just soak this kid up. He is such a sweet sweet boy. He loves to walk around pushing whatever will work, his walker, little bikes, or kitchen chairs. He is almost always smiling and getting very curious and verbal. He loves being outside. He loves to be where I am and will watch me like a hawk when I leave the room. He loves his big sister and big brothers, and they love to entertain him. 

Happy Birthday Zaelin! We love you!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Zaelin is 6 Months!

Where did the last 4 months go? I feel like I have been neglecting my blog. Life has been soooo BUSY!!! I feel overwhelmed with life and feel like I will never catch up on all the things I plan to get done around the house. Sheesh, enough about me this post is about this adorable little guy.

He is already 6 months old! I can't believe how fast it is going. He is still the best baby of the bunch. He is a mellow and happy little dude. He loves being entertained by Zander, bouncing in his exercsaucer,  or being on my hip. He still isn't too sure about food yet (See video below). I hope I don't have another Ali when it comes to eating. That little Diva breastfed for the first 8 months then went straight to finger food and adult food. She would have nothing to do with baby food or baby utensils. When she finally agreed to eating it was only off my plate and with my fork, no way was she using a baby spoon. It is kind of funny because now she likes being called a baby and doesn't want to give up her crib or highchair to Zaelin.

Zaelin is getting very grabby and rolling and scooting around. It shouldn't be too long until he is crawling all over the place. We love this sweet baby!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Zaelin's two month update

This is a little late, he turned two months back on the 10th, but I wanted to record this so here are a few pictures.

Zaelin is growing like a weed! He already weighs more than Zane did at two months and Zane was born a whole pound more than Zaelin. He is so interactive now which makes him so much more fun. He smiles all the time and is getting his own voice. He gooes and ah-gooes and almost howls when he is complaining, it is pretty funny. He is such a good baby and loves to go and do whatever errand I need to run. He loves his swing and being where ever I am.

Zackery's Birthday & Zaelin's Blessing

On Saturday, June 2nd, we celebrated Zackery's 7th Birthday! We had a water party and the kids had a blast!

The cousins were in town for Zaelin's blessing which made Zackery's party even more fun.

Zackery's favorite gift, a Super Soaker!

Ali had such a great time!

The cousins got to go to the Mormon Battalion as I got ready for the party. Here are a few pictures from that.

The next day was Zaelin's blessing. Jeff gave a really nice blessing.
 It was great to have two of Jeff's brothers and their families travel down for it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Fun and Celebrating Ali's Birthday

We went to Aunt RaNae's for Memorial Day. The kids love swimming in her pool. She got a new slide which the kids had a blast on.

Aunt Amber was so great to take Ali in the pool most of the afternoon. Also we think Zane has a future as a plumber. :)

We also celebrated Alison's Birthday since we were all together. She turns 2 on June 4th. Ali was so funny when it came to blowing out her candles. She didn't want to. I don't know if she was afraid of the fire but I had to blow them out for her. She had a blast opening all her presents too.

Jeff cooked for us and Zander ate lots of cake!

When we got home Ali opened her lip glosses from grandma. She loves to use my chapstick and lip gloss so now she has her own. So pretty.

A little about Ali right now. Ali is such a girly girl and I absolutely LOVE IT!!!! She loves to wear dresses and get her nails painted. She loves to sing, I don't think there is a time when we are driving in the van and she is not singing. Some of her favorite songs right now are Popcorn popping on the Apricot Tree, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Happy Birthday. She doesn't walk anywhere she runs! She has no problem holding her own with her brothers. She is one tough cookie and we are so happy to have her in our family.

PQ Fun Run and Poway Lake Camping

In the beginning of May was the Penasquitos Fun Run. My dad and Jeff cooked again this year for the pancake breakfast.

Ali enjoyed the pancakes.  Zander and Ali loved playing in the fire truck.

A few weeks ago we went camping with all of my family at Poway Lake. It was a fun adventure.

Zaelin did really well. I didn't plan on staying the night but didn't want to leave. Camping with a 6 week old wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

The kids loved running up and down this hill and the beauty of the lake.

Zackery could not wait to go fishing and get on the lake. Uncle Mark took just him on the boat to fish.

The boys even got to paddle boat.

Jeff tried to get Ali to take a nap (it didn't work). But later she passed out at the bonfire.

What was really cool about this camp out is that they had night fishing. The boys even got to steer the boat. And they allowed fishing off the dock, which they never allow. Mark caught 7 catfish!

We had such a great time this may turn into a yearly tradition!