Monday, January 28, 2013


Alltså, men allt är bra här. Jag har ingen nyheter. Verkligen alltså. Vi gör detsamma saker, liksom, varje dag men det är typ roligt. Det var mycket kallt förra vecka, men nu är det ganska varm ute. Meeeeen ja. Jag har fått Äldste Larson som min ny kamrat. Han kommer ifrån Iowa, så det är kul. Han kommer ifrån detsamma grupp som Dalton, men han är lite äldre än honom. 21. Oroa dig inte om förra vecka, det gör inget. Jag tycker om att få post, men jag behöver inte den. Tack för bilderna!!! De är jätte vackra!!! Vad fint. Jag saknar St. George så mycket, men en dag ska jag vara där igen. Vad konstigt att Rack är nästan på en mission!!!!
vi träffade flera i grenen eftersom Ä Larson är nytt. Vi jobbar på en list på datorn som har alla människor i grenen. Då kommer vi att besöka och få kontakta med alla de på listan. Också, vill vi ringa och besöka många i Områdelse bok så att vi kan har mer människor att undervisa. För att vi behöver det.
Det är vad har hänt. Bokstavligen. Tiden går fort. Kanske efter missionen ska jag berätta mer för er. Eftersom jag kan inte tänka på nåt annat. Så är det. JAG ÄLSKAR ER!!!!!!
Vi ses imorgon
Ä Tietjen
 So, but everything is good here. I have no news. Really, that is. We do the same things, like, every day, but it is kind of fun. It was very cold last week, but now it's pretty hot out there.  yes. I got Elder Larson as my new companion. He came from Iowa, so it's fun. He comes from the same mtc group as Dalton, but he's a little older than him. 21. Do not worry about last week, I like getting mail, but I do not need it. Thanks for the pictures! They are beautiful! What fine. I miss St. George so much, but one day I will be there again. What wonder! Rack is almost on a mission!!

 we met several of the branch because Ä Larson is new. We are working on a list on the computer with all the people in the branch. Then we will visit and make contact with all those on the list. Also, we would like to call and visit many of Områdelse book so that we can have more people to teach. Because we need it.
That is what has happened this week. Literally. Time flies. Maybe after the mission, I tell you more. Since I can not think of anything else. So it is.  I LOVE YOU!!
I'll see you tomorrow
A Tietjen
  I love hearing about everything that you tell me. Its awesome about Kelsee and Raquel!!!!! Im so stoked for them!!  Ill just have to write them.   
So this last week Elder Dalton was sent off. Actually Elder larson got in at about 10 oclock tuesday night and Elder Dalton left at 6 the next morning. So there were three of us together for a night.  all is good still.  We visited several of the branch members after Larson got here so he could meet them. We are making a list and organizing the area a little more so we know who we want to visit and so forth. It just makes everything easier. But we have some big plans for this transfer. It'll be a good one.  The castle we went to is called Gripholms slott. I think. its in Mariefred.
Ive been slacking at taking pictures.  Ive actually taken a few. But I want more before I send them home.  I love all of you sooo much its crazy. Tell everyone you see that I love. cus why not?! I do!
Hope you have a fantastik week. LOVE YOU!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Jan 21, 2013

Guess what?! Transfers!!!!! yep.  I'm staying here and getting Elder Larson. He is from the same MTC  group as Elder Dalton. he's from Iowa. Elder Dalton is going to Alingsås, just outside of Göteborg. Ive heard Larson is a really cool guy and so im excited and hope it will be great.
Other than that, this week was kinda just like the other ones. Actaully we traveled around a little. We had to go to Västerås to do some Visa stuff for Dalton on Wednesday and then on Thursday we went on splits with the Linköping Elders. So I was there From Thurs to Saturday. It was fun I guess.
Gosh.... I really wish I could tell you more but I just dont know what. I wrote an email to Raquel last week so I hope she read it. Cus wow. She is going on a mission next week. Wow. I still cant believe it. I still cant believe that im on a mission. Sorry this is a short email. But hey, dont worry, cus I still Love you. But yep, Ill still be here in Eskilstuna for a little longer. And I guess ill be training a new Elder in March so we'll see if I stay here longer or get transfered before that.
LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Elder Jesse

Sunday, January 6, 2013

This is what we did today 1-2-13

Aldste Tietjen with his friend, an investigator of the Church . Looks like a nice restuarant.
This was taken just a block from his apartment.  It's the river they walk past every day, then they cross the bridge to get to church and the other part of the city.  This is about as bright as the sun gets this time of year.  He says he loves the cold.  He wishes it were colder!