Saturday, October 27, 2012

Oct 22, 2012

I think ive lost about 10 pounds maybe. Im not sure what I weighed before. But I also think ive gotten taller. Like an inch maybe. I think im close to 6'1" now...
The sun comes up about 730 and goes down about 5? Im not sure exactly. it changes everyday and its been overcast everyday for like 2 weeks so it could make it seem darker than it really is. But yeah, its just been raining a ton lately. It started to pour way hard  2 nights ago and we had to walk through a tunnel under a highway and it was just full of water like a foot deep. It was nuts. But then this guy in a "fast and furious" type car, like blue neon lights, speakers, just pimped out, came up and gave us a ride across.  Thank-you to him, whoever he is. Im not sure when its gonna snow but im guessing pretty soon.  Thank you so much for everything! I love you all sooo much. not sure what I need. maybe if you send a package send some mormon tabernacle choir cds. Good ones. Like christmas ones and stuff.   But other than that, I LOVE YOU! I cant wait to see you again. Thanks so much dad.
Love, Jesse

oct 15

Yeah I wonder if a million girls are gonna start going on missions or not... I feel like there will be no girls when I get home. Its gonna be weird. Ive told Pablo thank you from you before. He has a son on a mission in England and he hopes that by feeding us, people in England will take care of his son. I am thankful that he is so good to us. But First, Innibandi is basically like indoor hockey. Just 2 goals, sticks, a wiffle ball type deal, and regular tennis shoes. Its a big sport in Sweden. Like that and Soccer and handball.
So last monday was P-day.  That night we had dinner with a less active member and a family home evening with a member and his less active dad. Then we taught our new investigator Ebril. She is the Turkish women I may have told you about. We went to her house and taught her and it went really well.  but we havent  had contact with her since.. We'll see how it goes. Then on onsdag we had dinner at the Bazurtos and visited and stuff. Torsdagar are always nice cus we have district meeting and sports night. Oh yeah! on wednesday Jane texted us and said she wanted to meet at the church on thursday right before sportsnight. We were stoked to hear from her but yeah. Hopefully she has just been busy with work and stuff. Fredag we had another little visit/dinner thing with another less active member in Skarpnäck. It was nice.  Sometimes days just pass and they are so good but just nothing too exciting.  But on Lördag we had quite an experience. We got a call from a lady in the ward who we had never seen on heard of. She invited us over to eat which was so kind of her. We went over there and ate, and it was great . She was baptized when she was younger living in Bolivia. (There are A LOT of people from Bolivia and south america here)   But right after we were done eating a couple (also from Bolivia) showed up to visit. Turns out they were from the International Mission Church and had come to give them a lesson. And at the end they stood and said they wanted to pray. So we all stood up and held hands and They just started praying. The girl only spoke spanish  and the guy was translating into Swedish. So they were 2 people who loved to praise Jesus just swaying and yelling. It was different but kinda cool. it was good and interesting though. Yesterday we had church and we went to Pablo's and ate like usual. Thank goodness for Pablo.
Gosh I miss Trevor and Ashley so much. I cannot wait to see them AND Robyn's new baby boy!!!!
mom is mor or mama and dad is far or papa and family is familj.
HOLY COW!!!!! Did you see that conference!?!?!?! The announcement President Monson made blew my mind! Really, I was shocked for like 2 years about it. It changed the whole church. But conference was super good. Ive never actually sat down and just watched it all the way through before and I got soooo much out of it. We went to the church and they had it set up in 3 different rooms på Svenska, Engelska, och Spanska. So we watched the saturday morning session live at kl 6 here then watch priesthood at kl 11 on Sunday morning, then sat afternoon sess an hour later (not live) and then we went to Pablo's for pancakes then watched the sunday morning one live on his computer.... and 2 people showed up yesterday and they want to learn more so it was awesome. So our main investigators have kinda been slowing down.  So This past week was a pretty good week. I feel like most the stuff we had planned ended up getting canceled so we did a lot of less active work. Which is probably one of my favorite things to do. I definitely have no problem with it. We have been working a lot lately in Tyresö. While walking around we were walking by a soccer field of their womens soccer team and Carr says that the best girl player in the world is on that team and we saw her... I guess thats pretty cool. We had splits with the Zone leaders on thursday night. Elder Lamb (the old ZL) Went to the office as AP and Elder Leirmaa (finnish) is our new ZL with Elder Smith. Then on Saturday we went a played innibandi in Hägersten with some non members for like 2 hours. And then General Conference. That was my week.  cool news about Kailee. Shes nice peoples. Tell her congrats and stuff from me. thats all I got. I wish I had more.
Äldste Tietjen

Friday, October 5, 2012


Look at the beautiful fall colors

Don't know what this building is but this picture is stunning

 I forgot my planner so its gonna be hard to remember all the stuff we did this week.
So last monday after emailing you, we went to the stockholm center to meet with the Jakobsberg Elders.  They emailed so we stayed there for like 3 hours. I did get some pics though. The J-Berg elders are elder Brown (from cali and super funny and cool) and elder Nieminem (Greenie from Finland) so yeah. We are visiting some places with them today too....
We met with both Emma and Evelin this week. Both visits went really well and are both progressing.. No Evelin hasnt met the young women from the ward yet. We want her to so bad cus it would be the best thing. Our ward has really strong young women who will help her.  Technically, we arent allowed to leave our areas, but we got permission from our Zone Leaders to go to Stockholm and hit up some tourist things. Like Djurgården and the Vasa museum. so that's what we're doing today. OH! last week was my first week without mail. No big deal. But if I have anything missionary- like to say its that service is the best possible thing a missionary can do. Its just hard to find sometimes. But if I ever feel like Ive "Lost myself in the work" its when we are doing service. It feels so good for both the person you are helping and yourself. The worst part for us is that it is so hard to find people that need help and actually want help.
Be happy
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Sept 24

  So last monday was P-Day. We emailed then went to Stockholm to look at some stores then went to the youth center and just hung out there for like an hour. then we came back and taught Jane with the Oscarsons (Couple missionaries here) It went really good! We will try to meet with her again this week. Tuesday was just like any other day. We Met and talked to a guy who used to meet with missionaries in Germany. Then we taught Emma again at the church that night. (She wants to be baptised if she gets her parents permission)
Wednesday was a good day. So the new missionaries from MTC came in that day and we were going on splits with the Zone Leaders. We met them all at T-Centralen (train/subwy station) and met the new missionaries and stuff. I went with Elder Smith. So we went out to Tyresö to visit some less actives. While looking for one (that appearently doesnt exsist) we were walking in front of an apartment building and some lady from the top floor balconey called us up there.  So we went up there and there were 2 ladies and a younger girl. The one lady was like "Im not interested but my daughter is" and guess what? She really was! Her name is Evelin and she is 17 and she has talked to the missionaries before on the church website but was afraid to actually meet them. It was awesome and she is awesome! We are meeting with her this next wednesday and we are stoked. Then after that we went and ate at the Bishops house. He is really cool and nice.
Thursday was normal. We switched back from splits, had district meeting, visited less actives, then had sports night. The youth in the ward meet at the church gym for sports night, bring their friends and play basketball etc. it's good for fellowshipping.
Every other day was pretty normal. Talking with people on the streets, visiting less actives and on Saturday night we went to the Bazurtos home and helped them with stuff. (service) Church was good yesterday and we went to Pablo's again afterward to eat. I was gonna take some pics of his house and him and stuff but I forgot. Thats about our week.The weather is definitly cooling down here. And its fall so its overcast a lot. and rainy. I sure do miss that St. George weather. But yeah. Its kinda gettin cold here. I email Justin, Ben, Steve, and Jaxon pretty much everyweek. I actually got a letter from ben on Friday.
Äldste Jesse Tietjen