
Challenge 81 - Fabric Fun

Tiddly TUUUUUUUUESDAY is here!!!  That means new images, fabulous design team inspirations and a new challenge!  We have been overwhelmed with the fabulous response to Wryn and are so excited to see all that talent pour in each week.

Thanks to those that entered the Sparkle Challenge and we look forward to the entries for the Fabric Fun challenge.  We would love to see you add some sort of fabric to your creation.  Any will work, whether it's fabric flowers, burlap or felt we want to see it on your Tiddly Inks card!  Remember to use an adorable Tiddly on your creation and have fun!

On another note - new images today too!!! WOOT - make sure to check them out HERE.

And check out all the gorgggeeeeouuuusness created by the DT....wow!


Fabulous Featured Friday!!!

Wow, another Friday is upon us!  I can't believe how the weeks are flying by!  This Friday the design team wanted to strut their stuff with some fabulous creations they've been working on throughout the past few weeks!  There are some beautiful ones for sure.  So sit back and enjoy the eye candy!

Arabella using Silver Valentine

Papers.... Grunge Checker board and keys from Key paper set

Marlena using Wryn Blooms

Jen using Wryn - Whatcha Doing?

Don't forget to stop by Tiddly Inks and check out all the new images!  There are two more Wryn's that Christy added to shop - check them out!  Have a great weekend and don't forget to join our fun Sparkle challenge!  We can't wait to see what YOU create.


Fabulous Features and Winners from our Valentine's Challenge

Welcome everyone! It's another FABULOUS Friday and I myself am SO very happy it's the weekend.  Are you?  Have any crafty plans that include Tiddly Inks this weekend?  We'd love to see them - share them on our Facebook page or join our fun Sparkle Challenge!

Wow - we are overwhelmed with so many people joining our fun challenges!  The creations are, as always, mind blowing gorgeous!  In the Valentine challenge we had 65 entries!  Just as a reminder though, always use a Tiddly Ink image to qualify for the prize or a showcase!  Now, let's talk winners!

Our two random winners of five dollar gift certificates this week are....
#17 - Bridget Curnow
#22 - Lucille K
Congratulations ladies - please contact Christy for your prize!

Now, for our features!! YIPPEE - again so many fabu creations - it's hard to pick only five!!  We'd love to just showcase everyone!

Great job everyone!


Challenge 80 - Sparkle it Up!

Hi Tiddly Inkers! :) We are here today with a new challenge and new fun! :) We hope you are ready to create with any kind of bling, glimmer, stones or glitter because we are all about the SPARKLES today!! :)

Sadly we are saying goodbye to Tracy today (thanks so much for all your wonderful creations!), but we have a new DT member today--LOU MAC! I am sure many of you already know her work, but please meet Lou if you  haven't. :) She joined us last week for the first time, but we are officially welcoming her with this new challenge. LOL We are thrilled to have her and it will be well worth it to check out some of her delightful creations and visit her to say welcome! :) 

and now let's take a peek at everyone's amazing creations! :) 

Arabella using Wryn


Fabulous Inky Friday Design Team Inspiration!

Happy Friday everyone!  Today is another Fabulous inspiration day!  Stop by Christy's blog and be sure to leave a link to the artist that inspires you!  You could win a Wryn of your own! 

The design team has been busy at work with some fabulous creations just for you!  

Arabella using Wryn - New Nest

Don't forget to enter our fun Valentine's Challenge this week and why not enter other challenges with your Tiddly creation - iCopic has a HEART challenge right now too!