Sunday, August 27, 2006

White Coat Ceremony

On Friday Scott was initiated into the doctor world with the U of U White Coat Ceremony. It was a really entertaining and inspiring event, which was a pleasant surprise to all of us in the audience. The speaker talked a lot about the nature of the doctor-patient relationship and she was quite moving. The ceremony lasted only an hour and Scott got to take his white coat home, which he now even sleeps and showers in (just kidding). Here are a couple of pictures from the event:

The new med students (on the floor) taking the Hippocratic oath:

If you would like to hear about our spectacular shopping event on Saturday, see the Swendsen blog ( You'll have to scroll past an identical post to this one before you'll get to it.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Scott's 360 attempt.

Doesn't look like much. I over rotated and probably spun 540 degrees. I'm almost all recovered.
Scott Water Skiing

This is me trying to ski through the slalom course.
Jen Water Skiing

Jen the Pregnant Wonder Lady

Hi Thurber Family,

Jen and I just got back Friday night from our trip to Canada and Montana. We had a great time although it was no more fun than our trip to Houston. Jen certainly didn't slow anyone down during the trip. Hard to believe that she was 6-6 1/2 months pregnant while she did all this. She hiked a little over 8 miles in one day and 6 the next with the GPS to prove it. She also went water skiing and wake boarding, this time with pictures as proof. Without further ado, here they are:

Jen cutting back and forth across the wake on skis. She has perfect form.

A view of Glen Lake in Montana from our dock one evening. That glassy smooth water made for some great water skiing.

Jen showing off her new figure. I think she was the only one there who used a wet suit. Wimpy Texan.

Jen wake boarding.

Scott jumping off the wake on a wakeboard.

Scott wake surfing. This is all the rage right now. People wake skate close to the boat and surf on its wake.

I attracted this gopher with some lettuce. "Eating greens is a special treat..." That's what Thumper from Bambi taught me. Gophers like greens too.

This 11-point deer standing about 10 feet behind me.

My First Vision picture.

Jen again shows her new figure off at Cameron Lake in Waterton. She was attracting attention from other people there. One guy just had to tell her how good she looked.

I got this chipmunk to eat out of my hand with sunflower seeds.

Jen and me on top of a hike called Bear's Hump. From here you could see the town site and a lot of Waterton park.