I have, on several occasions, remarked upon the "wall of humanity" which descends from the megacruise ships into what are often small or smallish towns.
This was the departure line for three ships which were simultaneously calling on George Town, Grand Cayman Island. One of the ships, Monarch of the Seas was among the largest cruise ships at the time (2005-ish). Two other smaller ships (smaller by comparison only) were present.
While efficiently handled by the crews and locals, these sort of cattle calls run against my grain as a traveler -- and yes, we were passengers on one of the vessels, attending the wedding of our friends. One ship generally is a good size for invading a port town. Three at a time made for a somewhat crowded affair.
I am certain that these islands, which depend strongly on tourism for their income, would appreciate a slightly better scheduling program from the cruise lines. (Two Royal Caribbean ships at the same time, not only here, but following each other to Cozumel. Some 5000 passengers between them.)
Two pictures, because the scope was larger than one. (The second was taken as we finally got onto our tender -- you can see the line still stretches hundreds of people down the quay...)
Some people truly enjoy cruising on the megaships. I liken the experience to staying at a Las Vegas casino which moves. And if you stay on board during port calls, as some people do, you might as well have remained at home watching the Travel Channel.
The key here, is to find the adventures while on shore. Only then are you truly "traveling".