I wanted to make a post to say Thank You to everyone who left a comment on my blog. I will also be answering all the comments, along with continuing to blog hop, I want to visit all the participants blogs and will over time. You can find all the participants by following this link Bead Soup Blog Party. A big Thank You also to Lori who did a wonderful job, it was a lot of fun and continues to be. There are blogs that I've found I want to revisit and blogs that I haven't been to yet but will.
One of the things that happened for me through the blog hop was...I had mentioned in a comment on Lori's blog that I would love to learn to bead weave. I received an email from Shirley who does just beautiful work. She gave me some places to check out where I could learn bead weaving. I did check it out and the picture below is my practice piece I made. If you follow my blog you know I love seed beads! I am now working on a bracelet which I will post when it's complete. I will likely continue bead weaving I believe I'm hooked! :)
Thank you for visiting!