Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Random Picture Overload!!!!

This is just a bunch of random pictures of our life in January.. Pretty lame I know, but hey, whats a girl to do when its -20 outside??
We did get two new foster kids about two weeks ago. a brother and sister. We only had the brother for about a week and a half and he had to go to a special foster home. (he had disabilities)
Roxie is in heaven having a sister that is the same age as her, and they play so good with each other!!
We still have the baby too. So now we are a family of six!! whew... its a lot of work!!
ANY WAYS, lets get this over with shall we?!
Did you ever wonder what I look like when I wake up in the morning..
Now you all know!!
We had a quite little new years eve party in out front room.
at 10:32 pm.
We were ready for the kids to go to bed!! :)


This just kind of cracked my up.. Nick was shoveling the walks, -15 out, with his shorts on underneath his coveralls.. ha!
 More Hockey.. Ohh hockey, will you ever end???
 Some sleeping in the car while we were waiting for Blaine to get out of school.
 Taking Blaine to school..
(did I ever mention how freaking lame it is that they don't do buses around here?)


I became an official proud hockey mom.
That's right, I am rockin a button on my coat!!
Ohh Blaine.. these are his sexy poses..

Roxie being Roxie

This was cool. it is called a sundog.. Go look it up! It was really weird, but so cool!!

Blaine was so desperate to go to school today that he got ready all by himself..
(I couldn't take him because of the damn kidney infection)
Welp there ya have it.. Our January.. Maybe next month will be a little more exciting.
There are 2 Birthdays!! woo hoo!!!
Peace OUT!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

We had a great Christmas!!
It started off a little early when we got our first foster child.
On the 18th we got a sweet 9 month baby boy!
We definitely got visited by good ol Santa.
He spoiled my kids rotten!!

I didn't get very many pictures.. I am getting bad at getting them!!
Or my kids are getting bad at letting me take them! ha ha!!
We are all playing and havin fun while we take down all of our Christmas decor..
Bring on the New Year!!

Happy Holidays!!

Its been a little while!
We decided to head home for Thanksgiving.
We surprised everyone (except Melissa and my dad)
We left about 3 in the afternoon on Sunday and got there Monday about 6..
Poor Nick drove the whole night so we could get there asap!

I didn't get very many pictures while we were there.. We were running around like chickens with our heads cut off.. The kids got to open some Christmas presents, and we got to see everyone except nicks sister Angie.. Next time she will be first! :)
We had a good time even with all the traveling!
On the way home we stayed a few nights in Grand Junction Colorado, and then a night in Buffalo Wy.