Monday, July 20, 2009

I am One!!

Okay, so I know that he is 14 almost 15 months old, but the summer has been a crazy one. I thought I should get on the ball and get his pictures done. My sweet sister in law met me at the park after work and she took these awesome photos. He was having a hard time smiling, but once we put him in the swing, he was all smiles. I wanted her to capture two things.... his 4 teeth and his eyelashes. She got them both. They are wonderful. Now to figure which ones to put up on the wall and which ones to scrapbook. She did take over 300 photos of him. :)
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Monday, July 6, 2009

The Fabulous 4th of July!!

I don't know what it is about a good ol' small town 4th, but they are the best! If you haven't tried one, you really should. It is just good fun to have a parade with candy flying everywhere and a party at the park afterwards. This year was especially great because my whole family was there. It has been a long while for this to happen. We all sat (more like stood) in front of great aunt Rosie's house. She is always so great to let us invade her space. :) The parade was fun. My kids actually got a little bored of picking up the candy (gasp!) I guess when there is taffy flying at all times, it is quite the workout to pick it all up.
After the parade, we ventured over to the park for food and fun. We actually ended up not eating the food there. A first for our family. The kids got to ride the ponies and run and play on the playground. It was a great day. We went and rested at Grandma B's home and DH and the two girls headed out for the derby. Another tradition of our small town. My mom and I and DS waited until the powder puff to go. My sister drove in it. We watched the fireworks and enjoyed the nice cool breeze. It rained some, but just enough to keep it cool. DS loved, loved, loved the fireworks. He sat there in awe of the amazing show in the sky.
I love going home for the 4th. It is nice to see old friends and have a great time celebrating our wonderful country. I am proud to be an American where we are FREE!