Saturday, 14 March 2020

Classic Series Reviews Revisited - Series 2 (1986) - 700th POST!!


SERIES 2 (1986)
Originally Written by
Christopher Awdry

Adapted by
Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Robert D.Cardona



I think there was some potentail lost with this story not being a two parter with 'Drip Tank' or probably as another story merger. I feel that the story's ending was just added in for the sake of having an ending instead of having Thomas and Percy reworking their friendship again in another episode, although this could've been a last minute ditch to fill in the slot that was left with the cancellation of 'The Missing Coach', as the belief goes. Plus I never liked how the way they've adapted the coal incident. In the book it was a door that opened from one of the trucks and spilt the coal everywhere whereas the episode showed a coal hopper unloading the coal one at a time. Surely there would've been models that would have opened doors on the open wagons? Anyway I think the story was fine but Thomas and Percy kind of resolved their quarrel quickly.

Rating: 5/10

This story wasn't too faifthful to the original in some scenes but it was only a little bit and it really didn't kill the enjoyment. It's good to see Henry and Gordon getting their comuppance after teasing Edward and being arrogant when it comes to the subject of cows. It's good message to kids about not beating down on someone's experience and not to act like such a know it all.

Rating: 7/10


This episode is where S2 was really starting to distinct itself from S1. This story has a lot of action with Bertie trying to catch Edward from one station to another and the moments when he almost got can be frustrating to watch. However it got a good message about not giving up.

Rating: 8/10

Even though these stories are from Edward's book, he was more as a secondary character in the stories. The main focus was Trevor who was facing an uncertain future and Edward was there to help as moral support. I will always stand by that Edward works better as that since his persona is being old but wise. He really doesn't need stories for himself, I mean take a look at the episodes that we got in the 'new series' era. But I digress, I think the story was nice with its message about saving things for their usefulness.

Rating: 8/10


This was pretty much one of the 'Edward proves his worth' stories. The story was more focused towards James and his rudeness towards Edward and he learnt his lesson about belitting Edward. I will say that I liked how Edward was flourished with his persona. I like how he just laughs off the stuff from the likes of James and Gordon and that he has a bit of humour as well too. The episode has a great action sequence of him saving James as well. This was another good episode.

Rating: 8/10


Someone pointed this out once which is something I didn't even think of over the years when it comes to this episode and that was Thomas' character development. In the first season he was a jerk to Terence because of his caterpillar tracks that was until he saw the usefulness in him. In this episode he pretty accepted Trevor for who he is despite how confused he was on Trevor being a traction engine. It was a nice story although I wonder how Britt Allcroft and David Mitton got the approval of adapting the story when there contract from Kaye & Ward stated that everything has to be in print first and the story wasn't released on the shelves until the same year let alone production of the second season was likely in production in 1985. Perhaps the original manuscript that Christopher wrote counts? I don't know. Anyway the story was still good with its message about usefulness as well, when it comes to Thomas' perspective.

Rating: 9/10


This episode is one example on how Percy has the cheeky trait like Thomas but makes him standout from the little blue engine with his naivity. whereas Thomas, while naive himself was more arrogant and fussy. Percy took the belief of backing signals seriously as face value from the likes of Gordon and James, which is a good message and something that should be talked about these days knowing the internet and social media in general.

Rating: 9/10


Rev.W.Awdry had stated that his characters act like children and I remember in the 'The Thomas the Tank Engine Man' documentry that they were talking about the hireachies that children have to face and it clearly shows in this episode. The bigger engines represent the older children while Percy and Duck represent the younger children who get bossed around but the Fat Controller, who's the parent in all this, is the one who's in charge of them in the end. It's a pretty good analogy. Plus it definetly shows that people should stand up to themselves and always show sign of support to those in need, although be more calm about it rather then causing further trouble like what Percy and Duck did at the sheds.

Rating: 9/10


This was a fun episode, especially with the race. The music created by Mike and Junior was fantastic and really added to the excitment of it all with the shots that were made. I feel that the story was a bit like 'Thomas & Bertie' though like Percy meets someone he never met before and of course the non-rail character acted all boastful and they had a race in the end to prove themselves. Although how the race was done was more of a conicidence rather than being planned. So while the episode was fun it just feels similar to 'Thomas & Bertie' in my opinion.

Rating: 6/10

One part I was very impressed with was when the inspector scrambled into Thomas' cab. With it being the 1980's, CGI was in its infancy and of course wasn't used in much films and TV shows compare to today. So seeing one of the inspector and then gone in another with no jump cut from the film just left me in awe and it still does today, amazing piece of film editing technique with any use of CGI, bravo to the editor. As for the story I think it could've been rewritten. In my opinion the scenes with Duck was a bit unneeded as they didn't serve anything else in the story apart from being there. I think Christopher Awdry, the author of this story, should've made it about Thomas being at the works maybe he grew tired and bored of being there for a while and with him rushing an inspection not all of him was checked, like his handbrake, and while it was stiff, Thomas was denying that nothing was wrong with him until his runaway. It's not bad but maybe some work could've been done if Christopher hadn't have a deadline to meet.

Rating: 5/10  

Looking back at my blog post for this episode in 2012, I complained about Bill and Ben's appearence in the episode. Looking at this episode now, I think it worked. This was before their episode debut and of course they were just random engines to the viewers and its saves more from the model makers creating two new models that won't have anything further to add to the series. As for the story it was really good with its moral about learning the rules and respecting what signs tell you and this furthers add the characters acting like children with the way Percy had act.

Rating: 9/10

I still highly praise Ringo's voice work for Diesel to this day. He really brings the oilyness in his character and I can tell he was having fun with it. The story was good showcasing that just because you're all up to date and modern doesn't mean you're perfect. It's basically a 'no one is perfect' moral. Although I don't know how this story would go with today's audience. When the story was created in 1958, it was at a time when British Railways was phasing out steam engines in favour of diesels. But since we are now well over six decades since then, the story wouldn't offer the same impact anymore because it becomes dated and I think it would get people thinking that it's a metaphor of racism, you know in those same articles that those 'journalists' wrote thinking the Fat Controller is some kind of dictator. Anyway, the story was good in the end.

Rating: 9/10

We live in a world where people nowadays take everything at face value without thinking a second thought. Whether it's on TV or social media and without researching anything we just believe something that could be lie all this time and by the time we find out the truth it could all be too late. Jumping to conclusions is bad and this episode shows that, although the engines didn't learn anything because it happened all off screen in the next episode but we see them believing something from the trucks and Diesel without thinking. This episode's story to me is timeless because of the moral and it's something that general public needs to watch and learn. 

Rating: 10/10

A great conclusion for Duck and showcasing his bravey with a runaway train. I wish that the Rev.W.Awdry had written a story that revealed it was Diesel who made those names up instead of Duck because we could see the big engines' different attitude towards Diesel and diesel engines in general and learning their lesson about jumping to conclusions. But I think Awdry wanted to conclude this trilogy, or quadrilogy going by the book, with something epic and it paid off well. The runaway scene was excellent with the music, the shots and Ringo's brilliant narration.

Rating: 10/10

I think out the adapted stories that were from 'More About Thomas the Tank Engine' by Christopher Awdry, this one was probably the best one. It was quite simple as the message was that we should slow down as being late isn't a bad thing at times. I remember being late one time when I had a job and my boss told me 'if the trains are late, everyone is late'. So really it isn't such a bad thing. 

Rating: 9/10

I'll say this about 'The Missing Coach', I never found it too confusing as a kid and even today I still get the story. Perhaps if they've taken some liberities into changing the story or the episode, I mean in some S2 stories they had made some parts of the stories different compare to their book counterpart, maybe something would've worked. But it is what it is and I doubt it would've done something different. Sure we would've gotten a better introduction of Donald and Douglas but I think this episode had showcased their cheeky and caring side well. Plus Thomas' special coach was never seen again after that story so it's not really a huge loss. As for this adaptation, it was good in the end. 

Rating: 8/10

I feel like that this episode was a great conclusion but without 'The Missing Coach' the resolvement just felt a little short. I still like the episode with the message that two things are better than one, with Donald and Douglas being good in the snow, if it were one then there would be trouble. Plus you can sense another persona trait of the twins with their 'can do' determination attitude. Snow doesn't bother them because they are used to it. It makes them stand out more. Plus that steam wheeshing at the end is still one of the best endings I've seen from this show.

Rating: 9/10

This story showcases on why drivers are important to engines. If an engine goes off on their own then there would be trouble, although the series today don't showcase that now and to be honest, it never showcased their crews in years. Although I wish the story had punished the cleaner since he was one that caused the accident but Thomas has some blame on this too, given his boastful and arrogant behaviour earlier in the story and probably had told the Fat Controller about it off screen. I will point out the US version of this episode. As much as like the late George Carlin's narration, I feel that his narration was pretty bland in this episode and his shout of 'horrors' when Thomas was about to collide with the house just felt sort of lacking in that emotion compare to Ringo's, who sound he was more alarming about the situation Thomas was in. That's just my two cents on the whole thing.

Rating: 8/10 

One thing about Daisy is that her character in this story is entitled and brattish, sort of like a typical teenage girl, like Angelica Pickles from 'Rugrats' and its good message towards people on not being like her. Whatever job you are given, you have to do it regardless.

Rating: 9/10

This here shows Daisy's character development, she realised that if she weren't lazy, entitled and selfish, Percy wouldn't have had his accident. Although her fear of cows was mentioned, I wish they had adapted 'Bulls Eyes' for this season instead of the foruth, I'll explain that in my S4 review later. Because I don't think it would've cost much of this season's budget, I mean some bulls were used in 'Cows' when Edward lost his trucks, and maybe they could've used that as the replacement episode instead of 'Thomas, Percy & The Coal'. Anyway as for this story, I think it was another good conclusion with a fantastic runaway and crash scene.

Rating: 9/10

A very comedic story with the likes of Bill and Ben and this is one of those stories that I feel that it should reflect for the people of today. Although the story never recounted the events of the Duck and Diesel trilogy it definetly shows that not diesels are bad. In many ways this is a good metaphor for people of today who use people of different cultures by generalising that they are all the same people that had done terrible things. BoCo from this story is far more different compare to Diesel. He was kind, apologetic and caring. But of course you shouldn't mess with him, which is the kind of trait I like about BoCo. Although I will say this, despite that 'The Missing Coach' was considered as too complex for children, it seems it was OK for Bill and Ben. Thier names and numbers were taken away and somehow many people weren't that confused by it either. I don't know what the difference is here to be honest.

Rating: 9/10

I once criticised the episode for having Gordon on the branch line despite that the story said he would be too heavy for it. But someone pointed out to me that it would only happen if Gordon was going across the branch line all the time and he only travelled on it once. So the whole situation makes total sense now. Anyway, I liked this episode still and we got to see a major development in Gordon. In the original story it was that he has a dislike to diesels, which is obvivous given his situation with Diesel. But when BoCo came along and 'saved his life' from the likes of Bill and Ben, he definetly sees a different light thanks to BoCo. 

Rating: 9/10

This episode was very good despite it being another 'Edward proved his worth story'. One thing though, despite that at least Awdry didn't have any other story for Edward after that and wasn't forced himself to write one for the sake of a higher up, unlike the writers who would be doing that later on for him until he was dropped out of the 'steam team'. But to me this prove his worth story feels a lot more stronger compare to the other ones and I think because this story wasn't focusing on Gordon or James, sure they were badmouthing him at the start but they weren't the ones who were suffering from any sort of conflict. It was Edward who despite his age shows that he is still strong.

Rating: 9/10

One thing I love from this episode is its dark atmosphere at the beginning with the night sky and the fog and Mike and Junior ominous music playing in the background. It was brilliant. In fact the dark atmosphere was amazing in the entire episode. However Thomas being more concerned about his train than of Percy's well-being was kind of out of character. Sure Thomas was arrogant and boastful but he's also caring as well when it comes to his friends. Here he was straight up annoyed that Percy had an accident and he was late. I'm surprised none of those 'journalists' who think the Fat Controller is Stalin ever brought this up in their Thomas bashing articles. But despite the story was good and funny with a fantastic dark atmosphere. 

Rating: 9/10

I don't really have much to say for this episode other than that I love the dynamic towards Thomas and Percy. They maybe friends but they don't always get along at times, which is something that friends do in real life.

Rating: 9/10

I much prefer this over 'Thomas' Christmas Party'. The story just feels right since there was no snow storm that happened so suddenly. There was a wonderful variety of characters that used that were all seen during the second season. Although I don't know why Diesel would be there but I believe he was there because to replace Daisy since both her and Boco share the some of same face masks. It was a nice story and a great conclusion to the second series. 

Rating: 10/10

To me, Series 2 shows how vastly different it was to the first series. Series 1 was more simple and plain and was more focused on the characters whereas the second series was more focused on the characters as well as the action. There was more races, chases, runaways and rescues in this season compare to the first. The stories are rather brilliant and the music too had been improved too with memorable themes. Despite it being his last season, Ringo Starr's narration was just fantastic in this series compare to the first. He was more energetic and was really into the story. I think because Thomas was such a success story, it renewed his popularity with the general public since during the middle of the 1970's until during the whole 1980's his popularity as a musican, singer and recording artist was tanking hard. Sure he was one of The Beatles but Ringo was on his own still and he hadn't made an album since 1983. The models and sets had improved too and I love the industrial side of Sodor, partiuclary the harbour set was my favourite. Even as a kid I just loved seeing the big cranes and various barges, the sweeping camera shot from 'Percy Takes The Plunge' was something I find as breathtaking. I loved how the model makers upped their game here.


Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Classic Series Review Revisited - Series 1 (1984)

You probably remember back in 2012-2013 I had made episode reviews of all Thomas & Friends episodes between S1-16 and when I looked back at them over the years, I just can't help but look at them with some form of cringe. Most my reviews were picked up from other viewers and most of the time they were really nitpicks. For those young enough to remember, there was a time that the show having a lack of brake vans at the end of any goods trains was considered as a controversy(!) Anyway I feel that it's time to look back at these episodes with something a bit constructive. So welcome to my 'Classic Series Review Revisited', each week I'll be reviewing all of the classic series seasons (1-7). I won't be looking at episodes beyond S8-16 because I tend to hold those views from then and I really don't want to sit through them again, Season 8 is still underrated in my opinion. But anyway, here's the usual warning:


SERIES 1 (1984)

Originally Written by

Adapted by
Britt Allcroft
David Mitton
Robert D. Cardona

Back in this blog's early days, I had reviewed each episode individually. But because of wanting to review other things like DVDs, newly released episodes or specials or some other stuff, I'm going to review the episodes in an entire post. 


There was really nothing wrong with the first episode. The story was a bit faithful to the original that was written in 1946 with some changes to the dialogue. However it's an adaptation and I think it's good to make these little changes in order to make itself look different. Overall, the episode was a strong opener.

Rating: 10/10


Start off with a bit of a nitpick but I think there was no need for Thomas to be at the start. It could've still worked with just Henry, Gordon and James. Back to the episode, I think I can see why they'd merged the first two stories into one episode. Sure it might've been done to fulfil the 26 episode order for the broadcaster, but when you look at the first original story ('Edward's Day Out') that took place in the first half of the episode, the story was pretty barebones in my opinion. All it just was was Edward coming out of his shed and that's it. Not that I'm saying that the original story was bad, it's a lovely little story, but it just can't stand on its own. There was a bit of conflict at the end with Gordon rushing down the hill with his trucks leaving Edward behind showcasing the contrast between them, with I think worked in the merger. However this episode was a nice introduction to Edward and see what his job is in the yards.

Rating: 8/10


The infamous episode pointed out by today's 'top quality journalists' who think that this episode showcases communist undertones because the Fat Controller bricked him up in the tunnel as if he's a brutal dictator. It's a good thing that Awdry didn't end this story in the first book as originally intended then. When I look at this episode, all I see is the Fat Controller as an authoritative figure who's in charge of the railway like a parent who look out for their children. Sure the punishment was a bit extreme but Awdry always said that his engines do act like children and if you look at the punishment, Henry's one is like a child being sent to their room because they would be disobeying their peers. Which in Henry's case, he's not listening to the Fat Controller because he was putting himself over others. All he cared about was his green paint not what his passengers want which makes him look more arrogant, in any case Henry was no victim in this episode and deserves the punishment because he wasn't doing what he was told to do. Speaking of the the wall scene, I like how the footage was keeping to time with the music. This episode was another good introduction to Henry and his personality.

Rating: 9/10


We now come to the episode that the so called journalists ignore when it comes to their Henry argument. It's a nice conclusion to the Edward, Gordon and Henry trilogy and Henry learnt his lesson about dealing with rain. Plus this episode proves that the Fat Controller while strict is definitely caring towards his engines. I mean he let Henry out of the tunnel because he knows he's strong enough to pull the express train.

Rating: 8/10


The whole was still faithful to the original story like the others and that's it really. Like 'Thomas & Gordon', the story was strong and it teaches the value of being patient and not to get overexcited. I think this can make Thomas feel more relatable towards kids who are like that.

Rating: 10/10


Another strong Thomas episode teaching kids that we shouldn't act like we know it all. I think 'The Adventure Begins' had elaborate more on Thomas' overexcitement and brushing off advice from Edward there than in the episode but of course that's unfair to compare considering that the episode has to fill in a four minute time limit. But both are great in their own right. Plus the jazzy Thomas theme is probably one of the best things about this episode.

Rating: 10/10


We now come to the conclusion of Thomas' story and we do see some growth here. Thomas had come from this cheeky little engine who plays tricks on the bigger engines to a more helpful and useful engine after rescuing James from his accident.

Rating: 10/10

I think the title could've been changed because the first half of the story didn't really have any relation to the second half. The former was more about James ruining the Fat Controller's new top hat with his shower of water. The only thing I think the first half relates to the second half is the express coaches telling James off when he and Edward left the big station. I think maybe they could've kept the two episodes serperate instead. There was no need for it to merge but I think with a 26 episode limit it had to be done. Maybe they could've gone for a title change that gives relation to both plots, like they did with 'Whistles & Sneezes'. As for the story, it was good showcasing James' imaptience and how he needs to control it. Which is something kids can relate too.

Rating: 8/10


This episode was another good and you kinda see some growth in James. He was punished because he was foolish with some coaches and you can see how sorry he looked and how he wants to make things right. It was another good story and I see no fault with it.

Rating: 10/10


Another great conclusion and some good character development coming from James. We see him coming across as a hard worker with a bit of cheek following Gordon's mishap. We see the coaches appreciating him with the way he was pulling them.

Rating: 10/10


Years ago, I was never really fond of the stories from 'Tank Engine Thomas Again'. I didn't hate them I just wasn't interested in the book until I began to develop the interest in it when I was reading it over and over again and I think it's one of the best books in the series. I love how Thomas was arrogant and boastful here now that he was rewarded with his very own branch line. But he has a lot to learn and this story is one of them with his being impatient because he wants to be on time despite Henry's illness. It's nice simple message that patience is a virtue and rushing about can lead to trouble.

Rating: 10/10


A memorable story in my opinion and one example of Awdry's statement about Thomas being the inner-child. He wants to do something, which is fishing, and the engines tell him that he can't do it and he found why by doing it, which was him having a fish in his tank blocking his feed pipe. It brings out a good message about being careful what you wish for and Thomas had to learn that the hard way.

Rating: 10/10


Once again, another great story and with a great message on how not to make fun of someone else's looks because you never know they might come in handy one day. It was a great message and something that still stands today.

Rating: 10/10


Another memorable story and a fun one too. I do like the little development between Thomas and Bertie who started out as rivals and then became friends. It reminds me of one lyric in the Japanese opening of Pokemon, 'Aim to Be a Pokemon Master'; "An enemy yesterday is a friend today" which I think was the message of the story.

Rating: 10/10


This might be a bit of a nitpick but I think instead of Thomas teasing Gordon maybe James could've been the character that teased Gordon over his misfortunes. I think the scene between Gordon and Thomas could've been him and James instead and have James as the cheeky engine of the main line now with Thomas gone and doesn't take him seriously and the words from Gordon that he told to Thomas could work with James in my opinion. I think it could've worked with James suffering from the conflict after his teasing and it could've nailed the moral that we shouldn't tease other's misfortunes because it will happen to us, in short, karma. The original story is good but maybe it could've been a little bit better. But it wasn't too bad.

Rating: 6/10


I personally don't know if the term 'black-legging' is still relevant in this century. However without any context surrounding it, it could come off as something racist. However the term is the British equal to the slang 'scab' when it comes to protesting for workers rights which is why the big engines said to Edward that he had 'black wheels' because he was working while they were protesting and I can see why they'd changed it over in the US because of cultural difference and it could come out the wrong way if they had kept in over there, got nothing to do with political correctness, considering that's the blame for anything from some people. But the engines slagging off Edward for working while they were protesting is kind of a contradiction for the big engines when they were working as well. It gave us a good introduction of Percy and we got to know him well in the few minutes that he was in. However the story does have some contradictions when it comes to the big engines in the end. 

Rating: 6/10


I like this story, we got to see more of Percy and his personality but we also see what can happen to him in bad situations when it comes to his cheekiness. It got a good message about behaviourism.

Rating: 10/10


I've always say that Henry wasn't an interesting character because he doesn't have any conflict and that he comes off as a green Gordon and James since and he and James and Gordon have the same personality traits in the early years. To me this is where he's interesting. He had an old shape which has done him poorly with his smaller firebox which makes him suffer. His conflict was his old shape causing him to be weak because of a small firebox that can't burn the normal coal that the other engines use. It was shown a few times during the season, but this is where it all ends. It's a nice little happy ending for Henry.

Rating: 10/10


I think this might come off as a bit controversial but I think this episode was a little overpraised. I get why it's praised, the setting is amazing, the music was top notch and Ringo's narration was good as well here too. But there was not much plot. Henry got his special coal and that's it and now he gets a rebuild because that's the only option now. I think what could've made this story better is to have Henry worry about what the Fat Controller might do to him. In the previous episode he was given new parts and he still couldn't work. Have the Fat Controller being up in the air about what to do with him, Welsh coal or rebuild, and Henry spent most of his time worrying about the outcome and not having him pay attention to line ahead. It would make the crash more impactful with having kids worry that with Henry now damaged and broken the only option could be scrap. The crash in what we got was just a crash. Look I don't hate the episode but I feel that both the original and its adaptation could've been a lot more better with its execution. As with Henry's new shape, I began to understand that there's budgeting and strict materials for the modellers over the years and I take it all back what I said in my original review in 2012. But at the end of it all, I think I can see why Rev.W.Awdry didn't bother with Henry with more stories until 1968. But please, don't get too influenced by this and use it as your own opinion.

Rating: 5/10


I think this was another unnecessary merger. The two stories don't really have any relevance with each other, except with the ending and the message about karma but I feel that both of those stories could hold well on their own. What they should've merged was Thomas and Toby's stories that came after this. Both have relevance with each other with the Fat Controller buying Toby after Thomas' police situation. However despite that the episode was still good and I was amazed by the technique they'd used for Henry's face when he was sneezing. There was no jump cut in between shots it was just smooth sailing.

Rating: 8/10


Looking back at S1, I think Toby's episode sticks out the most out of all the episodes from this season. To me, he has the most tragic story. He was a kind tram engine who was serving a rural area but new tech was coming and people were beginning to drive cars, deliver goods by lorries and passengers by buses and Toby was just forgotten and abandoned which made him depressed, which makes it more sad if you understand the context behind the story. At the time in the 1950's, motor transport was becoming cheaper and quicker and it was very stylish and modern compare to the old steam engines. You can't help but feel sorry for the poor engine that his time was up. If there's one little bit of criticism I'll give, it's the reveal of the Fat Controller. I wished they had kept it more ambiguous with hints on who it is through the ditty that was played when he first came to Toby's line. It would've add some sense of mystery. But other than that this episode really stood out.

Rating: 10/10


I think this episode could've merged with the previous episode since they have more relevancy than 'Whistle and Sneezes'. But despite that the episode itself was alright. This might come off as a nitpick but I don't see the point of adding Annie and Clarabel to Thomas' train of trucks when in the original story it was never shown like that. But in the end the episode was still good and it served as a nice happy ending for Toby.

Rating: 8/10


Another what goes around comes around story. I always like the dynamic of James and Toby together and it shows. Plus it's another example of engines not getting along with each other, like real life. The story was simple but it was good nonetheless with a message.

Rating: 8/10


I think this and 'Down The Mine' could've also worked as a story merger since they are both connected with the same subject matter. I also wish that they had kept the other stories from Gordon for the first season as well. I'm sure they would've worked well within whatever the budget was for the first season. As for the episode, it was another good story and I don't really have anything else to add.

Rating: 7/10


I really like Thomas' personality here. Although he's the main character of the show he's not this perfect good guy character but just this cheeky and immature engine who is also a nice one as well, complex but something that most kids are in real life. I just think it's a bit sad that some parents don't want their kids to watch a show who has a brattish and immature character but of course I understand they don't want their kids to be a bad influence as they grow up but that's not TV's job. Anyway this is one of my favourite adaptations and like I said earlier I feel they could've merged this with 'Off The Rails'.

Rating: 9/10


I honestly much prefer the book version of this story. It felt probably paced compare to the episode. Not that I am saying that this episode was bad or anything, far from it. But the episode just felt a little bit rushed, patriculary with the rescue operation. Like while the engines were excited at the sheds, apparently a snow storm happened because...just because. I think if the broadcaster ITV were kind enough they could've used this story as maybe a TV special for Christmas. However despite that I still like the outcome of the story and how it served as the finale of the first season.

Rating: 7/10


To be honest, it was hard to review some of these episodes with something constructive. There was nothing wrong or bad with S1 and it had minimal problems, while I agree that nothing is perfect. Most of the stories are great and the characters are all so engaging and relatable. I remember hearing people on social media saying that the first season was boring for a while and I can only scratch my head because I don't understand how season one is boring? Sure there's not enough action like you see in S5 but here's the thing, it's not trying to be all wacky or over the top with crashes, explosions and dangerous moments like the fifth season and beyond. The stories in the first season are calm, simple and relaxing. I guess this season comes as near perfection.

I think there are some bit of criticism I'll give to the first season such as Ringo Starr's narration. While it was definitely calming especially for the atmosphere of Thomas, it did come as something quite bland. His voice in some episodes came off as sounding tired and bored but there are times he had tried to put a bit more excitement into his voice. So I'll give him some credit for trying. And I also had mentioned that some story mergers do come off as good but some came off as unnecessary because of their relevancy. I think the episode had expanded to maybe four or five episodes more, we could've seen more space and less of the mergers. Plus it might've add more space for the other seasons when it comes to the adaptations of the Railway Series.


Wednesday, 5 February 2020

DVD Review: Steam Team to the Rescue

Welcome to the new year and the newest decade of 2020. As we prepare for the 75th anniversary year of the Railway Series books, we got our first DVD from the UK of the 2019 Sodor special 'Steam Team to the Rescue'. So here are my views on the contents that this DVD provides. But first:


Episodes Written by
Davey Moore
Micheal White
Davey Moore
Becky Overton
Camille Ucan & Rose Johnson

Directed by
Joey So
Dianna Basso

Produced by
Ian McCue (HIT/Mattel)
Tracy Blagdon (Jam Filled)

Special Features
Meet the Characters

Release Date

Distributed by
HIT/Mattel Creations 

Here are my views on the episodes 
that are featured in this DVD:



Pretty basic features really, all they are are just the usual 'Meet the Characters' videos of the Brazillian engines. There were some info about the characters and as usual they were nice. But that was it really. You think maybe they might've added the song from the Steam Team special as well as a karaoke video but I guess for whatever they decided against it. 


In the end, the DVD was alright. The episodes are not too bad in my opinion but I find it a little sad that their special feature was lacking in variety. 

Rating: 6/10

Tuesday, 31 December 2019

A Retrospective of Thomas & Friends DVDs of 2019

As we are ticking down to the end the year and the decade here in Sydney, Australia, let's take a look back at the DVDs that were released across the UK and Australia during the year 2019. Some of my opinions may have changed during the year. But first:




Review Date:

Filled with some dudded episodes but some are watchable. Pretty much still hold these views today.

Rating: 6.5/10

Review Date:

This still holds up in my opinion and probably the best series from the Brenner/McCue era. But I won't say it was perfect either. There were some duds like Hugo's episodes and 'The Missing Breakdown Train' and considering how some people thought Thomas was stodgy I can tell that episodes like Judy and Jerome's was pretty dull. In the end this was a good series and a worthy DVD for the fans of the series, although the bonus disc wasn't really worth it considering that most people from 2016 would've purchased it.

Rating: 6.5/10

Review Date:

Still hold the same view points for this DVD from when it was released. Dudded episodes here and there but some are worthy of a watch.

Rating: 7/10

Review Date:

To me these specials were just extended episodes but that's what I was expecting when it comes to these 20 minutes specials. Digs and Discoveries isn't in the line of the yearly special we had in the past but they shouldn't be compared to that because they are different. I think Gina was an interesting character, sassy, fussy but caring. Lorenzo and Bepe were funny as well, even though they didn't have much to show in the TV specials. The Italian setting was great too from Jam Filled, love that mediterranean look and feel towards it with the trees, buildings and the sunlight too. The story was good but not perfect but it feels like what 'King of The Railway' was with its simple story. 

I think the bonus episodes add a bit of value for the young audience to be entertained by and they were entertaining in my view. The song however feels like a copy and paste song with the chorus and then add lyrics of the Sodor construction crew characters, kind of like Engine Roll Call. However the music was pretty catchy.

Rating: 9/10


And that is all for 2019! So what will be happening in 2020, well the 75th anniversary of the Railway Series books of course and the two new mini specials 'Marvellous Machines' and 'The Royal Engine'. This will be interesting to see how Mattel would treat it as of course 75 years is a very big milestone for something like Thomas. Hopefully there's a good marketing campaign behind it all. It will also be interesting to see the start of David Stoten's rein as head writer now that Andrew Brenner had left. So good luck to him and I hope for the best. 

It's quite sad to see that 2019 is the final year for Jam Filled. As stated via Instagram, they are done with Thomas as Mattel are switching animation studios. So if any of them are reading this, I like to give them thanks for their hard work and great contribution and their great interaction with older fans via social media. 

I'm also considering of doing other reviews, to give this blog some life instead of just waiting for new DVDs and recent episodes. I'm thinking of re-reviewing the classic series again and looking back at my old posts from 2012-13, they hadn't aged well and most of the criticisms were nitpicks, at the time when dealing with the lack of brake vans was a big thing in this fandom :P I'm only focusing on the classic seasons (1-7) because I still hold my views on the 'new series' and 'early CGI era' (S13-16) and I really don't want to sit through those episodes again. Those might be released in the early months.

Plus I might go back and re-review the specials as well, mostly the ones from the Brenner/McCue era, from 'King of The Railway' - 'The Great Race'. 'Journey Beyond Sodor' and 'Big World, Big Adventures' are still young in my eyes and I still have some viewpoints that I'd held since their release. I might focus on this sometime around mid-2020. 

Anyway, I hope everyone reading this has a safe and happy new year!! 