Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What's hot for September at J.Crew?

Well, according to Jezebel, it's "The What Would Jesus Do If He Were CEO? look."

I'm still laughing. :D

**Photo from J.Crew.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mini Superheroes.

**Photos from Mini Super Heroes.

Pay it forward.

I saw this post on Top Cultured and knew I had to post it on my blog.

Pay it forward, so to speak. ;)

Monday, August 23, 2010

I've been asking myself a lot lately...

...which is why I have probably turned into...

**1st Photo from e-magic. 2nd photo from Love your chaos.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Kiss and Make Up Day. :)

No, it's not today.

But there is such a day.
It's on August 25.
(My sister's birthday! Advanced happy birthday, sister! ;D)
I got an email from Signals, an online gift store,declaring that August 25 was indeed "Kiss & Make Up Day".

And they suggest that to celebrate the day, to gift someone with one of their goodies.
(But of course, right?)

I gotta admit, though, their goodies are cute!

You Are... Plaque ($24.95)
For the one you just can't live without. ;)

You Are Fabulous Mirror ($19.95)
For those days you're not feeling your best.

The Civilized Butler Clock ($99.95)
As the website describes this clock, "This alarm clock wakes you
first with the sound of gentle birdsong, then a discreet cough
and comforting words "Good morning, Sir" (or Madam),
followed by a charming and amusing message
‑ a different one each morning (six months' worth before they start repeating).

Monday, August 16, 2010

Zagat has spoken.

I have just chanced upon the most wonderful news!

It seems I'm not the only one who's loving the local-burger-done-good
over that-one-everybody-says-is-the-best-burger-in-the-world.

Even Zagat has declared the local Five Guys burger better than the West Coast-based In-'n'-Out burger!

Congratulations to my stomach!
Oh, and to Five Guys!

**Image from LA Observed.
**Discovered via

Bad blogger.

Time just flies by when it's summer.

It has been ages since I visited my own blog.
Bad blogger.

Hopefully, this post will mark my return to more regular posts.
I miss being able to share my thoughts and put them out there for anyone and everyone to see.

**Image from lemonblond.