Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011

We had a great Christmas this year, but it sure went fast. We couldn't find the Christmas tree till the first week in December which is late for us, so maybe that's why it seemed so short. We started out December by making snowflakes:

Got a beautiful frosty, foggy day:

The kids got to do the daily advent calendar:

And decorated the house:

Grace and I made neighborhood treats - dozens of peanut butter blossoms, and peppermint snowballs and pounds of cinnamon almonds and we all took them around that night. We also made gingerbread houses at my moms house - see them in the background?

We had a lunch with the Bybees down in Springville then a dinner at my moms in Provo Christmas Eve. Then came the big night. The kids might get almost as excited about opening "jaminas" on Christmas Eve than presents the next day. Grace's usual jamina-to-the-face picture:

Collin was thrilled about his Paul Frank jaminas too.

They are getting SO big!

Collins usual Lego face picture:

And Midge with an armful of little stuffed animals.

We had a breakfast with Bybees again - I don't know why I didn't take any pictures! And then a dinner at our house that night. I love having this here because it gives us an excuse to have to get our Christmas mess cleaned up, AND to have everyone over again!! We missed that!

We love being by family again!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Fall Highlights

I am finally getting around to all the pictures I meant to post while waiting to find my camera cord or memory card reader. For about two months we had either a lot of deer or the same 3 or 4 in our back yard. Every day we'd wake up and peek at how many and which ones were in the yard that day. The kids loved it more than the squirrels and birds in our backyard in Houston.

They especially loved the day they were right at the bottom of our back stairs. Collin was raking the leaves and looked over and there they were so he froze and kept that position for about 2 hours just watching them.

The leaves turned and fell and the kids LOVED raking them (we'll see how long that lasts!)

Like I said earlier, my Grandma passed away and my life changed by it. But we were able to see a lot of family because of it and got to have a girls lunch on my moms birthday at Flour Girls and Dough Boys in AF (try the honey butter ham sandwich - YUM!)

Grace fell and got a swollen ankle so we took her to the doctor the day before Thanksgiving

And after getting x-rayed, found out she had fractured the growth plate in her ankle.

My poor Midgie on that big x-ray table!

Jon was in China for a week and as we were leaving for the airport he found out his Grandpa had died in his sleep, so we had the funeral while Jon was gone; I got a ticket the next day, we had family (with 5 boys) stay with us, and I got to do the Scribble rush by myself. It's been quite a month!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Noni Costco Partay

When we heard the Jons work party was going to be at Costco this year we were like "Eh?". It ended up being AWESOME! After Costco closes they set up for the party. We went at 9:30 and it looked like it normally does on a Saturday afternoon- packed! This was the line to get in (with a choir serenading us while we waited):

Your invitation to the party comes with a $200 Costco Gift card and a voucher for a ham or turkey. Then all the isles are set up with games - toss the bean bag, throw the football through the tire etc. and if you win, you get more Costco gift cards:

Then there was food. Lot's of food. This is the crepe bar:

And the crepes being made in the dairy isle:

And the tables of hors d'oeuvres (by the meat section):

Feasting amongst the produce (I think of this every time I've been back shopping) :

Let's not forget the Italian Soda bar:

And the best part. The Cake Walk. We got in and were busily chatting for 2 rounds when boom, Sheree won. She picked one of the last 2 chocolate cakes. I thought, "great! now I'm all alone" and the next thing I knew, my number got picked! I got the last coveted chocolate cake. We got many an evil eye from those who had been there for half an hour waiting to win a cake. Our husbands were very proud of us.

Can't wait for next year!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I think we are in more confusion since the small move from Jons parents basement to Orem than from Texas! I can't find my camera cord to upload my pictures, there are piles of to-be-sorted all over, the house is a mess, Scribble is uber busy and a lot has happened this last month. Grace fell and fractured her ankle bone but is mending nicely, Jon had his annual bronchitis and is getting ready to go to China for work, Collin has been writing his first novel and my world shattered a little with the passing of my grandma. It's been harder than I thought it would but life goes on I guess. We had Jons work party at Costco last weekend and I used my phone for pictures so I can post those.

Happy Holidays!