Thursday, September 30, 2010

16 Years of Wedded Bliss!

See? It's been so long our pictures are getting discolored! Love you babe!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pre-teen eyes

I look at the world through whole different eyes now that I have a pre-teen male in the house. We took a trip to our neighborhood branch of the Houston Public Library last week, which isn't how you expect an adventure to start out, but that's how our life goes. After finding my books I went to look for C-boy, or Radical Dude as he calls himself these days, in the Manga section. I walked past the handful of "hobos" (the kids favorite word) trying to escape the record heat and humidity and bask in the AC. I turned the corner and was greeted by half of this girls back showing and half of her buttocks. This is after she pulled her pants up and her shirt down.

She looked up and saw Collin and me so, she sat up and we walked around her. I was glad to get on the other side of her, only to be greeted by this/these:

The only reason Collin didn't notice too much was because she wasn't blond. He's got it bad for blonds. He thinks they are H.O.T. I can sort of handle that, it's to be expected from boys and he's got a lot of Bybee genes in him. But then we went to the grocery store and I heard him start laughing like a 5 year old and yelling at me to come see this:

He laughed and snickered over it the rest of the afternoon. Repeating it over and over. So what is worse? Oogling over cleavage, or regressing into a 5 year old??? I waffle . . .

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Girls Trip '10

Howdy folks. Grace and I had our first annual Girls Trip a few weeks ago. We went to San Antonio (we thought we'd better start out small) for the weekend and we had a blast! We stayed at a great hotel, ate good food and had lots of fun. We did all the fun things in San Antone that there is to do - The picture above was the river boat ride. We started the day out by trying to eat breakfast on our "porch" in front of our room. I went back inside to get the camera out of our air-conditioned room and this is what happened when I tried to take a picture. It was just a little hot and humid!

We went to the Alamo that was almost deserted compared to how it usually is! We almost had the place to ourselves.

We walked along the River Walk and had a great lunch. Just in case you forget you were in TX, there are flags everywhere to remind you (not unique to SA). I love Texas pride.

Grace and her new armadillo (she got one for Collin too):

I researched hotels in SA that were kid friendly and found a gem of a hotel. It looks like cabins surrounding a playground and a SWEET pool. I thought by the pictures on the internet that the pool couldn't be as big as it looked, but you know what they say, Everything is bigger in TX and this pool was huge! It had one end that was 1 foot and another end that was a hot tub and the middle was huge. Grace could have spent the whole day in here. It was also great because after around 8:30 pm, it was quiet because all the kids were in bed.

The next day we braved the record-setting heat and went to Sea World.

Our favorite part was the Shamu show. Ok, it's really called something like Believe, but we all know the main attraction is Shamu!! And she had a baby with her this time. It was so cute.

We got there almost an hour early and got front row seats . . .

And GREAT views!!

We also did get a little wet, but not too bad because we sat in front of the performing platform.

Very seriously cooling off with some Dippin' Dots:

Enjoying one of the other shows.

We had a great time. Grace was so fun to travel with! She eats what I eat, we like to go to bed early and get up early. We like the same things on TV etc. I can't wait for our trip next year!