Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dr. Sholls Ruby Slippers

It's amazing what you can find at your local library! Collin spied this book and brought it home. . .

I had no idea where it would take us or what it would do to my house! We only have boring old silver duct tape around the house so we "had" to go buy some colored "DT" for C boy. He made a bunch of things - clip for Graces hair, CD case for Jon and flip flops for himself. ALL out of DT. Well, he figured that if he could make flip flops, he might as well try shoes. No pattern for them, other than a pair of his own shoes to go by. It took him a few hours, including all the pin striping, but every bit of these (minus cardboard for the sole and stuffing for padding) are DT, down to the laces. . .

I can NOT wait to see what this boy is going to do/be for a career!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Beach Days

We've had a weird summer this year. We didn't get to the beach until July!! But we more than made up for it by going every weekend for 5 weeks straight. It was amazing to see the difference in the ocean just one week apart. It was also interesting to see how many different activities you can do at the beach. See the "huge" waves here? They are pretty good size for Texas shores.

That's Jon, Collin and Grace boogie boarding above, and C-boy below. We had a great time together on boogie boards now that Grace is a big brave swimmer.

The boy is like a bird on water. He could go farther on his board than any of us. It was amazing and yes, it made me jealous! He's also a fish IN the water! He takes after Jon.

The bathing beauty taking a rest.

The next week we came prepared to boogie board again and this is what we found. I guess the tropical storm in the Caribbean the week before that made such big waves had left. I haven't seen this still of water for a long time. I also have never see fishing boats so close to shore taking advantage of all the marine life that day. Tons of fish, some dolphins and a jelly fish that made Grace scream and run for shore.

Me and my honey taking a break. . .

Although we didn't get to boogie board we got to skim board and play in the sand which is Gracie Loo's favorite thing to do. I love that they still play together.

Now take a good look at this picture and scroll back up to the first one. Big difference!