Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Remember . . .

Chalkboard Steals
Tomorrow, the 25th, on


Thought Bubbles:


Weekly Calendar:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Our Week in Review

Actually, I guess it all started about 2 weeks ago. . . it's kind of all blurring together. We (meaning Scribble) got an order from one of those "one day only" websites for 400 chalkboard decals. If that doesn't impress you, the biggest one we've ever gotten was for 60 and that seemed huge. Anyway, we spent about a week printing pretty much non-stop. I never did get a picture of all 400 because as soon as we peeled and taped them we packed them up, so this is only about half . . .

Our whole house was taken up with every corner and hall having something to do with the order in them! These are tubes ready and waiting (only about 100) . . .

175 smaller tubes for the Polkadots . . .

Finally! Ready to be shipped. I missed a lot of the process, but we were too busy to even think of pictures. We also had some fam, Jon's brother James and Roxane come in town so we had a couple of days of fun with them. Again, forgot pictures!

One good thing is that our house sure seems bigger now! It reminds me of the story of Sad Mrs. Sam Sack. Remember that sistas? Not sure I ever want to do that again.

Anyway, if you want a screaming deal on some chalkboard vinyl decals - Weekly calendars, Polka Dots, Clouds and Thought bubbles, you can go to on the 25th, this Thursday and get some.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Mmm. . . Napolitanke's

I got "moved" from being in the RS Presidency at church to being in the Primary Presidency. I am the counselor over scouts. I got called the Sunday before my surgery so I had a couple of weeks to ease into the calling. BUT as soon as I put clothes on (somewhere around day 11 or 12) I hit the ground running and haven't stopped! When the president was telling me about my responsibilities she said, "scouts is a full time job". I chuckled at her joke. I'm not chuckling now. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE scouts. I just didn't think I'd be gone so much from home. And the little free time I had before to do the blog, write in my journal etc. is now pretty much zilch. So, I thought I'd post about these little beauties. We stumbled across them in the international isle of our local HEB, or "heb" as we like to call it. They are made in Croatia. We love to try new things but sometimes what you think will be so good, just isn't. Well, these didn't disappoint. They're nougat (aka gianduja, aka chocolate hazelnut) filled wafer cookies. They are so delectibly delish - not too sweet, very crunchy, low cal and dirt cheap. If you like that type of thing, you have got to scout these out and try them. I think you can also order them on Amazon. Happy eating.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Why Tuna Makes Me Smile

This story happened a few months ago, but every time I see a can of tuna I think of it, and probably always will, so I thought I'd share. . .

Last semester in Co-op, I "taught" PE for the little kids. Ok now, stop snickering!! Notice I put parenthesis around taught?! There is a little boy in there named Kit. I hadn't done anything special to Kit or treated him any different. If anything, I was a little rude because I was always telling him to stop whining and that there was "no sitting down in PE". One day we were sitting around in the morning getting ready for Praise and Worship (I need to do a post on that some time!) to start, and when I turned my head Kit was there. He planted a big kiss on my cheek, gave me a bear hug around the neck and said, "Teacher, I love you". He then said he had brought me something and dug deep in his bag to produce . . . a can of tuna. He then gave me another kiss and hug and told me again that he loved me. I had to excuse myself to the bathroom to shed a tear or two. And I might need to right now too. I love that I have happy thoughts when I see a can of tuna. Thanks Kit!