Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So long tooth, so long 2008!!

Before . . . 
After . . . 

And so officially ends the baby/toddler/little kid stage in our life. STILL DON'T miss the diapers or nursing in the night, DO miss feet that fit in my hand and little bodies that fit in my lap. 

Parental Tip: As soon as your child's tooth becomes loose, have your payment plan ready, even if it takes 3 months for the tooth to finally come out! You don't want to get caught on a Sunday night at 8 having your child's tooth, and FIRST tooth at that, coming out. Telling them that the tooth fairy doesn't work on Sunday's doesn't work because they KNOW for a FACT that she does too. I said she probably wouldn't come tonight so not to get her hopes up. Jon (the little kid in a big kids body) couldn't NOT let the tooth fairy come. So he scrounged up some quarters so she wouldn't be disappointed (we usually give $2 bills for the first teeth and big teeth and dollar coins for all other teeth). What a good dad!

Wishing you all a fun and safe New Years Eve and Happy 2009!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas . . . Part Deux

We had a great Christmas! We ate lots of good food, played games and spent the whole time together.  This batch of pictures is from Christmas
 morning . . . 
Collin, having the biggest stocking of us all, trying to see all the way to the bottom . . . 

Grace getting excited about some chocolate (definitely my girl) . . .
Jon with his Bear pate and me with my new blue slippers. . . 

Collin gives the best reactions to presents! Grace gave him the Star Wars lego set, so she's trying to see if he likes it or not (like there's any question!).  Grace with her new Barbie turn-little-girls-into-consumers cash register set (again, my daughter . . . I loved cash registers when I was little). . . 

Another great Collin shot . . . 

Grace is too busy opening everything and ripping tags off to give good reactions, so for her, showing she likes something is how absorbed she is with it. Also, we have pictures from every Christmas of the kids sitting in matching positions. And Collin is always building some lego set. . . 

Our traditional aebleskiver Christmas breakfast. We have also had nonalcoholic gløgg the last few years, which is warmed, spiced fruit juice with slivered almond and raisins at the bottom of the mug. I grew up eating cinnamon rolls for Christmas breakfast so this year I decided to make some to bring back the memories. YUM!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas . . . Part One

This is the first installment of the deluge of pictures to come. . .  these are leading up to and including Christmas Eve.  We had Jons brother and family come into town and I guess we were having too much fun to take any pictures!! The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins. It's one of their favorite things. 

This is Jons latest artistic endeavor. I guess since we don't have a spot big enough for a real koi pond, he decided to paint some . . . 

Singing a song on our very last Advent last Sunday. . . 

Opening the advent calendar on Christmas Eve morning. . . 

Jons family has a great tradition of having a white elephant gift exchange on Christmas eve, but with food treats (see why I married into this family?). So this is after we were done with our "loot" as Collin likes to call it. . . 

Another one of our traditions is to give the kids "jaminas" on Christmas eve. Grace has ALWAYS buried her face in hers in excitement . . . 

Collin seeing his . . .  I love that they still get excited about them . . . 

The sweet potatoes . . . 

After getting cozy in the new jaminas we pool our white elephant treats and settle down to watch The Nativity Story DVD (if you haven't seen it, I strongly suggest it) and then settle in for a long winters sleep. . . . 

Friday, December 19, 2008

December Randomness

For those of you that don't know, we are now doing Scribble out of our house . . . 

What used to be our dining room is now our production room . . . . 

As I was going through my camera, I came across some that I didn't take and had to laugh at this one. Grace's turtle . . . in a bowl . . . I love being a mom!!

Grace with her new set of wheels . . .

Grace outside trying to catch snowflakes in her mouth. I let them stay in their "jaminas" all day since it was so cold . . . 

See all the snow? The kids kept saying, "it is snowing SO hard!"

Sunday, December 14, 2008


One of our favorite things about this time of year is celebrating Advent for the 4 Sundays before Christmas. We read Christmas stories and sing Christmas songs and eat a treat. There need to be about 30 Sundays for all the cookie recipes we want to try every year. Tonight was Almond Crescents. Delish. We used to have my sisters come over to do it with us and we made song books for each of us that I've been adding to every year. We love Advent! But we also miss having the kids aunties with us. Maybe next year . . . 

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I just read on my sis-in-laws blog that she tagged me to list some 8's. That is just too many for me so since I was 4th on the list, I will do four things. . . 

4 TV shows I enjoy watching:
17 Kids and Counting
Little People Big World
Jon and Kate plus 8
Kids by the Dozen
(notice any themes here?)

4 Things that happened yesterday:
2. Shipped a vinyl wall decal out
3. Rode my exercise bike
4. Experimented with some essential oils

4 Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Advent Sunday
2. Having Jons brother and fam stay with us soon
3. Christmas!
4. A trip in January!

4 Things I love about Winter:
1. A fire
2. Layers of clothes
3. Baking yummy things
4. Making soup

4 Things on my Wish list:
1. ummmmmmmm . . . diving next year
2. . . . . . . . . going on a great trip next year
3. Seeing all of my family soon
4. I'm sure as soon as I post this I'll think of some great things, but for now, I can't!

"The Christmas Miracle"


IT SNOWED YESTERDAY!!!!! Ok, there was never any on the ground, but the roofs were white!! The kids were SO excited and kept saying how hard it was snowing, and I even took pictures, but you can't see the flakes, so you'll have to trust me. (I swiped the above picture from the local newspaper). We had a fire going all day it was so cold - 35 degrees. 

Grace was running around all day yelling, "It's a Christmas Miracle!!" I'll have to post more pictures later . . . 

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tragedy Strikes . . .

We had a very sad day. Alas, Collins beloved rabbit Snickers is no more. Tears were shed on and off all day - in the shower (there was much sobbing in there), at dinner when dad said he had put it in the outside garbage instead of a "PROPER burial", later at said burial, and mostly at bed time. So long Snickers. You were a good rabbit for 5 months. Especially putting up with the "bunny leash" so the kids could "walk" you in the yard. We will miss you.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Start of the Holidays

Since Thanksgiving feast pictures are now so far after the fact, here are some pictures of the weekend. After our feast, we put up the Christmas tree. I do miss the smell of a real one, but it's so nice to be able to put it up whenever we want instead of waiting for Jon to get home etc. It's tradition for Collin to put the star on top. I love this picture because ever since he was a baby, when Collin gets excited he opens his mouth wide . . . 

Decorating the tree . . . 
Collins Nutcracker ornament from the Nutcracker play that he starred in last year . . .

Grace carefully putting things just the right way . . . The Gracie Way . . .

The joys of having a boy in the house - shaping the elves into Tae Kwon Do stances . . . 

My mom, aka Martha Stewart's twin, makes gingerbread houses every year. Meaning making dough from scratch, rolling it out, cutting out the house shapes, baking them, drying them etc. for us to decorate. . . now that we live here we had to do it boxed style. Jon got out the dremel tool and glue gun, and we were in "bidniss". . . 

The finished products . . . 

Then we got out the ice skates and went to the mall. I love the first one, even though it's blurry because you can tell Grace has her mouth going the whole time. . . 

Sunday, November 30, 2008


I think one of the signs of a successful Thanksgiving dinner is when every pot and utensil in the house is dirty, so judging by our mess, ours was a huge hit. This is an "after" picture of the kitchen. (I used a different camera for the dinner and the card reader for that got left at Jons office, so they'll have to come later.  I know you're heart broken.)We had a very quiet but good day with just the four of us and I am thankful that we were able to have so much this year to be able to make a dirty kitchen for Thanksgiving!!

Now, I'm off to start baking for the first Advent of Christmas tonight! Let the Christmas season begin!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


If you recall,  in August (Advice) I posted about seeing a religious icon car on our way to San Antonio and "someone" blowing right by it. I never thought we'd see the car again but on Labor Day when we were on our way to our traditional breakfast we saw it from afar. "Someone" finally learned his lesson and turned around for me to see it but it was gone already. I was on a mission to see it up close and get a picture and I finally found success. Last week after having lunch at Whole Foods (and after overhearing the guy next to us say he hopes he never meets another Mormon since we are a cult . . . but that's another story) we came out and there it was, parked in all it's glory on the street!  Although after seeing it up close, the car wasn't quite as religious as it had looked as we sped by it on the highway. I admit, the pictures could be better, but I had cars swerving around me while I was taking them . . . 

P.S. You might not want to read all of the stickers. They're "interesting" . . .  

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Taste of fall . . .


Pumpkin Bread . . . . mmmmmmmm. One of my favorite things. I have made 2 batches in 2 weeks, so I thought I'd post the recipe. This makes 2 9x5 loaves or 3 7x3 loaves. 

Pumpkin Bread
1 15 oz can pumpkin
4 eggs
1 cup veg. oil
2/3 c. water
2 1/2 cup sugar (I use half brown sugar)
3 1/2 cups flour (I use whole wheat* and it's still really moist)
2 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp. baking soda
1 1/2 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. Pumpkin Pie spice**
Chocolate chips, optional (but a must in our house)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour pans. In a large bowl mix pumpkin, eggs, oil, water and sugar until well blended. In a separate bowl (if you want more dishes to wash, if not, just put in the same bowl as everything else), stir flour, baking soda, salt, spice, and choc. chips. Stir until just blended and pour into pans. Bake for 50-60 minutes until toothpick comes out clean.

*I use flour called White Whole Wheat. King Arthur flour makes it and it doesn't have a strong wheat taste like regular whole wheat flour. 

**Pumpkin pie spice is pretty expensive and I can't find it here! Thank goodness for the internet where I found a recipe for Pumpkin Pie Spice. 

Pumpkin Pie Spice
1/4 c. Cinnamon
2 Tbsp. Nutmeg
1 Tbsp. Ginger
1 Tbsp. Cloves OR Allspice, depending on what you have or like. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gracie Loo, Suzie Q, Scooby Doo . . .

We love you!!

So as if to prove me wrong by what I said of her on the Halloween post about not liking to get fancied up, Grace came down today all Fancy Nancied. Doing her spelling . . . 

And her math . . . notice the heels and purse. It was filled with her "cell", keys, small bag of treasures, lip gloss (sparkly) AND a bracelet. 

Now, I realize that a lot of you will look at this and say, "That's not very fancy" but for Grace, it is uber fancy. 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mom Randomness

Not much is going on with us this week. We are in between holidays . . . already listening to Christmas music and planning our holiday activities. 

I forgot to post this a couple of weeks ago when I went to vote. You can tell the size of your city by how many languages they have to post a sign in (and I have to say, I love camera phones) . . . 

These are some pictures from our homeschool Co Op. I love this picture of Collin because he has sat in this position from the time he was tiny!! He is in the early stages of puberty (his latest nick name is Cumin Pits Boy = CPB, his initials, which he created himself) so any reminders of babyhood are nostalgic . . . 

This is Grace in one of her classes playing tug-of-war . . . 

While I was looking at pictures on my phone I found this one from a long time ago. Grace loves to bring a "friend" with her in the car and I was saying that he (the frog) needed to be safe, so I buckled him in the front seat and the kids thought it was so funny so I took a picture to remind me of times I could make them laugh and didn't even have to work at it . . . 

This is to document Grace actually ASKING me to take a picture of her so she could see how funny she looked at the Dentist with her "blue snout" . . . 

And now I find such joy in baking my bread because I don't remember how it came to be, but Grace has started calling it "homemade love bread". Motherhood definitely has it's perks!