Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Family Pictures

We finally got our pictures taken and Zach cried through most of it. (He also cried through his newborn pictures, which is odd because he is a happy baby). Thanks Scotty they look good.

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Jackson Hole

Last week we went up to Jackson Hole with the Baker family. We had a great time spending time with my sisters, and Allie loved playing with all of the cousins. Mike got a new camera and enjoyed taking pictures of the wildlife. We spent a day in Yellowstone, a day at Jenny Lake, and a day at Teton Village. Allie was quit the trooper for the hikes, even when it was raining. Animal highlight was that we saw a BEAR in the Teton's and followed it around for about ten minutes. The bear was on the side rode and I had my window down taking pictures when it decided to cross the street in front of us. I had a moment of panic to find the window button.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Raking Leaves

The leaves have been coming down the last few weeks, so we spent an afternoon raking up and playing in the leaves. Allie loved it. Now we have to figure out how to pick up the leaves that are on the snow.

Here is an updated picture of Zach


Allie really got into Halloween this year. On Friday we visited dad at his office and went trick-or-treating around his work. Allie got to the point when she saw an adult she would just ask "Where is your candy?" Dad and Allie got to go trick-or-treat at a few house on the street, but came back in because of the rain. Between dad's work and the few neighbors she got enough candy to eat and share with mom and dad. Zach was an elephant this year.

Allie's favorite part of her doggie costume was her doggie nose.

Allie and her cousin Tate

Allie and Zachary

Two of my sisters were in town over Halloween, so Amanda planned a Halloween party. We carved pumpkins, played games and decorated cookies. Dad and Allie started to draw a face on the pumpkin to carve, but Allie decided that she didn't want her pumpkin to get carved. She ended up just coloring the pumpkin.

Allie and her pumkin

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Well I finally got around to uploading pictures, so here is the cute baby Zachary.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Zachary is Here!

Zachary Douglas Zumwalt was born on September 1st @ 4:57 pm. He was 6 lbs 6 oz and 20 1/4 inches. The cord was wrapped around his neck making his heart rate drop while I was in labor. It got to a point that they couldn't stabilize his heart rate anymore so we were wheeled off for an emergency c-section. Once he was delivered everything was good with him and me. He is a healthy and alert baby. We got home from the hospital on Saturday and have been adjusting to two kids the last couple of days. Allie loves her brother Zachary and is a big help. I'm relaxing right now so pictures will come later. (I would have to walk downstairs to get the camera cable to upload the pictures to the computer, which is too much work at the momnet.)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Mike. We love you and hope that you have a great day.