This evening after dinner, we were cleaning up while three things took place:
1. Dallin went upstairs to shower
2. Kailee played with her Barbies
3. Tylie sat at the table finishing her food
From downstairs, I could hear Dallin singing at his little heart's content, and at the top of his lungs! Which song? Who knows, but he sung it as if it were his favorite!
Kailee lined up her Princess Barbies and their dresses in a row; some on the sofa, some on the floor in front of the sofa. All the while humming a soft song: tune, again, unknown to me.
Tylie, who was left to finish her food since she decided to talk during dinner time instead of eat, sat at the table giggling after each bite and would say to herself, "One more bite" in a tone that moms use when they're trying to motivate their child to eat just "one more bite". You know the one, tone starts out low, ends high... she was so happy to have finished; it was quite an accomplishment for her this evening!
I couldn't help but pause, watch, and listen to them. Each child content in their own world; no distractions, no worries, no sibling annoyances. It's times like these that I get a glimpse as to why the Savior admonishes us to become as little children; they're so pure and innocent. I love these moments when I can just observe them, as a fly on the wall...