This week has been a busy one and it ended with a big scrappy weekend with me being lucky enough to spend sometime scrapping with friends on both Saturday and Sunday. Lucky me. I'll share what I have done a little later on it the post.
On Monday we got hit with some storms. Lots of wind, rain and hail and a bit of damage about too. At work our power went of, out for nearly 24 hours. We, Craig and I ended up with some hail dents in our cars. Nothing major though, thankfully as it would of been a long wait for a panel beater to fix it. Craig snapped this pic of Missy holding one of the hail stones that fell out at Mum's.

On Tuesday I popped down to one my local where I dt at for my usual scrap morning only to find that the power was out. I didn't get to do as much scrapping, spent most of the time chatting with Lou, Jordie, Mardi and topping up mu stash of Copic markers.
OnFriday Missy had crazy hair day at school so I raided to craft cupboard at work for some pipe cleaners and wound then around 5 piggies in her hair. lol She called herself the red back spider princess.

On the way out the door for school we noticed a parcel on our doorstep for Missy. She was so excited about it and here she is with some of what was inside.

An assortment of toys all the way from America from one of the players over at the Shabby blog, Zandra. She read on my blog a while back about Missy and the love she has for her Pet shop toys and offered to send some of them over for her that used to be her daughters, Gabby. Well they couldn't find them and sent over these instead.
Thanks ever so much to you both. Missy has played with them all weekend.
Well that's my weekly wrap up. Here is what I have done scrappy wise this week.
Just scrapbooking.When I was down there last week Jordie gave me some Grahic 45 papers to play around with for a possible heritage class. Here is sneak of what I came up with. Just a sneak for now until Jordie has seen the whole thing.

Enchanted.Were cyber cropping this weekend. I only got to one of the challenges, Tiff's scrap lift one. Here is what I came up with.

Motivet and
StampavieNow that I have got a small stash of Copic markers I have been having fun colouring in some of my Stamp images.
Here are some cards that I have created.

I got this cute hippo from Motivet in a swap with the girls over at Lime Tart and the bunny one I got in my bundle of goodies from a Stampavie challenge I won a while back.

I have done up the Easter card for the latest Stampavie Easter challenge.
I still have to master the blending of colours but I am getting there slowly.
Enchanted.I have been playing along with the monthly photo swaps and this month I swapped with Ellen. Here is a sneak of what I have done. Will share the whole layout once Ellen has it.

Well that is all from me for now. Till next time thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping.