Thanks for popping in and any comments and till next time happy scrapping.
Thanks for popping in and any comments and till next time happy scrapping.
Inspired by the ryhme row row row your boat. You need your embellies in a row and if you add boat somehow onto your page you will get your name in the hat for a rak from me.
Friend card set.
Inspired by the rhmye If I had a little nut tree.
To make a pair of cards with a tree and a bird on them.
Thanks for popping in and any comments and till next time happy scrapping.
Hope you all can play along.
Till next time thanks for poping in, any comments and happy scrapping.
Which is on sale all month so pop on over and grab some before it all goes. I've been and shopped and will be doing some more later on too.
I have some more projects to share using Bella stuff but I just need to take some photos. I finished them at Christines today and forgot to take my camera to take some pics.
Ever wanted to join in on a blind scrap. Well be on the look out for a mat list going up durring the week for one I'll be holding on Saturday night. You can check in here to find out just what it is all about.
I've also been working on some projects for Scrap my memories but will have to wait for the weekend before I can show those off.
I got my latest Purple Onion goodies in the mail durring the week too so be on the look out for some more Purple creations.
The latest Aussie Scrap Jack challenge has gone up too.
Here is my jack of a layout by Helen karanfilovski.
Well that is about it from me for now. I'll be back tomorrow with my latest STM page. I had fun doing that page working with som eof my new Basic Grey Porcelain.
Till then thanks for popping in and nay comments and happy scrapping.
If you have some time on your hands why not check out her Pinkalicious sketch blog that she has just started up.
Till next time thanks for popping in and happy scrapping.
Thanks for popping in and any coments. Till next time happy scrapping.
I just had to play around with my new stamps for this chalelnge. They have been used a few times now already.
You can check out the details of the challenge here in the forum.
I was getting a little worried with the kit landing here in time and it finally got here on Friday. It is a great kit full of Yummy Websters pages paper and lots of other goodies too.
I have been working on my March challenges for Therapy this weekend too. Nothing I can show just yet though but one will be revealed on Friday night for the cybercrop and the rest will be revealed on Super Sunday where we announce the winners of last months challenges and the challenges for March.
So dig out an old school photo or a school themed av and headed o ver and check out just what is happening this month. Better hurry now. The bell is about to go and you don't want to be late for class now do you.
Speaking of classes I held one in Therapy last night and for the first time in ages I managed to run the whole class with out is mix up of any sort. lol Here is the layout I taught. You can find kits up in the shop and the class with no chat up in the forum.
Well that is about all from me for now. Till next time, tomorrow when I be able to share my secret, thanks for popping in, any comments and happy scrapping.