........................................check out my cake blog here!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Before I hit the year mark of NOT posting

Easter 2015

Just in case there is anyone still checking this occasionally....

Lets see, what's changed since Pyper was born.

After much deliberation, we chose to put tate into a private Pre-School. He just wasn't ready for Kinder. We mentioned to them our concerns about his development and other challenges. They told us he would do just fine. After 8 days of school, they asked him not to come back. Apparently, their specialty is "normal" kids. And Tate is not "normal." He is Unique - more on that later.....

In September we went to San Antonio for the first Wyatt family reunion. It was great! We visited Sea World for the first time and really enjoyed it. Maybe it was because I was 4 weeks postpartum but it was wicked hot and I the sweat was real!

In October, Chris jumped into the life of Real Estate owner and purchased our first ever rental property. We hired a company and rehab began....and continued on until the end of December. It was certainly a learning experience but we did another jump and bought a second property in January. This time we decided to to the work ourselves....until we realized we just don't have the time needed to do it. So our friends stepped in to help us out. It should be finished up and rented out in the next few weeks.

In November, Chris came back from a work trip and got incredibly sick. He was in bed the entire week of Thanksgiving. We are assuming it was food poising of a sort. But I did get a smile out of him for a Thanksgiving selfie.

After Thanksgiving, we got the results from a genetic blood test that had been done on Tate. The blood test showed that Tate was missing the 14.1 - 15th parts of his 6th chromosome. They call it 6q deletion. It was, in a way, relieving to have an answer to why Tate has so many challenges. And it validated all my concerns I've had for him since birth. And it may have been relieving to know that it isn't all my fault that he is still struggling with potty training, his alphabet, jumping, counting, etc. (Mom guilt.) His genetic disorder is so rare though, that we have only found 3 others with it....and since we are dealing with genes and DNA....the symptoms vary significantly and we don't know what the future hold. So for now, we just thank Heavenly Father for sending us one of his special spirits.

I anticipated things slowing down some after the holidays but....nope! We began demo-ing our second property on Saturdays. 4 kids in a construction site was a challenge. After Millie tipped a door over and I caught it with the back of my head....we decided we'd start getting a babysitter.
Eli will be turning 8 in October and getting BAPTIZED! I cannot believe it. He is a great helper. In the fall, Eli will also start 2nd grade and Tate will start Kindergarten. It will just be me and the girls at home. Millie is a very spunky, yet very loving, happy big girl! She potty trained in a matter of a week. Pyper is just growing so quickly - she is one determined little girl. Until next time!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Its a girl!

how 'bout this yellow gown? my doc said it looked like big bird. (no epidural, by the way. it was another good experience)
i couldn't be more grateful for a wonderful husband (he maybe cried more than i)
Pyper Olive
We are so in love with her.
She spent her hospital time in the NICU due to some fluid on her lungs. But we all got to go home together. It wasn't an ideal situation and I was an emotional mess inside my head. However, having one of the bigger babies in the NICU, it didn't take me long to count my blessings.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I would be suprised if anyone still checks this....

I've gotten so used to using Instagram that I forget about the good 'ol blog. Plus I had reached my limit of photos a while back and got frustrated with the whole thing.

ANYWAY - we are still here.
Chris won airline tickets at a work party. So we went to Florida. Without kids (Thank you, Cindy.) It was AMAZING!
This is me yesterday. 30 weeks! Let's just say each pregnancy gets a bit tougher.
The primary took a trip to the temple. It was a great day!
This girl....she is something else. She's a little spitfire. I don't know where she gets it!
And refused to look at the camera. Despite all the animal noises I was making.
She walked out of the temple with the #1 man in her life, for now. *sigh*
T is such a fun kid. Still makes me laugh and pull out my hair in the same day.
E is an awesome kid. BIG helper...sometimes thinks he IS the boss. Seriously though, I need his help most days.

 My next post may end up being a baby announcement. 10 weeks and counting.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Since last time....

 This awesome kid turned 6. I seriously CAN'T believe it.
 Oh, my three monkeys. They make me smile, usually.
(And my baby girl - is turning into a feisty gal. Watch out! I guess that's what 
happens when you play with Tate all day.)
 Yeah, that's our family - pretty much INCREDIBLE!
 We met up with all our family in Park City for Halloween. This is what happens when you try getting 13 kids to look at the camera.
 Eight years with this hunk-a-hunk-a burnin' love!
And last, but not least....my scan for thyroid cancer came back....CLEAN. What a year! My doctor sent me an e-mail on a Sunday afternoon with the information. Once Chris and I stopped crying, we let our families know. Thank you to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. We are indeed very blessed!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Birthday

Seriously, a year already? Don't worry - I'm working on more pictures. She gets her cake tonight and the real party is tomorrow. (By the way, can I just tell you how BAD of a party mom I am? I'll do my best.) I am so thankful for such a loving, happy and patient baby. She was sent to us at a very perfect time. Loves!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A little family vaca

We drove over to Ft. Walton for a sunny beach get-a-way. It wasn't sunny. At all. It rained. The WHOLE time. We left early. But we had fun and got some fun pictures anyway. As we drove into town Eli asked about the snow. Well, dear. That is sand. Beautiful place! We will have to try that again sometime. Without the rain.