Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's about time...

I have given up on trying to make excuses for not keeping up on my Blog... that's just the way it is these days, but here are a few shots from the past 5 months or so. How our babies have grown! I can say that I am finally almost adjusted to two children - not perfect, but functioning! Anyhow... enjoy :)

Little Princess made a snowbaby, which she named, "I know you" (like the Sleeping Beauty song, lol)

Christmas 2009

The girls
at Princesses on Ice. The blue snow cone did a number on her lips...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Daxon is here! (and almost two months old now...)

The AnNoUncEmeNT!!!

A FeW MoRE PiCs...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Playing in the snow

Once again, it's been forever since we updated our blog and honestly, nothing too exciting has been going on...  here's a few pictures of us playing in the snow :)

Besides having so much fun with our little princess, we are staying busy with work and... potty training.  Our baby is growing up so fast!  She's doing pretty good though!  Today, she went the whole day in soft panties with no accidents - in my opinion, that's a HUGE accomplishment!

Let's see... what else... we find out what the newest addition will be on Tuesday - any guesses?  I guess it's 50/50 - I think both sides of our family are mostly hoping for a boy.  I really don't care as long as it's healthy!

I know there are a million more things I wanted to blog about, but I can't think of them right now - so there you go... We'll see how long until our next post!