Monday, December 17, 2012

We are a HAPPY family

We attempted to take a family picture for Christmas Cards this year.  It was a valiant effort but it was all wrong in about every way possible.

I thought I would share and maybe provide a laugh or two.  I'm pretty sure we made EVERY mistake that could be made.  EVERY SINGLE ONE.


Christmas Cards

Again....its the most wonderful time of the year for my mailbox and once again I have failed to add to the joy of the mailbox season.  One of these days I'll get my act together and get an actual Christmas card sent out.  I'm so thrilled that we have some awesome friends/family who still send us one.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

Here are the WRIGHT family top 10 Adventures of 2012

 10 - Trip to Utah (James got to have some quality Grammy and Boppy time.) (Feb)
9 - Trip to Mexico (while James was having some quality time with G and B) (Feb)
8 - Said goodbye to our Dear Grandpa Carlisle (April)
7 - Rocky picked up his Sister from her mission in Russia (April)
6 - Trip to California for a wedding - Loved spending time with the Wright Fam. (May)
5 - Rocky graduated from Medical School (THE Ohio State University) (June)
4 - Put our house up for sale in Ohio and sold it. (June/July)
3 - Moved to Alabama and bought a house - ROLL TIDE (June) (we couldn't have done this without our AWESOME family who came to celebrate Rocky Graduating and our gift to them was letting them help us pack.
2 - Rocky started his Anesthesia residency at UAB (June)
1 - Welcomed our 2nd sweet son, Logan Richard, to the family (July 10th)

Now we are just in recovery from June and July and loving the warm Alabama winter.

Merry Christmas