Dis iz a day i will tell a story from my feral days.
As you know, i was brought into a shelter when i was 4 &1/2 months old.
I was only there a day when the beans came in and adopted me.
But i still have the rich rich memories.....
Once upon a time in the woods where i liffed, in the dark of the forest there was a small clearing. IN this clearing lots of beautiful sunlight would shine down into my clearing. That's right. Mine.
And there were HUGE toadstools, where i would hide to keep dry during rain and storms, which is why when it rains and storms you can find me under the bed. it's not because i'm scared, it's because it brings back such fond memories....
Well one day, there was this vishus deer. And i had just come back from the salt marsh and had this nice cube of salt.
i lefted this cube of salts right under this big tree where i knew the vishus deer was going to be.
Then , i climbed the tree and waited.
The vishus deer came into the clearing, right to the salt cube and pow!!! I jumped from my perch in the tree onto the vishus deer.
I then did what any good hunter cat would do. i ated him.
I tell my dad this story all the time.
and he doesn't believe me.
One day, i'll show him....
this has been a saturday tale with yours truly, hansel cat.