Saturday, December 28, 2013

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

From your pal Hansel Cat. 

i'm still here, doing well!!!

Enjoying my new toy from the WDA!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Trips this tuesday

Daddeh installed my new cat door.

i have three levels that are mine. all mine.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Mancat Monday

Treats on the window sill? yes please.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday Tales with Hansel Cat

So I shall tell you another story of when i liffed in the wilderness... like i did last week. 
I reminding you, that these are truff, and not made up not at all not even a little bit.

from this cats mouth:

"once long long ago, when i was liffing in the clearing in the forest, i met a small bunneh, no bigger than my toe. (yes he was that tiny the truff i tell)

I saz, I saz bunneh, what are you doing all the way over here all alone in my clearing?
and you know what that bunneh saz?

he saz, i'm stealing yoor fuds.

I was so shocked, my moufs fell open. 
i whapped him on the nose,
and then i kicked his butt.

jus kiddin.

i ated him. 

This has been a totally true tale with hansel von long kitteh.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Finally Friday

It's finally friday!
now get these boxes out of my dining room.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thoughts on a Thursday

My thoughts are on mai daddeh.

And how it is mai daddeh's birthday.

I did not get an allowance with the whole move and all, so mai daddeh borrowed part of my allowance of course to help pay for house.  This is what he saz anyway.

Mai allowance...

So daddeh fur your birthday, 
Here is a fluffy picture, of your first borned son.

Aren't i the best?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday Tales With Hansel Cat...

Dis iz a day i will tell a story from my feral days.

As you know, i was brought into a shelter when i was 4 &1/2 months old.
I was only there a day when the beans came in and adopted me.  

But i still have the rich rich memories.....

Once upon a time in the woods where i liffed, in the dark of the forest there was a small clearing.   IN this clearing lots of beautiful sunlight would shine down into my clearing. That's right. Mine.

And there were HUGE toadstools, where i would hide to keep dry during rain and storms, which is why when it rains and storms you can find me under the bed. it's not because i'm scared, it's because it brings back such fond memories....

Well one day, there was this vishus deer.   And i had just come back from the salt marsh and had this nice cube of salt. 

i lefted this cube of salts right under this big tree where i knew the vishus deer was going to be.   

Then , i climbed the tree and waited. 

The vishus deer came into the clearing, right to the salt cube and pow!!! I jumped from my perch in the tree onto the vishus deer. 

I then did what any good hunter cat would do. i ated him.

I tell my dad this story all the time.

and he doesn't believe me. 

One day, i'll show him....

this has been a saturday tale with yours truly, hansel cat.   

Friday, July 12, 2013

Formerly Feral Friday

Here I am again in my bean's room.

You may be wondering why i'm always in here.

Well, it's my favorite room.

I love to sleep on or under the bed, or on the window sills.

With moving, since i'm such a good kitty and we don't have to worry about disturbing other people in the building, at night now (and as always during the day too) i have full run of the house. except baybee's room at night. The beans are afraid i'll wake her up.

But now, my beans leave their bedroom door cracked so i can come and go as i want.  I usually like to sleep starting downstairs and then do whatever i want.  I usually join them by jumping right on their bellies/backs/heads wherever i can find to wake them up in the middle of the night.

i love being a cat.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thoughts on a Thursday

I love this window.


Because it's the highest in the house.

Why else?

ha ha baybee you can't reach me!!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Life With a Baybee

...means no more private moments during the day.

I can't even look out the window.
And what's with the baybee not having to wear fur or something when its really hot out?
just that skimpy little diaper?
It's painful to the kitteh eyes.
no baybee i will not look at you. i'm pretending you're not here.

She has a horrible fascination with my feets.
she says "FEET!" and pets them.

I hate it.

Monday, July 8, 2013

photos to come.

for real, the mom got out hte camera and took some photos of me today, in between doing her morning chores.

hope to have some up soon.  And to get back to blogging regularly.  :)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

New World

Hello everyone! my my, it's been a really really long time!!!!
To catch you up,
Mom finally got better at the end of May. So from jan-may, she was ill!
the drs. don't know what she had, but she was sick, and getting better slowly but kept getting bouts of whatever it was she had.
In the meantime, there was an offer on the place we were living in, papers were signed, the beans put in an offer on a home, and now, we live in a new home!!
Here was my old room,
the laundry room. complete with baybee who has to sit and watch me eat.
if i drop any pieces, she returns them to the bowl for me.
such service.

In july everything was completed, and finally everything is done- minus emptying a few more boxes. 
the beans have been good about getting it all done.
oh here is my new room. :) 
for now. apparently my box will be moved to the basement,
and a cat door put in there, so i can come and go as i please. just hoping to contain some of the litter to the basement says the mom.

Here i am keeping watch over our hall.  
there is so much more to watch and see.

here, baybee and i keep tabs on the bunnies in the yard. 
we've never seen bunnies before.

notice the window sills are wide?  wide enough for this handsome 
mancat maine coon.  that's right. like it was built for me.

When we have visitors, i can hide in different rooms, so this is great for me!!
and the baybee turns 2 next month. can you believe that??
hoping to keep us with you more now!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sorry furriends, it's been a long time.

There are a ton of things going on in our lives right now.
a TON.

I am doing very well, and I am sorry the mom has not been here to update.
She's so out of it lately, she forgets i even have a blog, and people and kittehs that probably miss me.
I hope they miss me.
I do hope she will help pick this thing up more soon enough, because i really deserve it.
I"m a good kitteh.
And as the first born son of the family, I do believe i deserve better than this.

(posing in one of baby's hats)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Good news

So, after an entire MONTH, the mom is finally all better. food finally tastes good again, and she's not nauseous all the time. she was terrified it still wasn't over, and sometimes in the am, she doesn't eat for a bit because she's scared it's coming back.  But so far, so good.

We are very thankful- esp. baybee, that it has finally passed and the mom can play with us again.   She is still taking it easy, as it's really only the second day she's felt like a human again.

All my fleas appear to be gone, can't remember if mom told you about that?  Sometime in early fall mom had been given some baybee clothes from another baybee's mom.   I slept in the box sometimes cause baybee clothes are pretty nice.  However, the other cat that the other mom had, had also been sleeping in the box. mom didn't think anything of it.

Then she took me to the vet because i was REALLY attacking my furs.  The dr. said i had fleas!!!!! lots of them!!!  We had to purchase 100 dollars worth of flea pills to fix the problem, and i have to take them for 6 months. I think i have 2 or 3 pills left.   This would wipe out the fleas in the house as well so mommy of course got them.   They figured out the fleas came from the other cat that the other mom had!!!!!!!!   So much for free baybee clothes! mom hasn't taken anymore from that family since!  

So i'm on the mend!

Baybee is doing very well, she will be 18 months TOMORROW!!!! wow!   seems like she was just a little slug not moving around not that long ago!!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hello furriends.

Checking in with all of you,
wish it had been sooner.

Seems like forever doesn't it?

THe mom got a new laptop, so all her photos of me really aren't on it yet.   so she will have to get nice new ones again.

The holidays here were very good, busy- lots of visiting family and such.   Baybee did well with her loot.

Jan 5th the mom got real sick with the stomach flu. and She's STILL not completely right. Some lingering affects from it it seems.

The baybee is growing like a weed. She's almost 18 months!!!!  

The mom was trying to talk about Isis today. Sad, still not possible to do without lots of tears.  Other moms that have lost furbabies, how long til you could talk about it and it not be so hard?   The mom feels pretty foolish, she can't discuss it at all without the tears...  

Hope you all are well. When i say i'm going to visit, i do have every intention, and then somehow something comes up, and it never winds up happening. but i think of you often. don't forget me...