Monday, April 30, 2012

Mancat Monday.

Happy end of April,
welcome tomorrow, the beginning of May!

that means my birthday is coming up!!! I'll be 4!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Easy Sunday

Dear friends, if you have a moment, please visit MoMo cat, a beautiful girl cat who needs our purrs and prayers.  Seems her V-E-T found a growth in her mouth, and she undergoes surgery tomorrow morning. 

They need our thoughts to be with them.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Photo Hunters: Texture

Today's photo hunt for today, is texture.
This, is the textured belly of a toad mom found in a fountain.
She borrowed him (scooped him out and had him pose) and then
returned him back to his spot in the water. He was a good sport about it!

we hope you like this texture photo as much as i do!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Formerly Feral Friday

Just to keep you up to date, 
that Easter Bunneh never came back. 
Mom says it'll be a WHOLE YEAR before he visits again.
I will have to go through almost a lifetime of waiting to try to get a word.
lets hope the jolly fat man who comes in the cold times will get the jinglees right.
I have been an awfully good kitteh.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thoughts On a Thursday

Way up high on my condo
the best place to escape the walker.
She is crawling now too.
Is no where safe?!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wordy Wednesday: On the subject of baybees.

Every morning after the baybee nurses, she goes into her walker for some 'free roam time'
kind of like a free range chicken.
Lordy is that girl fast!  She sees me she runs right at me laughing trying to pet me.
And she can back up and turn just as fast as she can go forward.
Warp speed i tell you!
So, i've learned that during this time, it's best to remain unseen.
This usually leads to her looking at my condo, 
or in my box, or in my room,
or near my food bowl
down the hall,
anywhere she can think of she peers around corners looking for me.
I stay out of her way!
Who thought traffic would be an 'in the home' problem?!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Mommy keeps talking about shaving me down like a lion this summer!!
i'm telling!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Mancat Monday.

get it! get it!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Easy on a Sunday


I can do easy.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Photo Hunters: Reflect

Today's photo hunt is reflect.
Here, you can see the trees are reflected in the water here by this frog.

For more frog photos, please
visit our mom's facebook photography page.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Formerly Feral Friday

behold my feral face!
For it is MEZ who destroyed the sturdy feather toy!
It is no more.

So much for sturdy.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thoughts On a Thursday

Feather toys.

I love my feather toy.

nom nom nom.

When i whap it good, the baybee laughs really hard.

this encourages me, and makes me whap more.

Baybee loves me a lot.

So i put up with her.
but i'm not planning on sharing any toys.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: isn't that always the way?

baybee tends to lose these.... a lot...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Photo Hunters: Sturdy

Today's photo hunt is sturdy.
I guess you could say this cat dancer is pretty sturdy as it doesn't break when i attack it.

And, this new fan in the bathroom is super sturdy as daddy just put it in himself.
We all are very proud of dad, as he's remodeled our house really well!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter !

Today we celebrate Easter with the little stink.
It's her first one!  
She was so excited she was up at 630 - 
and followed the little paw prints into the family room where her basket of 
presents awaited.

I followed a smaller trail to my own present, 
two new jinglees! however,
they are NOT latice ones (booooo) 
they are solid ones (boooooooo)
so i can't pick them up and carry them around.
bunny, you have failed me.

HOwever, i did enjoy watching the baybee smash her new toys loudly,
smile when the music played, and go from crawling to standing all on her own
with her new sit to stand walker.

She does learn pretty fast.  

The beans have had breakfast and the baybee is down for a nap, and now
the visiting of the family comes in as they will be going shortly to make the rounds 
of the grandparents houses.

I will stay here and make sure that stupid bunny doesn't bring me any more of the wrong jinglees.
Bunny- i would like a word with you.

We do hope from all of us that you have a very lovely Easter!!!


Another note, we just learned today when coming on here, that our dear friend Scooby from Little Cat Feet has left us and gone to the rainbow bridge.  
It's incredibly sad news on this day for us, and we wanted to say that we will miss him dearly.  
It's one of our favorite blogs. 

Please stop by if you haven't already (we are late on this thanks to stupid mom) 
and offer some kind words to soothe the aching heart of the humans who
miss him so.

Mom always wishes she could be there to offer comfort to those hurting when there is a lost pet 
but remember dear friends that he is not lost,
our babies will wait for us at the rainbow bridge.
So to you dear scooby... goodbye for now... we will miss you.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Photo Hunters: Awesome.

Today's photo hunt is awesome.
And... well... i think the awesome speaks for itself.

it's me you silly!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Formerly Feral Friday: Grumpy Cat?





but handsome :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thoughts on a Thursday: Baybee not so bad?

I am sitting and waiting patiently.
As a guardian of baybee, there are... well... rewards.

For instance, baybee is now chewing on frozen bagels for a fun teether...
And well... as you can see... there is an abandoned piece there....
(baybee only chews it for a while, nibbles little pieces, and the soggy big ones get discarded 
usually baybee throws them down on her own, so mommeh rarely has to take it away)

...and since they are plain bagels....
... i get those if i want them....

Listen up, Paw Relations, there might be some good from these baybees...

this is what the baybee left.....


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tales on a Tuesday.

This is a tale of a horrible mom.
Who put photos up of her kitteh just to get through
all the ones she had on back up
So that she could get new ones and
put those up.
BUT we all know how this horrible mom is
and that those 'new' ones will be back ups.
These are from the middle of march.  JEEZ.