Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday Caturday

just bein a kitteh.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Formerly Feral Frideh

I iz bein stalked by feral hansel cat.

But i iz way too fast fur hims.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am fankful dat when mommeh an daddeh leaf da house, i am da only one wif free access ta house.
Tesla hassa be locked up caz her gets too frustrated wif me, so her gets her own rooms.
An benneh hassa be in kennel acaz him will eet stuff an pee or poo in house.
An sumtims, a mancat like me, jus needs sum tim to himselfs.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tesla Toosdeh: lots of tesla shots.

I FLY offur Hansel's head.
See him lookin in awe of mai talents?

Dis jump so gud, effun guy in movie turn ta see.

Bein kyoot wif hammerhead in da box.

Bein kyoot jus lookin around da box.

Stickin out mai tongues.

Jumpin forth from da box.
Effun mai toes are kyoot- notice dem all spreads outs.

Anoffur shot in da box.

Nommin hammerheads tail

jumpin outta da box

jumpin IN da box, impressin Benneh dis tim.

jumpin in da box wif toes spread :)

Mommeh's new camera gets gud Tesla jump shots. :) 
Dis will make mai loyal fans furry happee. :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Mancat Monday: Hansel in a box

I jump IN da box.

I nom da hammerhead, from in da box.

I look cute in da box.

I look ferocious in da box.

I bite da hammerhead in da box.

I whap an bite him from in da box.
i win hammerhead

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday!

We hope that this Easter has brought you wonderful things from the Easter Schnau.

Our Easter Schnau is very tired from taking care of good little boys and girls around the world.

How about the Easter Mao?

Ok so hansel is not a real easter mao. he hates his ears.

But he would be a cute one.

Easter bun ears are too big for tesla's head.

but she would be a cute one too.

awwwwww :)

Guess the schnau will have no help from the maos in this house, 
the ears only fit the TRUE easter king.

The Easter Schnau.
Wouldn't you want this face bringing you toys and candy?

Happy Easter everyone!!!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Simple Saturday.

Hanging out in da box

Wunnerin wat i shud do next.

Whappin outside da box

Enjoyin dis nice saturdehs.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Formerly Feral Frideh

Sum tims, a mancat shud be allowed ta scratch hims head in peace.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday: Surprises from afar

Mommeh came home da offur deh an her saw dat da mail man (who waz apparently not our normal guy) didna bring a huge box up to our house. He left it on the bottom floors, unner da mailboxes.   Our normal guy wud've taken it all the way up stairs.  Mommeh almost didna effun look. But sumfin, told her to peek at da name. 
Waz fur US!  
Mommeh brought da box up, waited fur daddeh ta get home, an opened it ups!!!

i take gud sniffs. Since i iz best snoopervisor in da houses.

Iz from our heart family across the states- Siku, Quinn, Puff, and Nuka!
AND btw, we left the special code on here on purpose in case anyone wants to try to get some cool stuff from this place- expires April 30th!  So go look!

Mom waz SO excited when she opened this- yoo wudve thought waz fur hers. Stoopid mommeh.
Apparentlees- her haz been wantin ta git MEH dis neptune fish since i waz JUS a babbeh. But her didna do it fur sum reason.

Her opened it right aways.
Gud fing her cudna fit acaz i dun fink we'd effur git ta play wif its. 
Mommeh wud be in da fishes.

Isn't it soooo cools?!
An da box iz JUS as greats!


We heard sum birds outside da winna (notice our heads turned toward da winna in the back?)

Benneh sniffs it, but iz a scairt of da crinkles.

(btw, we haz bof run throughed it a few times since we gots it last week!)

BENNEH got a new shirts!
Iz a bit big fur him- but him can wear it inside.  If he goes out in, will pee on.  But dere are plenty of chillee nights dat him can use it fur.  :)
Here iz him wif da hoods.

wifout da hoods :)


I like ta play in da box.
Hansel iz layin on da trashes.

Hansel checks out da fish


-luf from all of us!!!