In the morning we ran to the tree, and what did we see?
Tiny toys for me me me!
Sandy Clawrz DID come!
Although i don't see any toys for Tesla.
There are 2 for ben....
and a bunch for me......
nope nope none for tes.
--hansel cat
Hansel's paw is healing well. We stopped the cefa drops and then tried amoxi drops. They still make him have diarrhea, and antibiotics are NOT supposed to do that, so, i opted to stop, because he is more miserable with the antibiotics. SO, we are just watching the foot which is healing.
I didn't want liquids- i told the vets that, and they didn't listen. He is very sensitive and can't do liquids, his body reacts. He does well with pills. So instead of them listening to me i gave my poor boy something that would upset his tum and make him sick. So i feel really bad. But we stopped everything yesterday morning so he would have a good christmas.
Woo hooo!!!! look at all those presents!
Some of them are for dad.
Some of them are for mom.
Some of them are from us aminals.
Some of them are for family.
Here are the others that couldn't FIT under the tree- these will be going to mom's family's house today, at the annual christmas eve dinner- a celebration! The dinner is fish, which mom doesn't like really, but like every year she will try some, and most likely, like every year, will not like it. BUT she has to try!
Dad likes it!
So these gifts will go to their new home, where they will wait until christmas morning to be unwrapped.
Our little christmas tree is STILL alive! mom didn't kill it. It is a whole 2 inches tall!
There was another stalk, if you can see. Notice he is smaller?
that's because TESLA bit the top off. Just chomped him. we found it laying NEXT to the pot. very suspicious because tesla was the only cat nearby.... and hansel hasn't even SEEN the tree yet, because he just doesn't look up much. He likes the floor. tesla is the climber.
Even though it is real tiny, and tesla attacked him, do you think sandy clawrz will leave us presents under our little tree? Or near it? or come at all?!
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! get a good night sleep and hope sandy clawrz comes and brings you tons of toys and treats!!!!!!!
Well FIRST off, please acknowledge (AFTER YOU READ OUR POST) that today is our dear friend Siku's 6th barkday!!!!!!!! and 2000 th post!!!!! AND, she is having a super duper commentathon on her blog. So AFTER you read our blog, and leave us a comment, go there and leave some comments and enter her give away!!! please! thank you! OK! On to updates.
So, we are sorry the mom hasn't been doing her job. She has been very busy with work, and christmassy things! But dad told her he was not impressed with her blogging skills lately, and that inspired her to get things moving again.
So, a few days last week toward the end, mom thought maybe hansel was paying attention to his feets a little more. But she was afraid to look, to create an issue when there was none or to well, find something.
Saturday night she grabbed his feets and checked it out. He was VERY unhappy when she looked at the hind left paw. It was licked RAW in between the toes. He has a scab over one spot, and then the toes were actually stuck together where the scab was forming. And it was gross.
So she took this baby out. We all remember the hansel flower:
Hansel HATES it, but will deal with it. It doesn't stop him completely but discourages enough to calm it down. By sunday night the color of the toes had gone from bright red to a normal shade of skin, and it seemed to be drying out.
Monday he went to the vet. (which he loves) where mom could keep an eye on him, and also, where she could make sure he saw a vet.
He was giving an antibiotic, cefadrops- and then they said the collar probably will do the rest.
So we did that.
Today, mom had to go out, and when she came back home his toes were irritated again, because without constant watching, he goes at them again.
SO she might take him to work today as well.
And tomorrow, just to make sure they are healing.
He also had a touch of soft stool (probably from the antibiotic) last night, so she will ask about that at the vets today too.
Hansel HATES vet offices.
BUT she is relieved that they didn't find any underlying cause to the licking. Probably just got some debris (like litter) stuck and then over cleaned it.
Even though his foot feels poopy- that doesn't stop him from playing, and walking on it normally, running, jumping, attacking schnauzers, his sister,
oh and of course, trying to sneak food from her bowl.
now leave a comment (thanks!) and then go visit my friend Siku!!!