Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tesla Tuesday: Caught with a mouse

Sumone suggested last weeks dat toosdeh shud always be Tesla Toosdeh.
I'm glad sumone suggested dat.
Iz best toosdeh.

Mai mousie iz in dis boxie.
Mommeh put him dere while dem iz paintin...

Mommeh took him out fur me an frew him.
Hansel waz locked up acaz him kept tryin ta git in da paints.
mommeh saz i bein so gud i can stay outs.
i CHASE dat mousie.

I take dis mousie on mai chair. Mommeh put it dere so i can watch out da winnas. :)
i take petey dere.

watchin daddeh paint.
mus alwaz remember ta snoopervise.

back to eetin petey.
i shove him in mai mouf!

yes, that is mai tongue on mai face.
i am lickin mai chops finkin bout eetin petey.

i carry him arounds.

Come on petey, lets go play in a cube.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mancat Monday: Locked away.

Mommeh locked meh up in dis room.
i am real mad.

I want to run free out dere, but mommeh saz no.

just acaz i try to dance in da paints?
An get in effureeones ways, an no listen to hers or daddeh?
But mommeh... look at dis face...
how can yoo saz no...

Mommeh... mommeh pweeease.
Lemme outs.

mommeh, dun foto mai tail.
jus lemme outs.

Look at how nice mai furs iz growin back ins!
mommeh saz i hazza be locked up, becaz i move too fast now fur her ta catch mezs when i am bein bads. Caz iz like neffur had surgeries.

effun da spot i lick lots iz healin- look, iz nice normal skin colors!

Dis iz bafroom before i locked up...

dis is afferwards!
noo floors, trim painted an put back, effureefing painted!
gud job beans! now i gunna point out EFFUREEFING yoo did wrong
caz i wasna snoopervising.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Last Day of Schnau Hair.

What do you mean 'groomers' mom?
Is it fun?!

No... i don't really want a hair cut. I kind of like it.
What do you mean schnauzers are supposed to be trimmed and that's why people keep asking if i'm a cockapoo? No i don't really want to meet the new groomer...

I like being wild and free and untamed!

Mom just really likes this shot and wanted to share with you.

Tomorrow.... Ben gets groomed.
No more floof.
Can't wait to show you all.
We are very excited. Plus, it's only 25 dollars so we can afford that.
Mom put money aside just for the cause.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Photo Hunters: FRESH.

Today's Photo Hunter theme is fresh .
Sometimes, mom says tesla can be a very fresh girl.

We do not really understand.
Because sometimes when mom goes to the grocery store, she comes back with what she calls fresh fruits.
We do not think tesla is anything like a fresh fruit. She is not really a sweet cat.

Also, mom uses the same word when she walks into the laundry room. She says it smells very fresh and ripe right after hansel poops. She says he made a fresh turd in there, and to clear out. She also usually scoops it immediately.

We do not think that tesla smells like a fresh Hansel poop.
But she's nothing like a fresh fruit.

So that means, Tesla is either a sweet fruit, or a smelly poop.
We sure wish mom would make up her mind.

I sure hope i'm never called fresh because i never want to smell like a hansel turd.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Finally Friday: With Tesla.

Hmmm.... wat in dis?

Hansel's STOOPID tunnel. Mommeh bought it fur me but i hates it, so hansel took its.

WAT? I not plannin anyfing evil.

O.... hai agin....
Sumtims when mommeh iz at her computers....

I like to shove toys unner here real far.
An if i haf no toys ta shove,
i shove mai feets in dere and roll aroun an make loud sounds.