Sunday, May 31, 2009

Raffle is over!

Good Morning!

mommeh beanie here.

before we go too far, we'd like to announce the winner
of the Happy Kitteh Blanket Raffle!

By video, of course:

Concats to one of our new and dear friends:

Boy, hansel didn't even hesitate with this one!

An email has been sent your way friend!
The total amount raised was 468.52!


now back to your regular scheduled program:

Benny: o boy o boy mom! where are we goin?!
yesterday, dad surprised me and mom by taking us to
a nearby park that mom and i have NEVER been to!

WOW! look at that dam!
this is SO cool!

Just in case you didn't know guys, i got my sutures out last week, and
went to the groomer and got a nice bath and a clip!
i'm all healed up beautifully!

Look at this tall grass!

Wow! this is so much fun!

*slurp slurp*

Dad, i don't wanna go in that water TOO much...
Schnau's are NOT water dogs you know!

Dad: you will be in good time!

WOW! look at that! Mom waded out into
the middle of the water to take this.
She said it was only ankle deep and i'd be fine...

But i hung out over here just to be safe.
That was fast moving water...

And i only weigh 14.4 lbs guys!
I'll get swept away!

Oh boy, dry land!
But i did like the water a little bit.
I'll admit it.

Lots of people were putting boats in the water here.

Bigify this one below to see the little white bichon
who almost jumped into the water to get me!
I didn't waste my time with her.
Girls. pshhh.

Wow, so pretty here!

Come on dad, lets explore!

Oh boy, i'm so tired after this long walk!
we were there for an hour and a half at least!

THEN, i got to visit my grandparents on dad's side
who live near the park!

It was lots of fun!
They have 3 dogs, a greyhound, a chihuahua, and a doberman!

They were a bit to rough for me. Sadie the greyhound growled
and stole a ball- even though she was playing, mom was a bit nervous.
Pssssssh. Girls.
Then the doberman growled at me when we first met
but that's because i whined in his face.
The chihuahua tried to EAT me!
they had to put him back in the house.

I will have pictures of them next time.
but mom was too busy watching me to make sure
nothing happened so she could dive in and rescue me.
Pshhhh. i can take care of myself mom.

Here i am running back with the ball in their yard!

what a great saturday i had guys!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Photo Hunters#7: Books

Tesla: Hai! Tadeh's photo hunt theme is books!

We will show yoo mommeh's books.

Here are sum of dem.
Brother's Grimm, Beowulf, The complete works of Emily and Charlotte bronte-
including her favorite book in the world, Wuthering Heights. The Iliad, Urban Legends,

Here are some more of mommeh's books.
These are more of her Mythology type shelf.

HERE are mommeh's Harry Potter books.
Our uncle waz THROWING them away acaz him dun
read dem!
Mommeh said, NO NO NO i take dem!
Mommeh already had 6 & 7...
but den her broffur gaf her 2-4.
Her needs 1 and 5!

DA big mythology book.

I no like dis mommeh.

Hansel, yoo iz stoopid hangin round here.

HANSEL: Mommeh- tesla called me stoopid.

*Sniff Sniff*
Mommeh, yoor book smells boring.

Dun furget!
Last deh fur our raffle is TADEH!

Enter if yoo'd like ta halp:


Dun furget ta visit miss peach's bloggy also ta find out odder
ways yoo can halps.
wif CHARLIE CAT"S vet bills!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Wrapping on a friday with mommeh.

Hansel: mommeh... i git da paypurrs ready fur da gift.

Tesla: Mommeh, i snoopervise da wrappin part.
We iz wrappin prezzies fur our gammy.
Isis's mommeh.

I da gud wrapper.

Snuff, snuff.
Mells real gud dis prezzie does.

Hmmm... pink is mai color yoo nos.

yoo gots a prollem?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tales with Petey.

(regularly a tuesday post, moved because of HANSEL'S purfdeh)

For my next stop, i decided to visit my good friend Angus.

I arrived by bird, while snow was fresh on the ground.
Hey, i wasn't getting my bottom all wet by walking!

"Hey! Angus! Lemme in! it's COLD out here!"
Once he recognized me, he let me in.

He showed me some pretty cool things while i was there.
One of his pets:
He explained to me all kinds of things i'll never fully
understand, being a toy mouse and all.

He protected me from those who threatened my very

He showed me bugs- like this friend, the grasshopper.
He taught me that moms aren't as scared of them as spiders,
therefore there is no need to SMASH them immediately.

He showed me his new favorite hat.

He however couldn't get used to sharing his water bowl.
Something about not knowing where i've been.

But we played all kinds of games!

Angus, i'll miss you! thanks for letting me stay with you for a while!
Tune in next tuesday!

pssssssst.... angus, your bloggy says that permission is denied for us to access it! what happened?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy 1st Purfdeh to HANSEL!

Happee Purfdeh ta meh,
Happee Purfdeh ta meh,
Happee Purfdeh ta haaaaaaaaaansellllllllllll
Happee Purfdeh ta meeeeeeeeeh!

O! Hai! Fanks fur comin!
Zoolatry made meh dis wunnerful purfdeh badge:

Welcome ta da partay!
I will be yoor host. HANSEL.

Pweese feel free ta hang out anywheres yoo wants.

Tesla iz host over at da CAKE table.
Iz wunnerful tables.
Haz real koi fishies in dis tables. So,
while yoo eetin cakes, yoo can whap sum fishies.

Den, Benny will be yoor host at da fud tables.
Yoo can leef yoor presents unner da tables.
Yoo haz MANY choices of fud.
I have 4 different kinds of fishies.
3 plates of TOONAS, 1 plate of SALMONS.
One buckit of CRABBIES
an da plate on far left iz CHICK-hun fur dem of yoo
like teslas, dat purrfurr Chick-huns.

Pweese, before yoo leefs, dun furget yoor
purrrtey basket.
Yeoww nips, temtayshuns, WELLNESS pouches (mai favvorite
flavors), jingle balls, an a nip napper.
AN yoo can use da baskits ta SEEP in.

Fank yoo all fur comin, haf a great tim!

Now, ta share wif yoo all mai pressies:
Mommeh, wat dese wunnerful fings
i gits fur mai purfdeh?




Whap, whap, whap

Daddeh takes price tag off mai noo
caz STOOPID mommeh furgots.

TESLA: Oo0o0o0o0o0o
I like dis fing.

Iz real nice !
look at da string go!


Mommeh, tim fur baf.

Hansel: O0o0o00o i luf
jinglie balls.

Rub, purr, rub, purr

whap whap whap

rub purr,, rub purr...