Thursday, April 30, 2009

To Nom, or Not to Nom, that, is the ques-shun.

Mommeh waz gun git annofur blankie goin.
her got out her seasores.

Sumone dat looked like me, stoled dem.
Dat not really me in da picshure.

him smelled dem.
i watched in horror.
how did him git in wif such gud pro-tech-shun?

Tesla wasna doin a gud job. Her waz seepin.
Dee HANSEL impossur waz nommin mommeh's

Frozen in pwace, i cudna stop him.
Affur all, me iz STILL in mancat trainin fur pro-tech-shun.
Me izna effun one yet!

saz dat hansel lookalike.

I cudna beleef mai eyes!

boy dem shure tastes gud!
Dat odder cat saz, dem seasores
shure tastes gud!
not me, caz i didna do dis.
i innocent.

(* he did try to run off with the scissors, but i held on to the sharp pointy part
so he couldn't hurt himself. I don't mind if he noms the handle a little bit.
These were taken under supervision and we were very careful!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tummies and Toes!

Firs off, did effureeone hears,
me won Praline's raffle fur da drink well fountain!

We are so cited!
Effun if Praline didna look as excited....

Her looks like tesla does afore her smashes me.

Now tim fur sum toes!

Mai toes:

Benny toes:

Monday, April 27, 2009

Something truly special: Oreo's mom

We just returned from Oreo's blog.

Mom bean here. Me and the kittehs are very very leaky
after reading the post.
But in a good way.

You know that feeling you get after watching a gushy sad
movie- where the ending is happy?

Oreo's mom turned the ending into that kind of story.
We were actually weepy from thinking how wonderful it was
that Oreo was not in pain anymore.

It truly is an inspiration. To any of you who didn't read it yet, please please do.

There has been a lot of sadness lately.
I've helped many furbabies to the bridge lately.
Some i know, some i don't know.

It doesn't matter. They're all babies, and i love them all.
It's been very rough with that these past few weeks. It's like
it all comes at once.

I've said goodbye to many.

I've come home many days from work lately, very
very leaky.

And reading this was wonderful.
Even if you didn't know Oreo-
if you knew a furbaby or had one go off
to the bridge,
please please stop by and read her story.

Mancat Monday

Tadeh, while mommeh iz at werk again...
i will be catchin rays.

I luf da sun spots.
But been REALLY hot here last 2 days.

Got up to 95 yesserday.
Dat tooooo hots fur dis mancats.

Tesla an i slept around a lot.
I slept on floor in bafroom caz iz cool.

Tesla laffed at mez.
Saz her hairs not as bad as mai hairs.
Stoopid Tesla.

Why i haf be floofiest in house?

Iz hard bein touf FLOOFY mancat.

Iz hard werks.
Mommeh saz, her might haffa get me more bells
fur mai collar. Canna hear dem as well caz i learn
ta walks an not jingles if i wanna do sumfin bads.

Me finks mommeh iz stoopid.

Mommeh iz gittin baibee showers stuff tageffur-
i fink dat when it rains baibees an den da one who wants one
hassa catch one frum fallin.

Dat all her stuff dere. iz jus beginnin her saz. O boy.
We also got dat nice trees back in Easter tim from mai

Tesla an i like ta NOM it.

tesla: hansel, yoo stoopid, yoo told mommeh wat i doin
and her yells at me.
Stoopid hansel. It all yoor fault.
I gun smash yoo.

Hansel: Mommeh saz, her iz gun haf get more bells fur tesla too!
an her already haz 2!

We jus dat gud at bein sneaky kittehs mommeh.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Awards, and winner of our raffle!

Firs, we wud like ta fank our furrend, Siku, fur dis wunnerful awardie ta benny:

Dis awardie saz:

"As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.To seek the reason why we all love blogging.Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.Answer the Award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging. Tag and distribute the Award to as many people as you like."

We luf bloggin acaz, we luf sharin our storees wif yoo. We luf makin furrends. We luf gettin ta no odder aminals an liffin wif yoo all frough yoor storees. We luf da cat blogosphere acaz of all da wunnerful fings dem do fur each odder. Dem are so nice, an gif monies and halp each odder. We are like giant support groups an we luf dis. -tesla

Mom bean to translate: "We love blogging because, we love sharing our stories with you. We love making friends. We love getting to know other animals and living with you all through your stories. We love the cat blogosphere because of all the wonderful things they do for each other. They are so nice, and give money to help each other. We are like a giant support group and we love this."

We will share this award with....


Now for the winner of our raffle....

First, i couldn't get anyone to pick a name.
Tesla wasn't interested.

And ben was afraid of the pile. I had to hunt down Hansel
because he's the only one willing to play.

Here is hansel in all his glory:
He wasted no time. As soon as i placed him next to the pile
he nommed on a name.

Then he politely dropped it in front of me,
and returned to watching birds out the window.

Congrats to our good friend Siku!

To show that doggies can fit nicely on this blanket,
we had Benny model.
Luckily he wasn't afraid of it.

Its really good for laying on. And,
there's extra room behind him!

So, Siku, i think it'll work just fine!

We will be mailing it out on wednesday!

Thanks for playing everyone!
we raised $72!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Photo Hunters #6: Protection

Tadeh's photo huntehs iz 'pro-teck-shun'

We iz proteckshun fur mommeh
against alla dem MEAN ntroodurs.

we make sure da housie iz saf.
Me, Tesla, makes sure dat Hansel learns da ways of
proteckshun of mommeh.

Hansel, look, ntroodur!

Hansel: where tessa? where iz dis

tesla: Hansel, look up dere. Yoo mus listen close.
Him iz yellin at us acaz him sees us.
But him nos, we iz proteckshun.
him will not git in.

Hansel: where?!

Tesla: up dere! follow mai gaze hansel!

See up high in dis tree?
Da mornin light iz breakins.
Mommeh iz gittin ready fur werks.
Diz ntroodur iz ready ta drop nuts
on mommeh's head while her goes ta werks.
But we mus warn hims.
We iz mommeh's proteckshun.

I warnin yoo NTROODUR.
Dun mess wif proteckshun.
Me iz da real fing.
Me iz serious.
I will SMASH yoo.
Me iz proteckshun.

(dat sound screamin squerrel makes if yoo neffur heard one- promise!
Dem scream an scream an swish dems tails arounds!)

Tesla: i fink we did it hansel. Yoo keep eye out and be
proteckshun for front of house.
I will watch da back.

Hansel: ok tessa... i will watch close.
I will be gud proteckshun fur mommeh.
I hear dat squerrel again...
i will not be askeerd...

Tessa.... where did yoo go....
i need yoo ta halp me wif proteckshun!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Don't forget, tomorrow is the last day for the raffle!

Thanks to all that have entered!

We have a few pictures to post later today- but right now mom has a few errands to run!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday: Thank goodness for pictures of Hansel.

Gud mernin. Enjoy dem fotos of meh:

Dis one mommeh took dis- an light from winna
an camera clash an got dis. But her kinda liked it
so her let me keeps it.

Sorry i not been round ta comment much.
Mommeh been busy wif werk.

I can catch up dis weekend.

An we can catch up tageffur.

I luf yoo all

I haf not furgotten yoo.

mai raffle ends dis saturday. we haf raised $63 so far.

Next week we iz gun start doin our raffle ta halp us
wif BENNY'S upcoming bill.

Mommeh iz werrid bout it. i keep telling her not ta.

we will be ok mommeh i saz.

I bet yoo really wish yoo cud pet me right now

Mai floof all nice

An bootiful

But yoo canna pet me.

i am in pooter.

I sorry bout dis.

I wudna mind sum pets right now.

Ah HA camera cord!

Fank yoo fur all yoor prayers an foughts fur mommeh.

Her iz na sick no mores.

Me hopes yoo haz liked alla mai picshures.

luf yoo alls.
