Saturday, January 31, 2009

Photo Hunters #1: FURRY

Dis mai furs photo huntehs bai maiselfs.
Dis weeks werd iz 'furry'.

I am very very furry.
So dis iz PURRfect one fur meh ta dos.
Here i iz on da chairs.

Ooo... lookin gud hansel. Very very furry.
Yes indeeds.

Mommeh makes meh sits ups so i can show off mai
furry belleh.
Iz gud ja?
I lick her fingehs ta let her nos,
her DIS close to da bitey.
mommeh, i dun feel like sittin ups.
Effuree one nos i haz furry belleh.

Den, side view of mai furry heads.
I always furry.
Me big strong handsum mancats.
Me iz 8 monfs olds.
Do yoo fink, a furry guy like mez, will be
able ta find furry gurlfurrend kitteh?

Dat end of mai furry posts.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Finally Frideh.

Well. I fought dis Frideh wud be wunnerfuls. But, we still haz prollems.
Mai furrend Banshee haz been attacked bai
vishus snakes frum forests.
AN we still haf NOT found Goldie's Head!
Still formin a GUD search an rescue teams.
So far, haz Daisy an Angus on team. Fanks fur joinin meh. It might jus be da two of us.
Now we gotta fight dem snakes too. MAYBEES dem no where dat head
iz hidin ats.

I also fought i wud win da election. but
right nows, it looks like Misha iz gun win.
HIM haz signs EFFUREE wheres.
I dun see him formin no search an rescues
iz dis REALLY who yoo want lookin offur yoo?
sumone who dun care if yoor heads fall offs?
or if vishus deers are in mr. hendrix's back yards?
We need protector! if i waz pressidens, i wud let no kittehs heads fall offs.
no vishus deers wud roam in yoor backyards.

Den, we needs ta fight an purr an pray fur our gud furrend moki who
once gain iz in troubles.
Pweese join our purr pile at hiz blogs.

An, if yoo hazna already, join in da auctions an raffles.

Join in an halp us saf mokis.



Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thoughts on Thursdeh.

Well. In noos fur dis week... me an ben are 'pwayin' ageffur.
mommeh froughs dat balls...
den we bof catch it.
Or i run in circles round da woofie.
Him sniffs me.
i fwaps him.

Been snowin LOTS an LOTS round heres.
An i canna go outs caz i haf no harness-
effun dough i dun fink i wanna go outs.
but here is an image frum mai furrend
Mickey da Kitteh
of da snowbean hims mommeh
made fur Tesla.
we wazna gittin no snows.

Den, in worried noos:
iz missin der head.
IZ portant dat we finds dis!
no jokes!
IZ portant!
Effuree one, we haz ta zemble rescue teams.

who's wif meh?!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: what? an a gift from zoolatry for presidency.

Tummehs and TALES on tuesdeh.

Dis Tesla heres.

Well hai daddeh. Lemme show yoo round houses.

Dis hallway.
I been ficial greeter now dat lif here.

Sumtims mai roommate precious not so friendly.
Her still real mad at mommeh an daddeh fur bringin meh.
EFFUN dough we gits along fines.
We run races and pway wif toys tageffur.

Her cornered mommeh in da bafroom
hissin an growlin.
Mommeh didna wanna make kitteh mad
so her jus stood in bafroom.
Stoopid mommeh.

guess me an hans made her scairt of
mad kittehs fur while.

Here iz sum belleh.
jus fur yoo.
mai lovin fans.
an sum pads of feets.

ooooo nice stretchin rolls.

Mommeh i no stay stills.

Hai. i move ALLA tim.

ALLA tim.

baf tim! Look, yoo can see mai tent beds.
I still lufs it.



Now back ta yoor regular schedule wif
BORING hansel.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Mancat Mondeh: Somethings fishy here.

mommeh: hans hold still

hans: no mommeh i refuss ta co-oper-eets wif dat WOOFIE
bein outs.

Mommeh: look at the cameras

hans: no mommeh.
i will NOT.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sundeh Guest Star: TESLA

o, hai.
i been eetin lots of fud.
Daddeh finks me iz heaviers.
i fink daddeh iz stoopid.
i can still smash yoos.

I eets alla mai bowls of fud... den... i eets alla dat odder kittehs fud........
her haz 'free' feeders.
dem iz da best fing in da

best fing.
Mommeh, i can still SMASH yoo.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gaining Support.

So, i am runnin fur feline Pressident.
An, in order ta win offur da woofie pop-u-lay-shun
i might as well start somewhere.

Why not in mai own kit-shun?

Woofie, do not fears. I will bring yoo toys.
an i shall break yoo free frum yoor pre-son.

dun beleaf meh?
mai in-ten-shuns are gud.
i a-shure yoo.

I mai be a bit unsure about openin dat door jus yet.

(dese picshures are frum earlier dis week. I now go in da kit-shun when mommeh haz da woofie out. Dis mernin i was rollin around wif hims toys and sniffin hims face an fwappin his floof. Did yoo nos dat schnauzers haz gud floof ta whaps? We are gettin along just fine!
mommeh watched HOUSE da odder deh (dvd) an we layed on da couch all tageffur! i fell aseeps whappin his foot floof.)

Friday, January 23, 2009



Follow meh kittehs!
i will gif yoo noms.
i promise temtayshuns.
i promise ta luf yoo alls.

i wud rule wif lufs.

AN hansumness.



Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursdeh Thirten: things bout da woofie.

Thirten fings bout dat woofie.
by Hansel da kitteh.

1. Him haz taken offur da kit-shun.
I haz ta spy.
Mommeh saz i been doin so gud, can leaf up dat boxie dat blocks so i can peeks.

2. Hims eyes haf small lazee beams like mine sumtims.
Not as fective dough.

3. Him eets here. When him leafs fud... i EETS it.

4. Sumtims, him gits his ball stuck unner fings.
i do dis too sumtims.

Wat mom? i not closers.... jus watch dat woofie.

5. Him haz big beards. sumtims, water drips frum beards.

6. Him really really likes dat ball.
I like balls toos. But hims balls squeaks.
mai balls jingle.
...i like mine betteh...

7. sumtims, him canna acide wat toy ta pway wif.
i haz dis prollem too sumtims.

8. Him stands nice saz mommeh. I dun see big deal.

9. Him sumtims whines a lots.
Nnoys meh.

10. Him BITES hims toys. I do dat ta mine toos.

11. Always haz toy in mouf.

12. Him lays on da beddy fing when not in crates.

13. him smells funneh.

wat mommeh... i not comin closer, yoo jus blinds.

maybe dis not so scarey...?