Vampires Begone!
My camera is "tot" (that's the German word for dead--impress your friends). This may be the last picts for a little while. Sam's preschool had a field trip to the pumpkin patch. I love the pumpkin patch, but not on this particular day. I hate that I hated it. But it was so hard. Three kids. A hungry baby. Rain. Mud. Cold. Busted camera. A 2-year old who had to go potty at every turn. Kids running around everywhere. Pandemonium. I was exhausted before we even got there (partly due to low levels of thyroid hormone, wrestling to get all four of us ready in time, planning and packing for every incidental like rain, mud, pee and hunger). It was a hard mom day. And then my camera busted RIGHT on the wagon ride and I didn't even get a picture of the actual patch. I am such a whiner. Tell me your hard mom days; so I can feel better. If you don't have one, make one up.
Evxer since I lozt my thyroid, I've also lost my ability to spell and construct compete senternce that actually make sense. It's really frustrating, because I can'te evne remember what I want to say or how to speall it. It's diriving me insame!
(I did not coorect myself so you could see how babd I'm getting. Oh thyroid, I miss you).
(I did not coorect myself so you could see how babd I'm getting. Oh thyroid, I miss you).
Irish Chocolate Ice Cream
Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice
The Master Plumber
Yesterday I was upstairs when I hear Sam screaming for help. I ran downstairs to discover him in the bathroom, plunger in hand, toilet overflowing and water covering the floor (poopy toilet water, to be exact). Man, that kid uses so much toilet paper. After an appropriate scream of exasperation and gross I have poop water on my feet, I turned off the valve and sent Sam upstairs to finish wiping while I plunged and plunged. Once the situation was in hand, I hear Sam upstairs sobbing and praying out loud, "Please Jesus! Please Jesus!" He knew who would help him unclog the toilet. By the way, the above picture has nothing to do with my blog post (like I was going to stop plunging to take a picture)--this was Sam this morning helping me unload the dishwasher.
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