Now with 30% more funky freshness and a wholesome goodness even moms will love.


Ruby's First Day

First binky.

Sam wants to play cars in her room, he gives her his favorite cars to hold (on the bouncy seat), and asks me if he can watch her. I let him watch her for a minute and he feels like a big helper.

This is one of MANY pictures with Noelle and Ruby. She wants to be with her all the time. She is laying next to her on the floor as I write this and the first thing I heard when they walked through the door from Church today was, "Oh baby Ruby!"

She really likes this position. She did not like it when we moved her from it.

This picture makes me so happy I want to cry. Together at last.


The Family Jewel

Ruby Kaye Woolner
8bls 8oz
20.5 inches long
born 3:53pm July 15th, 2010

We were invited to come see her just two hours after she was born. Fresh from our Heavenly Father and perfect as can be. She has a nice, full head of dark hair and large, almond-shaped eyes. She easily calms if you speak to her and let her hold your finger. I got to stay for her first bath. She loved the hair wash, hated the body wash. After her bath. I got to choose a bow for her hair. I chose red, of course, for Ruby. Her birth mother is amazing and is doing well. She pushed for two hours (poor thing) which was not surprising with a 8 1/2 lbs baby coming out of a 90lbs pre-pregnancy body. This little one is another miracle.

A half smile.

Noelle wanted to hold her right off . . . for the whole time.

Peeking in the nursery windows. When they wheeled her in, Noelle asked, "Where are they taking my baby?" Sam, was sweet and gentle but was ready for the ice cream we promised him if he was super good at the hospital.


Wet 'n Wild

Been spending A LOT of time at the neighborhood pool and the sprinkler/water park. Feel free to, you know, growl and whistle at my awesomeness in a swimsuit (seriously, I am not that brave, but Sam wanted to lounge with me and show off his muscles).

Meet Me in the Nursery

For some reason, my camera has its moments where it refuses to flash. Hence, dark and grainy pictures. Sorry folks. But, here, in all it's splendor is Ruby's one-of-a-kind nursery with handmade crib bedding, valance made from leftover scraps from handmade bedding, artwork and wall art all done by yours truly. Awaiting the arrival of the little masterpiece that will bring it all together.

Black-Eyed Sweet Pea

Two little monkeys jumping on the couch
Bonked heads together and both said "ouch"
Mama found a bump and a black eye patch
No more monkeys jumping on the couch


"I Like Her Bangs."

This post is for my sisters (not to confuse with "sistas") who always like to see a new haircut. Still growing it down, but was getting bored, so I added bangs. Is for fun. Man, I'm looking old.


Flair for Flare

My kids are desperately afraid of fireworks. They basically stayed in the background throwing pop its while Chad lit the rest off. They wouldn't even get close to the snakes which are about as harmless as they come. We practically forced them to try sparklers at which they cringed, held their hair back in fear of catching fire and coughed at smoke they didn't actually inhale. My favorite moment: Chad had them each take a smoke bomb and toss it to the street after he lit them. Noelle held on to hers about 3 seconds too long and, in a panic, Chad grabbed it from her and tossed it to the street. Oh my heart attack.

A boy and his snakes.


Baby Watch

I was impressed with Noelle's athleticism. She had great form, listened to her swim instructor and did everything she was asked. She was fun to watch--and the bonus--her little bum in that swimsuit.

Swimming Sam

Sam was the MOST enthusiastic learner in his swim lesson group. He was constantly raising his hand shouting "Pick me!" for everything. When his instructor told them they were going to practice kicks, he most excitedly exclaimed (for all to hear), "KICKS!!!! WOOWEE! WHAT KIND OF KICKS?!" I think he was imagining some karate might be involved.


Annual Liberty Days Parade. Really, we're just there for the free candy...and the bagpipes.

This is a little out of order, but after fireworks on Sunday, Chad took the kids camping in the backyard. We only have three sleeping bags, so I slept in my soft, comfy, lovely bed inside. Bummer. P.S. I have no idea why the last picture is sideways. It's not loaded into my computer sideways. What's up with that Blogger?

When You Know the Government Has Gone Down the Toilet

I have been dying to take a picture of this sign for months. This is for real folks. He's got my vote. Why the heck not?

2 Legit 2 Quit

We have been having way too much fun this summer to blog. But, since our baby is due any day
(wahoooooo!), I figure I better catch up before I get mega back logged. Please Hammer, don't hurt 'em.
Drove to Portland for Uncle Alex and Aunt Katy's sealing. Had some good quality cousin time.

Our backyard is a veritable clover field. Ugh. Need to do some spraying. On the plus side, it is a great way to occupy your children for a good half hour. They pick the flowers and look for four-leaf clovers and I get the dishes done.

It was Noelle's turn to choose the ice cream. She wanted "pink". Brought it home and realized nowhere on the package does it actually say the word "ice cream". It's now "frozen dairy dessert", my friends. It tastes like ice cream, it's made with milk, cream and sugar, yet, I still feel a little ripped off Breyers.