Now with 30% more funky freshness and a wholesome goodness even moms will love.


Introducing Sam to Unbridaled Avarice

Yay! Sam's first Christmas. So, our apartment isn't big enough for a real tree, but it's just as well. This one Sam couldn't really reach, so it all worked out in the end. He wasn't that impressed with it all--lights, presents, etc. That's because he understands the TRUE meaning of Christmas; he's very advanced. He, did, however, enjoy listening to the Chipmunks Christmas Album.


Baby Steps

Sam decided he would walk today. And walk he did. All day long, all over the house. He just turned 10-months less than a week ago.

"Give me that cracker or I'll ninja you!"

Don't let those chubby cheeks fool you. We've been secretly training Sam in the ways of martial arts. Now that he's walking, he's an unstoppable fighting machine. Oh, he also does a mean Elvis impression.

Stepping Out

Chad's school had a big gala last weekend. And since we don't get all dolled out, uh . . . ever, I thought I'd commemorate the occasion by putting it up on our blogspot. Check us out. No seriously, we look gooooooooood.

Meeting Satan . . . I Mean Santa

It's a terrible thing us parents do. We drag our kids out in the evening when they should be getting ready for bed, doll them up in their cutest Christmasesque attire, wait in line where kids in WWII pilot hats and goggles stare at you mumbling something about liking The Wizard of Oz, and then we plunk our unsuspecting tots on the lap of some fat stranger (who sits on a throne of lies, by the way) and snap away. Here's how Sam reacted:What is this? Who the heck are you?
Uh, anyone else have some concerns here? Mom? Dad? What's going on?
Let go of me! You're not Santa!