

This is what I found when I went in to get Lucy the other morning. She had totally stripped of her zipper footed pj's. You can see them on the floor. She had only unzipped them a little bit of the way so I am imagining she really had to work to get them off. Silly girl!


Happy Father's Day

 Thank you to Chris for being such a great daddy. I probably appreciate him even more since he has been gone for 2 weeks. We missed getting to celebrate with him in person but were so glad to be able to Skype with him yesterday. He is a great daddy and his girls love and miss him a ton!

We enjoyed getting to spend yesterday with some of our favorite people. Here are some family pictures we took:


Pool Fun

We have really enjoyed being at the pool for the past month or so. Hannah finally worked on jumping off the diving board and side of the pool yesterday. Big thanks to Miss Holly--for treading lots of water in the deep end--and Miss Courtney for holding Hannah off the diving board to Miss Holly. Quite the process. Holly had her jumping off the side of the pool by the time we left.

 Today we went to another pool and Hannah got the hang of running and jumping into the pool. Here is a video.

And here are some random pictures from my phone:

Lucy likes to run on treadmill too.

Mallory graduates from HSU

First set of stitches and hopefully last.

Hair cut day

Hannah got a braid when she got her hair cut

Hair cut complete

Cheesy grin at doctor

Finally turned sister around. I am sad but she is excited.