
Lucy is 4 months old

Lucy turned 4 months last week. We go to her well-visit on Thursday but I think she weighs about 12 1/2 pounds. Not sure about length but she is too long for her 3 month sleepers. I pulled out some Gerber ones that are 6-9 months today and they fit. She is such a happy baby. She is talking and laughing, especially when Hannah is playing with her. She can roll from stomach to back and almost the other way. Of course, who needs to roll when you have a sister that will roll you. She is starting to enjoy tummy time more and we have gotten the blanket and toys out for her to play with. If I can just keep Hannah from stealing them.

I started cereal last week. I know that there is a great debate on 4 or 6 months but most of the moms with babies Lucy's age were given the go ahead. The past couple of times I have fed her she has eaten all that I made. Here are some pictures that I took. Hannah loves to stand at the counter on her stool and help.

What is that mom?

Hmm, I am not sure.
Today the high was about 4 and currently it is -8. The wind chill is like -45. Needless to say we are staying inside. We are going to be crazy tomorrow and get out even though it is going to be even colder. Hannah has Mom's Morning Out and I think she could use some play time. I am attempting to continue work for Bethany and need to go sit and read some literature to develop a training curriculum for our adoptive couples. Hopefully we will not turn to icicles when we step outside. I'm not even sure it is going to get above 0. What a crazy place we live in but honestly it doesn't bother me.



Lucy was in the kitchen with me the other afternoon just talking away. I thought I better go and get this on video. I just don't take pictures or videos like I did with Hannah. I also took some pictures of the girls loving on each other the other morning. It worries me to death how Hannah almost smothers Lucy but Lucy absolutely loves it and has the biggest smile when Hannah is near. It is the cutest thing ever.

Lucy is such a great baby. She is so different from Hannah. She wakes up happy and not hungry. I usually have to wait about an hour before she will eat. She wakes up a couple of times at night. She weighs about 12 pounds and I checked and Hannah was 13 pounds at 6 months. We go for her 4 month well-visit at the first of February and I can't wait to get her official stats.


2010 Recap

It is hard to believe that a year ago we were anticipating a 6 month deployment.  Chris left mid-January and returned home the end of July. I got braces and found out I was pregnant in February. The spring was full of snow and visitors. Rob and Stacie came in March, my mom came in April and my friends from  college came in May. It was still cold in June and we traveled to warmer temperatures in Texas and Mississippi. All the visitors and traveling helped the 6 months pass quickly.  I can't say the same for Chris but he made it. We were super glad to welcome him home at the end of July and take our first family vacation to Denver in August.
 On September 28 not only did we celebrate Hannah's 3rd birthday but we welcomed sweet baby Lucy. October brought our mom's back out to help us adjust to the life of 2 girls. In November Hal, Lindsay and Isabella came and spent Thanksgiving with us. We spent our first Christmas with 2 girls at home. It was so much fun to wake up in our own beds and celebrate Jesus' birthday and Santa. Hannah talked all month about Jesus' birthday and would ask everyday if it was the day yet. We had a countdown going. Her Sunday School class had a birthday party and she was anxious to know if Jesus would be there. She also wanted to know if Jesus would enjoy an Elmo birthday cake.  Why of course?
 Wow, I can not believe that was the whole year. It has gone by super fast and we are looking forward to 2011. We have no idea what it is going to bring.  We hope to travel to Mississippi sometime in the spring. I am just chasing the girls and watching Lucy grow up way to fast. I am hoping to run my 2nd half-marathon in June and possibly my first full by the end of the year.
 Here are some pictures from our Christmas. I realized that I did not have the camera out as much I as I thought I did.